The Power To Choose

Recently, I have been thinking about certain things which everyone on this planet have access to, and I mean on equal levels. There are quite a few, but the one that I want to talk about right here, right now, is the power to choose.

Everyday of our lives, we are faced with options to choose from. We have to choose our outfit, our make-up, our friends, our priorities etc. Yet, I am not even talking about these kinds of choices.

There are so many things that may be going on around us at this moment, to the point that we may feel we have no control over, and that may be true but not absolutely. I mean things like business challenges, bills piling up, creditors threatening, dealing with health challenges and things like that...all these make us feel frustrated and seemingly powerless to change the situation.

However, unknown to many of us, there is a power within us that keeps us on top of the situation. Power to choose our emotions, our attitudes, our reactions and responses is often overlooked.

I have found out that whenever I choose to be happy, I find ways to make myself happy. On the other hand, if I consciously or unconsciously stay sad or unhappy, that particular emotion increases. And the thing is, whether positive emotion or negative emotion, people around me will sense it.

At the beginning of each day, I am always deliberately choosing my feelings for the day. Some people may call it Setting of intentions. I may have no control over the events of the day but I make up my mind that I would have a great day and that all will end well. I make up my mind to spread positivity wherever I go. Sometimes, it is really not as easy as it sounds but then, I allow myself to pause, take deep breaths and remind myself about the attitude I have chosen for that day.

Challenges of life will always come. No matter how we try, there is only so much we can do to prevent them. So making a conscious choice of our reactions and responses will definitely go a long way to help us get through to the other side.

💥Choose to be happy by looking for things that make you happy.
💥Choose to be healthy by developing a healthy lifestyle and eating healthy.
💥Choose to move your life and business forward by taking action steps that will bring a positive change.
💥Once again, I would say choose joy, choose happiness...there is nothing in this world that is worth you killing yourself for.

Ouch! Was that harsh? I did not intend to sound harsh. Thanks for reading. I appreciate you. Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments even if you have a different opinion. I will see you soon.

I, @ngwinndave, authored this post, and the picture in this post is mine.

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