Target: Iran - Are the US and Israel Preparing a War? Zionist Warmongering, Propaganda & MSM Distractions

Zionist global power elite making big moves on the world stage

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(source, U.S. national security adviser John Bolton & Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu call for 'greater pressure' on Iran in Jerusalem on Aug. 20)

There is so much going on around the world right now, being widely ignored by mainstream media distractions and 'fake' news, and it seems to me that all the signs point to the Zionists preparing to make a really big move on the world stage, as the masses are conveniently distracted by the upcoming elections. For starters, this post is a continuation of my previous article which was about Israel ramping up its attacks against Gaza, so here is a brief summary of the story to bring you up to speed: lsraeli forces shot 5 Palestinian protesters to death in Gaza last Friday, Islamic Jihad retaliated by firing over 30 rockets into Israel, and so Israel responded by holding Hamas responsible and striking over 80 'Hamas' targets across the Gaza Strip. Doesn't really make much sense until you understand Hamas is just the big bad boogeyman Israel blames all of its Palestinian problems on in order to perpetuate a state of 'war', but it gets even crazier, almost certainly indicating this story was somehow part of a much bigger plan or agenda.

Target: Iran
There is however one far bigger and badder boogeyman than Hamas which Israel has been after for decades, and not being ones to let any good crisis go to waste, the Israeli response to this Islamic Jihad rocket attack was of course not only to strike Hamas but also to jump to blame the biggest, baddest boogeyman on the planet - Iran - and of course Syria too, because Syria's been whooping some Zionist proxy-terrorist ass lately, coming close to defeating the whole power of the Zionist US Empire's war machine in its 7-year proxy war against the same.

From the AP:

Conricus [an Israeli militery spokesman] said Islamic Jihad, an Iranian-backed militant group, had fired the rockets under instructions from Iran's "Al Quds" force based in Syria and said that Israel was considering taking action against the Iranians in response.

"We have seen and established a clear link between Gaza and Damascus," he said. "We know that the orders, incentives were given from Damascus with the clear involvement of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Quds Force.

"From our perspective, part of the address by which we will deal with this fire is also in Damascus and the Quds Force," he added. "Our response is not limited geographically."

Islamic Jihad spokesman in Gaza promptly denied the seemingly absurd accusations, reiterating that the rockets were fired in retaliation for the Palestinians killed by Israeli forces at the border protests on Friday.

A spokesman for Islamic Jihad, Daoud Shehab, denied that the group had acted on orders from Iran’s Quds Force or any other outside force. - NYT

It is no surprise that Israel is attempting to lay the blame for the weekend Islamic Jihad rocket attack from Gaza on Iran and Syria, as well as Hezbollah indirectly, for it is this anti-Zionist/anti-imperial Arab alliance combined with popular Palestinian resistance and international pressure rather than the poorly equipped Hamas terrorist faction which poses the biggest real threat to Zionist control of and hegemony in the region, as I detailed in the conclusion of my last post on Israel's preparations for war on Gaza. However, Gaza militants - both Hamas and Islamic Jihad - have been lobbing rockets at Israel on and off since May, so why exactly is it only after this one particular retaliatory attack that Israel jumps to blame Iran and Syria, threatening war on them both?

It does seem the global power elite are preparing to make big moves on the world stage, and being that the controlled Media is often the best indicator of the plans of the Empire and Deep State and such, when two big stories emerged in the same week which were obvious distractions from something else, alarm bells start going off. One was an apparent false flag psyop (the mail bomber), the other a shooting story which coincidentally both apparently involved a hateful anti-Semite who shot up a Jewish Synagogue and also conveniently occurred on the very same day Israel pounded the Gaza Strip with the largest bombardment since August.

There is a reason, even if the synagogue shooting is 100% real and legit, that the media chose to cover this particular shooting and make it the big trending story it became, while at the same time ignoring at least one other mass shooting in the very same week which took place at a church during a funeral. There are no doubt obvious political agendas at play here, distracting from the bigger picture while at the same time demonizing 'conspiracy theorists' and anti-Zionists as hateful, violent anti-Semites. Below is a video compilation from @tyrannyunmasked comparing and connecting the coverage of the shooting with the bombardment of Gaza, and includes video footage of some of the airstrikes on Gaza:

You can start to see the obvious connection when realizing particular media events such as these, which are blown out of proportion and used to keep the people in a constant state of fear, are coordinated with the plans and moves of the Zionist cabal and global power elite. Both of these news stories came as big distractions from US war crimes, for this was the same week in which US airstrikes in Syria killed over 40 civilians in a Mosque and also a US bomb was used in Saudi attacks in Yemen which slaughtered 24 civilians. But this isn't all these stories are distracting from, while the Media this week continues to run with stories that often seem to be obvious fake news war propaganda. Something else is going on here.

You see, the Zionists are also really unhappy with Syria's new S-300 air-defense system which has made it much more difficult for Israel to carry out regular unprovoked attacks against Syria without getting its warplanes shot down in the process, which is surely why after carrying out over 200 unprovoked strikes on Syria in 18 months, Israeli forces have now ceased those attacks in the recent weeks following Russia's delivery of the S-300s to Syrian forces in early October. That is until following the recent Israeli threats on Iran and Syria, on October 29 MSM reports about mysterious Israeli airstrikes went wild, claiming Israel had, since the delivery of the S-300, targeted an Iranian weapons shipment to Hezbollah in Syria.

Israeli sources went even further claiming that there were multiple airstrikes, which were mysteriously ignored not only by the IDF official media wing, but also by Israeli and Syrian media outlets and activists. - SouthFront

The only problem is that there is no evidence these airstrikes were ever even carried out, and the Syrian silence on these alleged strikes speaks volumes, as Syria rarely misses an opportunity to blame Israel for an aggression on its territory.

While these reports seem fascinating for supporters of Israeli actions in Syria, the problem is that no evidence exists to confirm such claims. Syrian military and local sources describe the Israeli claims as an example of fake news designed to save the face of the IDF. - SouthFront

This does seem like an Israeli PR stunt for sure, to discredit the fact that with the presence of the S-300s, they cannot so easily strike Syria on a whim as in the past, and are not yet able to so without a high risk of fighter jets being shot down. This is not to say they do not intend to continue to strike Syria in the future, for they certainly do, hence the reason for the US/Israeli war drills in Ukraine testing the capabilities of the S-300. Since Russia announced the delivery of the S-300 to Syria, Israel has both threatened to continue striking Syria anyway and to destroy the S-300 batteries, but there is no evidence they have yet been able to accomplish or willing to attempt either. At the same time, Russian officials continue to warn that the US/Israeli-backed terrorists in Idlib are planning to stage or carry out a false flag chemical weapons attack to further draw the US into direct conflict with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). Watch the SouthFront report below for details on these developments:

As far as a planned White Helmets false flag in Syria goes, it was in September being prepared for when the Syrian offensive on Idlib commenced, however that is yet to have taken place due to a ceasefire agreement where Idlib militants under the direction of Turkish forces were to evacuate a declared de-escalation zone along the perimeter of the terrorist-occupied province. However HTS, formerly al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria), with de-facto control over Idlib has openly refused to recognize the de-escalation zone, refuses to withdraw weaponry, and continues to launch attacks against the SAA. Syria has accused Turkey of being complicit in the terrorist's refusal to adhere to the ceasefire obligations. If Turkey is unable or unwilling to reign in the terrorist group soon, Russia has announced its intent to back Syria's plan to go forward with a military offensive to liberate Idlib, so things might be moving back in that direction now, with increasing chances of a staged gas attack being carried out, and so increasing chances of more direct US intervention in Syria from that angle as well.

Israel is already in a de-facto war with Iran and openly at war with Syria - though currently in somewhat of a hiatus -while the US has also played its part in the western-backed war of terror on Syria and has been making moves in an attempt to force regime change in Iran, imposing economic sanctions which have begun starving the civilian population, as well as routinely threatening the further isolated Tehran government.
(Video: @tlavagabond)
Oh, they'll say they aren't seeking regime change in Iran or Syria, but they are liars. The US has been seeking regime change in Iran since 1979, when in the Iran Revolution the people overthrew the US-puppet, the Shah, and they are not going to stop until the get it - if not by incited internal revolution, then by war.

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(Quote-Source - DOD classified memo, October 2001, relayed by retired General Wesley Clark on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 in Democracy Now interview.)

The latest development in this Saga is the US deciding to blame Iran for the starvation of its people which is being directly caused by the US sanctions, and then going on to 'retaliate' against this 'Iranian oppression' with a plan to impose even more economic sanctions! Sanctions are an act of war, just as military blockades are an act of war, and it is readily apparent the US is continuing to ramp up preparations for a more direct war with both Iran and Syria, as Media headlines also indicate:
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On October 16, an NBC report said, concerning Trump's new plan to 'drive Iran out of Syria', that "U.S. defense officials worry the increased focus on Iran and the presence of both militaries in Syria could pull the U.S. military closer into conflict." On October 28, possibly in reference to the mysterious Israeli airstrikes on Syria widely reported on the following day, a Wall Street Journal report said that, "While the White House has applauded Israel's assertiveness against Iran in Syria, the military officials say they fear it could backfire if Iran's belief that the US is behind many of the strikes prompts Iran-backed groups to attack American forces in Iraq or Syria."

If the US truly feared and was concerned of a potential direct conflict between US troops and Iranian-allied groups in Syria, then the US could simply withdraw US troops from Syria, just as Trump had previously announced he was planning to do before the most recent White Helmets false flag in Douma apparently changed his mind. This is obvious predictive programming, conditioning the masses to expect a direct confrontation between American troops and SAA/Iranian-allied forces in Syria in the near future, further setting the stage for more direct war with both Iran and Syria, as well as Hezbollah - the main "Iran-backed groups" military officials speak of in veiled terms, and also the target of the 'Israeli airstrikes' in the latest Syrian propaganda fake news story.

So a quick re-cap so far: Islamic Jihad strikes Israel, Israel responds by striking Hamas in Gaza which it holds responsible for the attack, but then blames Iran and Syria for the attack, and then allegedly goes on to target Hezbollah in Syria, the so-called Iranian-proxy group which is not Iranian at all but rather Lebanese, though allies with and supported by Iran. At the same time the US is worried of a direct confrontation between American troops and Iranian forces, so the US decides to further punish Iran for its own unprovoked acts of war against the country by engaging in even more unprovoked acts of war against them, which surely wouldn't possibly provoke them to attack American troops in Syria. Makes a whole lot of sense, right?

If you listen to Israel and the western propaganda, Iran is the 'axis of evil', Iran is behind the Houthis in Yemen, Iran is behind the Lebanese Hezbollah, Iran is to blame for 'taking over Syria' - or rather being in Syria at the request of its democratically elected President Assad in order to help fight the foreign-backed terrorist invasion and brutal war on its people, Iran is to blame for Palestinian resistance against Israel, and Iran is even to blame for the US acts of war now starving Iran's own citizens. This is ridiculous nonsense which defies all logic and is simply not true.

There is a reason Iran has spread it's military presence into Syria, and it's not because they want to take over the Middle East like the West says, it's because they know that if Damascus falls to the US/Israeli-backed terrorists, Tehran is next on the New World Order hit list. There is a reason for Hezbollah's existence and involvement in the war on Syria, just like there is a reason the Houthis in Yemen are at war with the US-backed Saudi coalition, and it's not because either of these groups are Iranian constructed puppets taking marching orders from Tehran like the West says.

The Houthis in Yemen are fighting a war of self defense on behalf of the Yemeni people, clearly because the Saudi-led coalition has been waging a relentless 3-year genocidal war of terror and aggression against the country, following a popular uprising which saw the US-backed Saudi puppet president ousted and replaced by the Houthi government, which has gained much popular support due to its protection of all the religious minorities, which were previously not protected under the US/Israeli/Saudi-backed regime.

Hezbollah is involved in Syria for much the same reason Iran is, because the group was asked by President Assad to help Syria battle a common enemy, viscous terrorists backed by the Zionist war machine which is also out for blood in Lebanon, also the very reason for Hezbollah's existence in the first place. And again the reason is not Iran, it is primarily to protect the Lebanese civilians from Israeli aggression, which protection the Lebanese people rely on, lest they be slaughtered like the Palestinians in Gaza, for Israel has made clear its genocidal intent to indiscriminately attack the civilian population of Lebanon just as it has done with the Palestinians in Gaza, and Hezbollah is all that is standing in the Zionists' way.

Israel is going to hurt Lebanese civilians to include kids of the families. We went through a very long discussion, we did it then [in 2006], we did it in the Gaza Strip, we are going to do it in any rounds of hostilities in the future. - Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, May 5, 2015

There has been talk and some signs over the past year of Israel preparing for another war on Lebanon as well, so it looks like another one of these "rounds of hostilities" may possibly be coming up, especially considering the recent turn of events. Israel may also see Hezbollah as its greatest immediate threat, possibly even greater than Iran, as the Lebanese militant group successfully defeated Israel when occupation forces invaded Lebanon in 2006, forcing Israel to fully withdraw its forces from Lebanon, and now the group is a much more experienced and formidable army with a larger arsenal of more varied and advanced weaponry. Another big difference is that the new Lebanese president is more supportive of Hezbollah, and thus in any future war on Lebanon, Hezbollah can expect to see the general Lebanese army join the fight against the enemy.

Is Israel preparing for such a war on Lebanon, and if so, what would the outcome be? PressTV UK's The Sun Will Rise program addressed this very issue last November, discussing the question and potential outcome of such a war with one Lebanese and one Egyptian guest on the show, and I think the points made are equally relevant today, maybe more so as the world stage seems closer to such a scenario than one year ago:

That was one year ago, and it looked then like Israel was heading in the direction of war on Lebanon, around which time the war-hawks were also squawking about regime change in Iran. Then in August there was more talk and increasing signs of Israel preparing for another Lebanese offensive, around the time there was another big push towards regime change and war on Iran, around the time Israel last carried out such a massive airstrike bombardment on Gaza as the recent one, also amidst an Israeli push towards a new war on Gaza, and also around the time a US bomb was last verified to have been used in a US-backed Saudi slaughter of innocent Yemeni civilians. These are pretty much all the same scenarios happening all over again right now, including renewed talk of war on Lebanon, with Israeli PM Netanyahu creating a new pretext to attack Lebanon just a month ago.

In a way, it seems as if Israel and the Zionist US Empire is picking right back up where it left off in August, and it does seem that these war and propaganda campaigns indeed come in waves. Below is a video report I did in August for comparison:

Now the media focus and world stage looks nearly identical to how it did then, except on steroids. The Zionist plan to bring down Syria seems to have backfired, with the now widely available and overwhelming evidence of Israeli/US/UK/Saudi funding/arming of ISIS/al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria quickly waking the sleeping masses, and the Zionist-proxy terrorists now coming close to total defeat in Syria. So now the Empire is reacting, pushing back, and doing everything in its power to crush the 'Axis of Resistance' in Syria and everywhere else. Syria has become the central battleground between the imperial western Zionist forces of the New World Order and the Arab alliance-'Axis of Resistance'. For three years now the Empire's been losing this war in Syria, but it won't go down without a bitter fight, and now that its proxies are on the verge of total defeat, it seems to be making moves to draw the US and Israel into direct conflict with the SAA, Hezbollah and Iranian forces.
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Are they preparing a war?

Due to the nature and complexity of the Syrian conflict, this sort of further and more direct western intervention in Syria could easily escalate into world war, and there is the real possibility this is just what the Zionists are up to. The Israeli-orchestrated downing of a Russian spy plane in September which killed 15 Russian servicemen appears to have been an attempt to reignite the conflict in Syria and possibly draw Russia into a military confrontation with Israel, just as Russian negotiations had successfully halted the imminent Syrian offensive on Idlib. No Idlib offensive meant no viable opportunity for the White Helmets to stage a false flag chemical attack to incite further US intervention in Syria, meaning the US would need another excuse to get further involved. It didn't work though, but since the Zionist-backed al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria have refused to accept the deescalation ceasefire agreement in Idlib, a Russian-backed Syrian offensive may be yet again looming right ahead.

The Yemeni people are closer to complete annihilation while at the same time the Saudi coalition is not really any closer to defeating the Houthis, practically guaranteeing the genocide of the entire population of Yemen in the next year or so if the murderous Crown Prince MBS and his genocidal assault on Yemen isn't stopped one way or another in the very near future. Hezbollah is likely also Saudi Arabia's largest enemy, second only to the Houthis right now, though Hezbollah is not at war with the Saudis right now either, but has been calling on the Kingdom to bring its brutal war of aggression to an end.

Tensions in Gaza have risen quite considerably and Palestinians are reaching a breaking point, while at the same time international pressure against Israel continues to mount over Israeli war-crimes against the protesters. Israel continues to expand its illegal settlements in the West Bank, further diminishing any chance at establishing any sort of lasting Palestinian peace deal or independent Palestinian state, guaranteeing tensions will also continue to rise in the West Bank and across occupied Palestine. Iran is even further economically isolated and its citizens being further punished for its refusal to bow to the Zionist Empire, and it is being bullied into a corner and will eventually strike back. Scores of Iranian fighters and commanders have been killed by Israeli airstrikes in the past two years, and Iran has refrained from retaliating. US foreign policy towards Syria also continues to raise the chances of direct confrontation between US troops and Syrian, Iranian or Hezbollah forces.

The world stage does look to be set for world war, and just one week ago Russia accused the US of doing exactly that, preparing a war.

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From SouthFront:

On October 26, deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Department of Nonproliferation and Arms Control Andrei Belousov stated that the US is preparing for a war and Russia is ready to defend itself.

“Recently at a meeting [of the committee], the US stated that Russia is preparing for war. Yes, Russia is preparing for war, I can confirm it,” he said after a failed UN First Committee vote on Russia’s resolution in support of the INF.
“Linguistically, this difference is in just one word, both in Russian and in English: Russia is preparing for war, and the US is preparing a war,” Belousov said.

If this is true, that the western global elite are preparing a war, and it certainly looks likely, then they've definitely got the masses pretty well distracted from their devious plans with the upcoming elections and trending 'news' stories, and whatever it is they are up to, election week is perfect cover. Most of the 'news' stories are also used to further stoke the partisan divide and keep everything split down party lines, while both parties work for the same bankers, oligarchs and war profiteers planning the next big war behind closed doors, and humanity continues to pay the price with endless death and destruction.

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(Screenshot: CNN homepage, Friday 11/2/18)

Today at CNN it's Trump and the border fiasco, and yet another shooting, a celebrity was arrested, and of course politics leading up to the election. In the big caravan story that's been trending for a while, US troops have been sent to the southern American border recently, and Trump is now calling for stone-throwers to be shot at the US/Mexican border, coincidentally following months of Israel doing exactly the same thing in Gaza. It's weird how now that it's Trump deploying American troops on American soil, suddenly the right-wingers aren't up in arms about martial law anymore, strange how that works...

Meanwhile there is war being prepared, children being starved, Palestinian protesters being shot, children bombed to death, and it is impossible not to recognize Israel's obvious role as an aggressor and instigator of war across the region, with US support for all of it, from Yemen to Palestine. Nobody cares because they're all too busy focused on the meaningless election, getting ready to line up at the polls, meanwhile the new sanctions against Iran are set to go into effect November 5, election day eve, how coincidental. The Zionist cabal must be stopped, the US Empire must fall, the corporate media must die, and one day there will be peace on earth and a Free Palestine.

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