ex-CIA Agent Exposes entire Shadow Gov't & Deep State Apparatus (3-Part Series)


Ex-CIA Agent Exposes Entire Shadow Gov’t & Deep State Apparatus (3-Part Series)



Last year Kevin Shipp, a former high ranking CIA agent chose to become a true patriot and hero of truth by revealing a treasure trove of highly sensitive information about the extent of treason that permeates the nefarious spy agency. More specifically, he exposed how the CIA is at the helm of the Deep State and Shadow Government which are full control of the United States of America.

At great risk to his well-being and personal security, Shipp, author of From the Company of Shadows (1), with the help of another true patriot – Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org – courageously held a crucial public event (2) in which he crafted a compelling presentation underlining the secret doings and interconnectedness of the CIA and their complicity in numerous horrific and ongoing government crimes.

“The shadow government controls the deep state and manipulates our elected government behind the scenes.”

Shipp warned at the Geoengineeringwatch.org conference.

Here are three background articles about Shipp’s 2017 coming out party:

Recently, Shipp went further presenting an extremely well crafted two-part presentation on the Shadow Government, the Deep State, and their current battle with Trump and the present administration (3).

I will highlight the main parts of these two presentations in my three-part series.

Part 1 – The Shadow Government, The Deep State, The CIA

Shipp begins by skillfully differentiating between the often confused terms ‘Shadow Government’ & ‘Deep State’. People, including myself, often confuse the two perhaps because they are actually so highly interwoven together.

He states that the Shadow Government & Deep State are not the same but are intertwined in the “matrix”.

Before going further, Shipp stresses that:

The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land.
It supersedes the entire Criminal Justice System

And astutely states that any violation of it is a felony.

The Shadow Government

Briefly put, he labels the Shadow Government as a Secret Government and the Deep State as a System Behind Government which includes the MIC (Military-Industrial Complex) and the Intelligence Agencies functioning in the dark behind the scenes.


The Shadow Government is consist of members bound by secret oaths and are largely members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).


Image source: Swiss Propaganda Research (click link for full size image)

Other vipers of the Shadow Government are included in his slide:


Notably, he mentions former FBI Director Robert Mueller for whom he stresses that the FBI broke into the house of over 4,000 Americans without a warrant – a gross violation of the 4th Amendment – and how Mueller was evasive and not forthcoming when he testified under oath about this particular set of incidents.

The Deep State

Next, Shipp delves into the tentacles of the Deep State revealing its primary players and participants.

The Shadow Government is connected to the Deep State. It binds much of it through secrecy oaths, secret contracts, and secret agreements that they are bound by life with.

Notable players of the Deep State include:

  • The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) which he, more correctly, refers to as the Military Industrial Congressional Complex, as outgoing President Dwight Eisenhower had originally referred to them before the final edit to his infamous farewell speech.
  • Wall Street
  • The Federal Reserve
  • The Department of the Treasury
  • The IMF & World Bank


Moving along, Shipp emphasizes how there is indeed a “Global Order” that is running the United States.

In his The Matrix of Constitution Subversion slide, he states how the Global Banking Elite are the ones at the helm of this evil enterprise initially spearheaded by the elite families of the Morgans, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, with Cecil Rhodes through Secret Societies with the aim of establishing a global economic world order.

Such a claim is certainly not outrageous, as there exists a mountain of facts and evidence to support it. A thread of occultism also binds these families.

He next goes on to say how these international banksters established the Federal Reserve by deceptively wording it in a bill so it would get passed by Congress who, he argues, hadn’t really realized what they had just done.

Further, he states that it was these same families – the Morgans, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers – who had created the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) who where, in turn, responsible for the creation of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).

Furthermore, the CFR was devised to control the Corporate News Media as a primary thoroughfare to sway public opinion (in support for wars, as an example) through propaganda (4).

The CFR created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1947; and most of its members became directors and members of the CIA.

Secret Budgets ensued to support the activities of the CIA for foreign wars, coups, overturning governments, noting that even Congress has no idea how much is spent by the agency.

The Deep State apparatus grew further with many additional Intelligence Agencies resulting in a Surveillance State of tremendous proportions.

On this issue, Shipp astutely notes the phrase wisely articulated by John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute:

We are in an Electronic Concentration Camp.


Image source

On a side note, John Whitehead – a Constitutional Lawyer – is a HERO OF TRUTH and true American patriot who has unswervingly documented and written about a plethora of issues relating the unconstitutionality of the crimes committed by the Shadow Government and Deep State over the years; I highly recommend you read anything he writes.

Here is a summary of Shipp’s section The Matrix of Constitutional Subversion [by the Shadow Government/Deep State]:


Constitutional Privacy, Shipp sadly states, is gone.

The former CIA agent, fittingly, concludes that December 22, 1913 is The Year the Constitution Died. With the creation of the Federal Reserve Act they [the International Banking Elite] took control of the American economy away from Congress and the American people. This was followed by a “second death” in 1947 with the National Security Act of 1947 and the creation of the CIA, a covert branch of government, as he puts it.


Stay tuned for Parts 2 & 3.

In Part 2, I continue with Shipp's first presentation in which he goes into more detail regarding the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) players, the web of Intelligence Agencies and their Secret Intelligence Industrial Complex, how the CIA is the "Central Node" of it all, the power of unchecked secrecy, and what really happened to JFK.

In Part 3 of my series, I will focus on Shipp's second presentation where he goes into the monumental battle currently taking place between the Trump administration and the Deep State / Shadow Government.

Thanks for reading this post and please consider up-voting and re-steeming it in order to spread the word wide and far.

In Truth & Liberty,


(1) From the Company of Shadows, a book by Kevin Shipp, URL: https://www.amazon.com/Company-Shadows-Kevin-Shipp-ebook/dp/B009HIYK7U


(2) Geoengineering Watch – New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government (August 23, 2017), URL: http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/new-cia-agent-whistleblower-risks-all-to-expose-the-shadow-government/ (note: the video presentation is embedded and can be watched on this web page)

(3) Video Presentation by Kevin Shipp – Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government, published on Feb 19, 2018,

(3) Video Presentation by Kevin Shipp – Part 2: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government, published on Feb 21, 2018,

(4) The Black Vault – Operation Mockingbird, http://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/operation-mockingbird/

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