Transcending the Global Village

The restructuring of the multipolar world order by the "power-elite" continues in real time despite intense scrutiny and world-wide protests. The Environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards is the model for the Global Village. The infrastructure of major cities, towns and rural communities are being assimilated into this model through private & public partnerships.

Whether it is Charlotte, Houston, New York or rural communities the transformation of infrastructure through impact investment is booting up the Matrix. Geofencing, Social Management Systems and Artificial Intelligence is externalizing the system of control from the Cyber-Domain to the Public Domain.

While we debate politics, go to the ballot box or voice our discontent on state-dependent social media we are surreptitiously lead by fear uncertainty and doubt to the next stage of our enslavement. We've become spectators in a post-human system which is actively installing hardware that overrides the spirit of freedom in humanity.

The restructuring of the world order has shifted regional power to Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. The new paradigm has lifted millions of people from abject poverty and into the Matrix. Generations of people have moved away from their resource rich homeland to tiny boxes in the Smart City.

Outwardly this seems like progress but to a student of history this represents a pivotal transformation which fundamentally changes the spirit of a people. This tragedy beguiles people with material trappings that ultimately override their creative spirit. The smart house, the electric car and placid existence is a phantom which subsumes the imagination of people into comfortable numbness.

Despite the technological progress the feeling of melancholy, anxiety & isolation persists. We impulsively catalogue every life event instead of living presently in the moment. Hyperreality has conditioned the minds of men with an instinct to guide their life with algorithmic metrics; to self-monitor, self-censor or become obsolete. We are mediating our subjective reality through the lens of the Matrix.

The next phase of control and domination is a composition of various elements of communism, libertarianism and totalitarianism. In a word, Communitarianism is the technocratic model for the Smart City of the future. By deception these new smart cities are sold to us as: pedestrian walkways, trendy businesses, augmented reality, smart homes...etc.

The global, national and local socio-economic changes orchestrated by the technocratic elite is obfuscated by the Cultural conditioning which implicitly guides the unexamined lives of millions. The ultimate conspiracy in the Matrix of Control is the creation of a domesticated animal that is replaceable, controllable and standardized.

The Borg promises us stability, community & identity at the expense of individuated & meaningful purpose. To completely override the spirit of humanity is their final solution.

Their ultimate agenda takes several generations to be fully actualized. Tragically as individuals, progressing through a singular lifetime we can only see glimpses of this multigenerational conspiracy. Moreover, if we are invested in a party, politician or an ideology we will only be able to decode parts of the story.

It is our duty to reevaluate our role in this world...

The existential ailments of my life, my family and my people are not isolated experiences but a shared reality of all people around the world throughout recorded history.

To abstract this truth through books is alarming enough, but to feel the tragic consequences manifested in real time offers us an opportunity to transvaluate the cultural framework.

The post-human system depends on our attention, time and energy for its survival. The transformative changes unfolding are not set in stone.

If we are to break free from this paradigm it is not enough to rebel from conventionality. Though rebellion is a natural reaction to the sickness of society it is not justification enough to continue to exist. We need to rediscover who we truly are through a series of awakenings.

Life does not happen by accident. There's a self-evident spontaneous order that increasingly complexifies consciousness. The powerful currents of life emanate from the raw imagination of humanity. Change is a transcendental process which challenges us to live authentically in accordance to our inner-vision.

Universal freedom is the natural state of humanity, but to have a meaningful life one must create purpose beyond the Matrix. Reality is a process of self-initiation that transcends social institutions, political orders and consensus reality.

The way out of the Matrix begins when we flow with the magic of life...

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