#FreeSpeech Initiative

Free Speech is under direct attack by the major players in Web 2.

It has gotten to the point where people are afraid to speak up or say a certain word in fear of getting demonetized or worse.

On Twitter, I am seeing tweet after tweet about how someone has been banned from some Web 2 platform, without explanation. All their work gone in the blink of an eye. History erased. Twitter seems to be the last patch of free internet land on Web 2, and they do a good bit of censoring themselves.

This is a very slippery slope. As you know, I am a co-founder of @threespeak - a free speech platform built on HIVE. We are committed to preserving free speech and I will give my life to defend it.

Freedoms are not taken all at once. They are taken one inch at a time. First, they take the low hanging fruit to condition you into accepting small freedoms being taken. Inches gone are not noticed until they become miles. By that time, it’s too late...

We are on HIVE!!! An immutable blockchain that is the very essence of what Web 3 is and should be. Here you can speak freely, and your words will be heard.

This initiative is to share why Free Speech is important to you.

  • What does Free Speech mean to you?
  • Do you believe Free Speech is worth saving? If yes, why do you believe it is important?
    Please write a whole post sharing your thoughts.

10 (or more) posts (shared on Twitter or other social media) will be rewarded with 100% upvotes. Even if your post isn't in the top 10, upvotes will be given in lesser amounts to active participants.


  • Share your HIVE post to Twitter. Comment below with both your Twitter & HIVE post links.
  • Use the hashtag #freespeech in your HIVE post. Use the hashtags #FreeSpeech + #HIVE in your Tweet.
  • BONUS Points: Tag someone on Twitter who has been censored on Web 2 (YouTube/FB, etc.) or someone who is fighting for Free Speech.
  • The title of your HIVE post should include the word "Free Speech" & the main HIVE tag or one of the first 5 tags should be #freespeech
  • @threespeak will be giving out 10+ MORE 100% upvotes for users that make #threespeak videos based on this initiative + use the #3speak hashtag on twitter when sharing their video!

Don't forget to use the tag POSH for extra posh upvotes.
@ocd will be curating this initiative as well!

Bonus, if your tweet goes "viral" with over 80 retweets + 220 likes - I will give out an extra 350 HIVEPOWER bonus each to those Hivers!

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