Music as a crutch, and some mental health musings

Some days, I just don't want to be a mom. I'm mentally drained, in need of alone time, or sleep deprived (thanks teething!). I always want to WANT to though 😂 and so, I turn to my friend music.

I start to shake my hips, feeling the vibrations coming through my floorboards energizing my being. I let go of my stress. Shake, twist, and wiggle until it begins to fly off, flung away by my wild arms.

If I'm frustrated in any way, I've taken to dancing it out like some kind of 90's movie. My kids LOVE this, and I am reminded of how wonderful life really is. Music is medicinal!

@ablaze started #threetunetuesday, which invites us to share three tunes that we enjoy. This week, I'd like to share three songs that always cheer me up, I hope they make you smile too!

The impression that I get

This song is so simple and silly! It's literally just about knocking on wood, and the circumstances people do it in. Yet, I could honestly listen to it daily- something about the bright sound of Ska makes me so happy! The video is fun too, I love their spirited dancing and how they hug at the end.

So much nostalgia! I'm brought back to my childhood, I can hear this through the slight static of a radio... My thumbs hurt in the fourth consecutive hour of playing mario party, but I'm excited because I'm in second! I take a swig from a blue "big hug", my ying-yang necklace swings forward. It is summer and life is perfect, ah! Nice memories :)

Never had to knock on wood
And I'm glad I haven't yet
Because I'm sure it isn't good
That's the impression that I get

My one year old likes this song as much as I do, he's recently learned how to walk, and likes to stomp about waving his arms in the air when this plays. Who wouldn't perk up seeing that?!

There are plenty of songs about love, struggle, faith. Heartbreak and hunger, motivation and fun. This is the only one I know that addresses a perhaps unimportant topic, have you ever had to knock on wood? I deeply enjoy the goofiness. When I hear it I am once again seven, and it is pizza day!

Sometimes you need to slow down and appreciate the silly things in life, the small coincidences and experiences that make us human. We miss so much meaning in looking only at the biggest picture.

Monster in the Mirror

Okay, yes this is a sesame street song, bear with me here though. This song is DEEP, especially when you consider that it was written for preschoolers.

If your mirror has a monster in it, do not shout
This kind of situation does not call for freaking out
And do nothing that you would not like to see him do
'Cause that monster in the mirror he just might be you

Our perceptions of the world are the deciding factor in how things play out oftentimes. I cannot find the original quote anywhere, but I once heard something that fits perfectly. In essence it was "People are always looking through windows that are really mirrors." powerful.

What am I talking about? Well, humans have a tendency to stay inside their own perspectives, which makes it impossible to receive anything the way it was intended. Maybe something a family member or friend said recently hurt your feelings a bit. Was it their words, or your assumed meaning behind them that hurt you? Did you ask for clarification?

My husband hurts my feelings ALL the time, except that isn't his intention. When I ask for clarification I often find that he didn't mean what I thought he did at all. Just as the darkness isn't scary, my ideas of it are... things are usually not as negative as I might think on a bad day.

If you wubba me, I will wubba you- it's the thing to do! Face the monsters you see and ruminate on what makes them scary, you may find that it is only a reflection of yourself!

This song always cheers me up, because it reminds me that I get to decide what part of myself I face situations from. My daughter is a big Grover fan and will boogie down to this anytime! She is four and is already defining her monsters for herself, her wisdom is awe inspiring.

I do the Rock

Did you know that Tim Curry also had a music career? Yes indeed, he released three albums!
Although I am a much bigger fan of his acting, I really enjoy this jam. His cheeky nature shines through in this performance, which is just a great time to watch!

The song is full of pop culture references, only some of which I get. My dad showed it to me, nestled in with other favorites of his. The song was recorded in 1979, the year he turned twenty-one.

"Me, I do the only thing that stops me growing old- I do the rock... it's stimulating!"

Lovely, just truly lovely! The song is a reminder that no matter what anyone else is doing, follow your bliss. Everyone has the things they are good at, their own stuff to be wrapped up in. What other people think of us, is not our business. Soak up more of the sunshine in life, Tim Curry told you to!

Photo by thedanw on pixabay

“Always believe in yourself. Do this and no matter where you are, you will have nothing to fear.”
― Hayao Miyazaki

I hope the songs that help me put my best face forward, have also made you have a better day! If you're feeling down today, why not try dancing some of it out? Sometimes the tension in our bodies drains our mental state, a few minutes of motion is worth more than you'd think!

Is it the answer to your problems? Of course not, but it can't hurt. We get to make choices everyday about how we perceive or face things we encounter. Shaking it up can provide a harvest of benefits we may not anticipate, so I encourage everyone to try something new today! Dance, communicate, do the rock! Go on an adventure and unmask some monsters, life is short.


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