Feathered Friday - Mostly Red-Wings and Finally a Loon

Here are some of this week's sightings for this #featheredfriday

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Red-winged blackbirds are easy targets. They are always posturing and will often attack you to get out of their territory.

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They are quite noisy so its easy to locate them. Basically around any wetland they will be hanging around.

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You can easily get close to them and they won't fly away.

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I often resort to taking photos of these guys when other birds aren't around.

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The female red-wings are easy to find too but they often are hiding out in the reeds out of sight.

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A coot is a bit of a rare sight around the lake that I walk around almost every day. It must be visiting or passing through to warmer areas.

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Finally a rare sight indeed. A loon!
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I was only able to get a couple shots before it dove under and disappeared far on the opposite side of the lake. I wish these guys would hang out here more often but our lake is a bit too small for their preferences.

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As usual the house sparrows are always around.
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As the sun was setting I found this guy in the crevice of a large poplar tree.

The only action shot I got was this seagull eating a bluegill. I'm surprised it wasn't just raiding the trash can for chips.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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