Seeking engagement - will this be 4th time lucky?


Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

I write this with 2022 beckoning.

On an absolute whim I whipped open my laptop about two hours ago and decided to create this account in the least I think that's what they call it? In the Hive? On Hive? I hive no idea.

I've seen bits and pieces on Twitter about the platform and a friend of a friend is on here somewhere, so I'm told. I may try to find out their details and look them up...but would that be creepy??? mmm...they don't know me personally...ok, on second thoughts, maybe not! I'll fly solo with my writing... as I start up here ... that's what I'll do!

I've never blogged seriously on any other platform, mainly because I just haven't had the time, until now, and I guess because I'm not an established author, this is more of a tentative dipping of the toes so to speak. The few platforms that I have explored outside of Hive have disappointed in some way or other.

When I spoke with a friend about blogging, and wanting to find a place where I could read a good mix of articles and blogs and also start up my own blog, they mentioned that I should look to get onto a platform with a more forward thinking one with "cryptocurrency rewards built in". This is the friend who has a friend on Hive. Geez! I thought...I just want to write...why are there so many hoops these days? But ok...I'll bite!

So, I've already had a little look here and there... think there have been...mmm...3 platforms so far...not including Hive (?) that I've poked around. My take-away... they each had something to offer but too many people seem overly focussed on cliques or cryptocurrency accumulation these days, and not so much interested in actual engagement. Sure, there's the odd conversation you see taking place across platforms but so many great posts go unnoticed ...and I don't mean don't get upvoted, but actually go unnoticed... and it makes me wonder whether people are even reading them or just upvoting to get on with the job of ticking boxes to earn rewards.

So let me paint a picture for you:

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

You are sat around with others on cozy sofas or chairs in a lounge somewhere, nursing cups of cocoa, and somebody says something deeply philosophical, or heartfelt, or even something that makes you want to wet yourself laughing...what would happen?... High fives and blown kisses across the room whilst you all sit in a vacuum of silence? Nooooo!!! Be honest, you'd likely reply with a decent answer or break the ice in some way and engage in some free flowing conversation...I mean, you would, wouldn't you? Because we are human and humans crave connection. Anyway, the latter is what happens in my world. And I realise online chat is different but does it have to be so disengaged? We are all still human beings and we have such a great opportunity to learn about each other's cultures and life experiences if we take the time to reach out; to care.

I've seen so many posts on other platforms with not a single comment... but a fair few upvotes. What's that all about?

Anyway, Hive seems to have an ok rep in the little I have seen and heard... and my friend says their friend is happy here goes...

From the communities tab I see that there are quite a few communities it seems, within the Hive community. So I picked a community for this that seemed like it would be a friendly one that aligns with my way of thinking "Thoughtful Daily Post". I read somewhere (was it an FAQ?) that one should also tag "Introduceyourself" the first time one posts here, so I have done that too. Hopefully, I've done the right thing...we'll soon find out ...

Anyway, I guess I haven't really said too much about myself, but this post is already getting too long. What I can say for certain is that I'm not an alien. I'm definitely human, and I really do hope to find other human beings who also value engagement. My interests are varied and I love learning about other cultures, reading and developing my writing so I want to try a bunch of different things here on Hive. I think I may try to see if I can find a community that has writing prompts to get started in and maybe somewhere where I can learn about other cultures. Hopefully, I can also find some good authors/bloggers to read and engage with too :-)

Recommendations on communities that would align with my interests, anyone?

Photo by whereslugo on Unsplash

I've landed with barely a splash and I'm signing off now on my first @lookingforspace post, and then this weekend I will go looking for blogs to read and people to follow.

I wish everyone a very blessed 2022 filled with meaningful connection. My view as I stand on this precipice, gazing into the big yonder, is that if just one of those twinkling stars out there is composed of intelligent compassionate life, it's worth the reach and the effort, isn't it?

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