Don't allow it.


There's always a lot to learn when you are alone. Ideas that come in get acted upon, and you get to do things how you want them to be done. I don't fancy staying in groups though, I know group work sometimes is needed to achieve something better.

But, oftentimes, being a group can give you ultimatum aches because not everyone would be as eager as you or even as fast as you. If you struggle to recognize that, you end up carrying the project on your head while others enjoy their freedom time.

This is why you ought to know the people in your group. Knowing them makes you know their strengths and the things they can do better or even spend time doing. I do believe we all have a unique part of us that makes us stand out. If that can be found, giving the person that role would make you less worried about how they do what they do best.

I know it is hard, especially when you have limited time to do things. But if you don't get a tiny bit of detail about them, it will affect the project or you as a human. I have seen some people do things themselves because their team mates fail to act accordingly. In the end, they grow their mindset on that and find it hard to work in a bigger establishment with people on group projects.

The truth is that some people don't just care. I have seen the situation whereby someone who promises to attend a meeting won't come and would rather spend their time doing something else. And when they are asked, you'd see them come up with different excuses, and that's because they grew up having people do things for them even when they are meant to be in group work.

Some will tell you they have a network problem, and you'll see that the person posted something a few minutes ago. Seeing such a thing can infuriate you and make you take steps that you shouldn't.

This is why we need to be calm when we are not working alone. Know that some people will be a step closer to you. There'll be some others who would be a step behind and others who don't care to even try. Instead, they wait for the result and come out to take the glory with you.

When I was in school, I was in different situations where I was made the leader of the group of 20-30 or more people, and trust me, it was never easy. Some people will want things this way, and others would want it the other way, and if you are not careful, you will end up with different groups doing different things toward one goal. This can cause a lot of setbacks to the project or even cause unnecessary delay.

Therefore, try to call a meeting on the first day, see who attends, listen to their ideas, and explore other options with them. Anyone who didn't make it the first, second, and third time and comes up with excuses every time should be taken off the team. Let them face the consequences of their actions because if you keep covering for them, there's a higher chance that the cover-up will end up biting you in the ass in the future.

Manafest song on pushover

Yes! You end up going toward that route and giving passes to anyone who didn't work for it. Don't do that. If they have whatever they need to do with their groups as a priority, they will be there. Everyone is busy, and people who made it were able to come because they value it. Don't be a pushover! Or let them use emotional blackmail on you. Don't allow it even if it means you will be termed as being strict.

Image-Source and video used is from #YouTube

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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