Second day of trying to learn something new, leveling up real life gaming

Python as a third language.

Wonder when I am fluent if I can start uploading a copy of myself into the matrix.

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print("Welcome to Treasure Island.")
print("Your mission is to find the treasure.") 


#Write your code below this line 👇
decision = input("You're at a crossroad. Where do you want to go? Type 'left' or 'right'")

if decision.lower() == "left":
  decision = input("After trudging through a winding path you've come to a lake. At the distance you see an island in the middle of the lake. Do you 'wait' for a boat or  'swim' across the frigid water?")
  print("You take the path to the right that rounds into a bend, admiring the lake in the distance you fail to notice the cliff in front of you. You hurtle to your doom.")
if decision.lower() == "wait":
  decision = input("You decide to wait for a boat and after a short while you board it. As you glide through the water you see large ominous objects darting around. When you get off the boat you spy a house with three doors. One red, one yellow and one blue. You ask yourself which colored door to choose? ")
  print("You are too impatient and decide to swim across. As you wade through the water you feel a sudden slimy touch, then before you know it you are pulled down into the depths. Darkness engulfs you.")
if decision.lower() == "yellow":
  print("You open the door and find a large box. You approach it and see it is unlocked. As you slowly open it a beam of light streams out to you. You think. 'There you are my precious'")
elif decision.lower() == "red":
  print("You open the door and you see a chest before you. As you quickly open the lid you fail to notice a trip wire and before you could even move out of the way all you see are the memories flash before your eyes, then the searing pain as fire engulfs you")
elif decision.lower() == "blue":
  print(" You open the door and there a chest stands. You walk towards it without looking around from anticipation. The door slams shut behind you. This stops you in your track. There is a rumbling behind you. As you turn you faintly glimpse sharp teeth closing in on you. You only have time to think of the folly in not checking for anything dangerous then blackness...")
  print("You have failed to make the right choice therefore you are forfeit. Before you could think you blink out of existence")

I have tried to run this but it seems I need to do a bit more work.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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