AZL Daily Soundtrack 2022-09-12: Gwydion

I don’t listen to music every day. In fact, most days now I don’t. But some days I do, and today was one of those days - le apetu wastelo!

Today’s soundtrack was Veteran by Gwydion.

I love this album. I always listen to it from start to finish, in order, no skips. I guess this is what you call a concept album? The songs in sequence tell the story of a battle hardened veteran. From what I can tell, it starts at the tail-end of the last great war and follows him through a long period of peace and prosperity, during which all of the troops become lazy and undisciplined. At some point in that later time frame, the land comes under attack once again, but the soldiers by and large are not prepared and the walls come down quickly. The veteran we follow through the story has been training with discipline this whole time and presents a formidable foe for the incoming conquerors but in the end, he too must die.

…could be way off, but that’s the gist I think! Jomsviking. by Amon Amarth is another cool storyline album like this, which I enjoy quite a bit.

From the accent(s), I was guessing maybe these guys were from Poland or something like that - I’m far from expert in identifying accents - but reading their bio some time ago, I think they’re from Portugal, which I did not expect. Ive been listening to this same album, some days for an entire day on end, for 3 or 4 years now…and in no way is that depressing.


…just kidding. I mean, not about the timeline and the amount that I’ve listened to this album, just about the Anchorman “no way is that depressing” when maybe it actually kind of is thing. Album kicks ass, I like listening while I work, while I workout or run - it’s a good general anytime listen if you ask me :)

Anyhoo, thanks for checking out my daily soundtrack today!

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© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


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