Three photos of you being a teenager

It's been a little quiet around here lately... maybe it's time to shake things up a bit and think about number three! Three... photos of you, from that craziest period of life that every human goes through.

Teenage days!

I wonder if anyone will dare to share pictures from that era. They can be quite funny. Somehow, that young person in the photo is different, like démodé or in other cases too free, but on the other hand you see yourself and think you have not changed at all. It is you!

I have already shared some of my photos from those times here in other posts, so I will leave them aside now. However, I found a lot of other photos today in my old photo albums and there is one thing they all have in common. Ok, not only do these photos represent me, from my younger self to a few years ago, but what they have in common is that all the photos have some flaws. 😒 Why? Didn't we care about taking a good photo? I don't know, I guess the most important thing wasn't to straighten the horizon line or think about the rule of thirds. The important thing was to capture the person and the moment.

Moments - they are coming now and I will try to say a few words about each one.



This picture of the photograph is not blurred just because I took it now. (it is evening now here... I had a terribly ineffective day. The plan was to sort out many things, to work and clean and select and pack some things and I just did nothing. 🤦‍♀ Evening knocked on my doors anyway)

This old photo of me is a bit blurry on its own, it is old. Also, it was taken with the sun behind me, showing a beautiful sunset over the river and there is a person in a long coat pretending to pose for a photo. That was silly. Not the moment, my outfit and my posture with my gaze lost in the distance, but the fact that I was standing on a piece of ice!

True, it was a cold winter, one of those when the shallow parts of the river near the shore froze over. That layer of ice was thick, but in any case, you never know if there is a crack or a thin patch of ice. There you can fall under the ice into the cold water and with a coat like this, which would be immediately soaked with water, you are done in a few minutes. End.

What a crazy idea for the place of this photo; I don't think I would do it again now.



This photo is one of those fails I mentioned earlier. 😂

Look at that horizon line. Was the water leaking to the right side of the photo? What was I doing in the sea in April when I was seventeen? And that dress - trying to save it from the waves? Oh well, that was my first meeting with this particular salty lake, the Mediterranean.



This photo was one of the last on the roll of film, which is why it has those white spots at the bottom. It wasn't a ghost, don't worry. I went to develop photos with my best friend from a camera I had (I don't think it exists anymore). At that moment we took photos of each other - I took one photo of her, and then she took this one of mine. To this day, I keep these two photos and even though they have these spots, it doesn't matter. They are frozen moments, accompanied by emotions.


If you found this post interesting or if you at least laughed at these old photos of mine, maybe you want to participate in this challenge.

Show three photos of yourself as a teenager and explain why you chose them. Let the fun begin.


There are also other challenges in the Three Challenges community, check them out in the links below if you like.

My Three Favourite posts challenge
My Three most valuable possessions
The three most .... streets
Fight procrastination and accomplish three tasks
I can't stop eating my favourite food


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