The Cabinet Mystery

"It seems like I find one of my pretties smashed almost every other morning, Bryce. I just don't understand it."

He frowned as he looked at her frail, wrinkled hands. "Maybe you accidentally knocked them over while you were dusting? Some of them look really delicate, Aunt Holly."

She wiped away a single tear, before it reached her mouth. "That's impossible. I haven't dusted since this started happening. Also, the cabinet is locked. There's no way that I or anyone else for that matter could accidentally knock them over. I look at them every night before I go to bed. They're always fine then."

Bryce stroked his neatly trimmed beard. "Maybe a heavy truck goes by, or we've been having small earthquakes at night."

She paused for a few seconds, then slowly shook her head. "I don't think so. It would knock over more than one at a time. And I'm a light sleeper, I'd notice it."

He shrugged, his smooth face falling. "I don't know then. Do you double check that your doors and windows are locked?"

She crossed her arms. "I'm five one, eighty three years old, and barely over a hundred pounds. I'm always careful to make sure nobody can get in."

He smiled, suppressing a chuckle. "I don't suppose you would consider packing them away for a while?"

"Most certainly not. That won't solve anything, unless I just keep them like that."

"When did this start happening, Aunt Holly?"

"The morning after I got back from the Middle East. I hadn't even touched the cabinet, except to put the new ones in. And they were all in perfect condition when I went to bed."

Bryce walked over to the cabinet. "Which ones are new?"

"The two colored glass ones in the front. The stalking lion and the warrior with the spear and shield are the only ones not smashed. I also had an exquisite camel and Bedouin rider, and a shepherd and a flock of sheep. The ones ruined were from Abu Dhabi. I was so looking forward to showing them to the grandkids."

"We can send for replacements of the ones you lost, Aunt Holly."

"I couldn't bear to lose the last two from my vacation. I know I could order more, but these last two came from a little village only accessible by helicopter or camel. They were made by an old man who seemed to be the chief."

"Well for now I think we better isolate them then. The cabinet obviously isn't safe for them."

"I told you, I don't want to pack them away. I enjoy looking at them, as a reminder of my trip. I'll probably never see that place again..."

Bryce grinned. "I have an idea. Where is your key?"

Holly reached into her small, jewel encrusted purse, and pulled out a small bronze key.

Bryce took it, then went into the kitchen. He opened a cupboard, and removed two tall, heavy, and clear drinking glasses.

He went back into the living room, and opened the cabinet. After he put the glasses over the figures, Bryce closed and locked the cabinet.

"Now they can't possibly fall over or be damaged by anything."

Holly clapped her hands in delight.

A few days later, Bryce returned to find Holly beaming. "I take it your collection is still in one piece?"

"Yes, come see. Everything is as you left it."

He walked into her tidy living room, and went over to the cabinet. "I guess everything is fine now. Let's leave the glasses over them, just to be safe?"

She readily agreed. After a brief chat, they said goodbye.

Before he made it to his car, Holly poked her head outside. "You'll remember to come back on the thirtieth for little Hallie's birthday, won't you? That's only two weeks away. I can't believe she's going to be six!"

Two weeks later, Bryce arrived early.

"Hello, Aunt Holly. Is there anything you need help with?"

"No thank you, you can go relax in the living room."

He did just that. On the way to the couch, he looked in the cabinet. "They were just falling over because of vibrations, and were too delicate to handle it," he thought smugly

Then he noticed it. "That's impossible," he whispered

"Aunt Holly, can you come in here, please?"

She came in, frowning. "What's wrong?"

"Do you notice anything different about the new figures?"

She put on her glasses, and squinted. "No, they're exactly the same as when I bought them. Why?"

"They're smaller! When I first put the glasses over them, they were almost touching the sides. That's why I considered it a perfect fit."

Holly shook her head. "That's impossible, Bryce. Glass can't shrink."

He nodded. "Of course you're right. It must be my imagination."

Despite knowing that he was being foolish, he kept glancing at them throughout the party.

A couple of days later, he returned.

Aunt Holly opened the door, smiling. "What a nice surprise."

His face reddened. "You're going to think I'm crazy, but I came to see your cabinet."

Her eyes widened. "My cabinet? Why?"

"I want to see those two new figures. There's something strange about them."

She led the way.

Sure enough, they were a little smaller. Barely, but still noticable since he had noted their distance from the cups.

"You really don't notice the difference?" he asked.

"No, but then I look at them all the time. I guess it could be like when a child grows, those who haven't been around for a while notice differences that the parents don't see."

He nodded. "That makes sense. May I have the key for a few seconds, please?"

She handed it to him, obviously baffled.

He opened it, and carefully placed several miniature glass sheep under each glass, not quite touching the figures.

Aunt Holly smiled. "Thank you for the new pretties."

"They're just cheap ornaments from the greeting card place. I'll be surprised if there are any left by next week. But your figures should be back to normal."

She started to say something, then closed her mouth.

Bryce returned a few days later. "May I please see your cabinet?" he asked, instead of his usual greeting.

Holly nodded. "A sheep was shattered in each one on the first night. Then another one that was with the warrior was destroyed last night."

He looked at them carefully. "I think they're a little bigger. Seems that your new friends need special care, Aunt Holly. I'll make sure we keep them well fed!"

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