Dating or marrying someone older than me with 10 or 15 years is a No-No for me😁


I would've loved to write this content if I were younger, but at my age of over thirty, I'll preferably not marry someone older than me by 10 or 15 years. However, I hope I can do justice relatively to the topic of discussion: AGE IS JUST A NUMBER!

Age is an advancement of life, and its cycle is characterized by the recycling of processes, growth and development, maturity, independence and dependence, challenges, failures, and successes, etc. All these and many more reflect age, and as a start, they may lay the foundation to counter the opinion that age is just a number.

What is my opinion about dating or marrying someone who is 10 to 15 years older than I am?

I am tempted to write this as though I were 10 years younger, and perhaps my opinion may vary; however, I would try as much as possible to stick to my age.

A. Awkwardness: the age difference would definitely bring a lot of awkwardness on our parts, even though it'll be less obvious if she was down to earth and jovial. There will always be awareness of the age difference. As a man, I have the tendency to exhibit some degree of superiority, which would have been easier if my partner was younger. Now, imagine calling each other by their pet names. Or calling someone much older than I am by her name? Probably someone that can give birth to me? Of course, puberty starts as early as 8 years of age right now!

B. Inferiority Complex: You know, right? She may want to express some level of respect so as not to make me feel less of a man, and this can be tailored towards a feeling of inferiority complex from her side. There could be things she would want to do as her age would permit, but, for the sake of peace, she would abstain from them.

C. Disrespect: This can come from either side. Some things I may consider normal for my age may be considered disrespectful to her, and vice versa. As aforementioned, occasions can arise where she'll bring me to my level, and as the husband, I may feel disrespected or even insulted.

D. Confidence: people often want to feel proud to show their partners, and it is a norm to have the man older than the woman. Any lady who is 10 years older than I am will most probably wear her age on her look. It'll be obvious she is younger than I am, and this would bring about some gossip, whispers, or even bold comments between either of us.

E. Wrong message: people may think there is more to it than meets the eye and why such a union should occur. Gossip could come in the form of gains or a spiritual bond, depending on the reason for such a union.

These and many more could spring up if I were to date or marry a lady who is 10 to 15 years older than I am.

Is it taboo, or do I not care about such an age difference?

I must state that I am hardly influenced by society, and even if it were taboo in my culture, that would not stop me if I wanted to. However, for such an age difference, I do care, especially as regards the aforementioned points. I love playing it safe, and going against the norm or ethics is not something I enjoy doing. I love to take my time. I love to live my life as I please, especially without concerns or worries. Hence, if there is anything that has a chance of causing some uncertainty, I would rather stay off of it.

What would have mattered in such a relationship?

I am a great advocate for the idea that love is never enough to make a relationship rosy. The wide age difference would have mattered to me. Perhaps I'll be made to feel like the baby in the Union, and she will be acting motherly (πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚), I wouldn't want suchthing, so so, that age difference is an important factor for me.

Why would I not consider such an option?

For reasons mentioned earlier and perhaps a few more, as she may be perimenopausal, I would not consider having a partner with such an age difference.

Thank you for reading. I would love to have your comments and contributions.

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