Hive Fest Split - Conference Day 1

Hive Fest Split 2024 - Conference Day 1

Hive Fest is an annual event organized by Hive, a decentralized community-driven platform that uses a blockchain-based ecosystem to facilitate the creation, sharing, and curation of content and value.

Hive Fest aims to bring together members of the Hive community, as well as individuals from other blockchain and decentralized platforms, for a series of events, workshops, and discussions focused on the development and growth of decentralized applications (dApps), blockchain technologies, and the future of the internet. (you can see that AI is still all about business, it forgot the main part, to eat, drink and have a lot of fun with some cool people)

(it is nice to see that AI knows what Hive Fest is, and if someone outside of Hive stumbles on this there is some basic info :) )
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Home, Home Again

No sure why but as i was stopping in front of my gate yesterday after midnight a specific image and song was playing in my head. Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz at the end of the movie with the lyrics "The time is gone, the song is over, Thought I'd something more to say. Home, home again, I like to be here when I can, When I come home cold and tired, It's good to warm my bones beside the fire.

(This is probably confusing, so i will share a video of it in the comments, some frontends like to prioritize video and it makes no sense for that to be the cover image for this post)

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Well this is a good start of the post. What can go wrong when first thing is a complete rambling? Well at least there will be some (if i may say) pretty decent photos in the post. And some lovely people in them. So reading is optional.

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I edited 370 photos from this day. So i will post a Google Drive link with all the photos. There will be some variations of similar images (i like to give people freedom to not like the expression i thought was the best, so they can pick what they like best). If i had to guess Day one was the day i photographed the most. Light was decent, ISO was low, i was still not fully sleep deprived...

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Hive Fest Split - Conference Day 1 was now 11 days ago. So most of you already know all about it, and those who were not there probably already forgot about it. So i will not bother you with details and descriptions of events, but some basic info for SEO gods is probably needed.

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The first day of Hive Fest was held at Meštrović Gallery. The Meštrović Gallery is a stunning art museum in Split, Croatia, dedicated to the work of the 20th-century sculptor, Ivan Meštrović. This gallery is not only a place to admire Meštrović's masterpieces but also an architectural marvel in itself.

The Meštrović Gallery also hosts temporary exhibitions featuring works by other Croatian and international artists, as well as educational programs, workshops, and events. If you're interested in art, history, or Croatian culture, the Meštrović Gallery is definitely worth a visit.

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Some awards were given for people that attended 5 Hive Fests.

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The day started hot. Early in the morning there was some shade inside the tent on the left side of it.

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But as the day went on and sun started to rise more, most of us said the heat is too much and moved outside of the tent to watch the presentations covered by the shade of the surrounding trees. Only if we knew what awaits us in the next few days. Maybe we angered the weather goods by complaining about the heat 😁

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Some decided to soldier on and share the faith of the speakers.

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Some enjoyed the sun. Maybe they knew.

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Speakers didn't have a lot of choice. They could not move outside :)

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Starkerz is probably selling hive bracelets using crypto and their new app Distriator :)

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mynewlife has that 6th sense for the camera so he is always watching :)

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Some people need 11 days to share content, some were doing it live :)

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This was the moment we got the idea for the group photo.

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I thought i would post the diner from day one together with the day one conference (as you can see from the cover photo). But there is just too many photos, and it is 5AM at the moment :) So the post of gala diner from day 1 will happen tomorrow. It will be a bit shorter, and it will have a photographers rant.

If all this photos were not enough for you, if you didn't see yourself here or you didn't like how you look on photos, there is a small chance that can be fixed by CLICKING ON THIS GDRIVE LINK WHERE ALL THE PHOTOS FROM HIVE FEST SPLIT - CONFERENCE DAY 1 ARE CURENTLY LOCATED

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