Coronavirus Files – August 2021

Coronavirus Files - August 2021-4835301_1920.jpg

People of the World in August finally got fed up with the Coronavirus Hoax. Protests are beginning to be more frequent and more violent…

Protests in London have targeted old BBC Television Center, in Australia the things are getting progressively more violent, and we have a report from the peaceful protest in Serbia.

In this archive we have full text of Nuremberg Code, Richard A. Rothschild as an ‘inventor’ of a method which will today result in an electronic and biometric Covid ID technology, and nazi roots of Covid Pass…

Creating an archive of Coronavirus texts in English and Serbian will not only allow evidence of the greatest global hoax to remain on the blockchain platform, but will also make it easier to search for all the evidences of a Hoax.

Timeline is going from the bottom of the text up.

229. Report from the Smederevo protest [eng/срп] Извештај са протеста у Смедереву (Aug 31st)

Full report from the first organized anti-covid protest of its kind in Smederevo.

228. New Testimonies of Coronavirus Hoax [eng/срп] Нова сведочанства о коронапревари (Aug 30th)

Three videos with three more witnesses of Coronavirus Hoax: Dr. Roger Hodkinson, pathologist from Canada, brilliantly sums up Coronavirus Hoax in under four minutes, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from Israel testifies before Israeli Rabbinical Court, and Tokyo’s Medical Association Chairman is recommending Ivermectin to all doctors at the press conference.

And finally, we have one interesting thing from Serbia: A letter that the Radio-Television of Serbia sent to the employees, rewarding them for double vaccination, with an indicative code number…

227. Protest Against Medical Tyranny in Smederevo [eng/срп] Протест против медицинске тираније у Смедереву (Aug 27th)

New school year should start in a few days in Serbia. This event was used for another terrible blackmail for mandatory vaccination of workers in education and children, followed the introduction of Covid passports and a ‘recommendation’ that the unvaccinated should be separated from the vaccinated. And for the first time in Smederevo, Serbia, we have an organized call for resistance, on August 29th.

226. You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy [eng/срп] Нећете имати ништа и бићете срећни (Aug 25th)

Professor of the International Finance Department of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), Doctor of Economics Valentin Katasonov explains how historical trends before the great wars are repeated with astonishing similarity, and in frighteningly increased proportions…

225. A Patented Man [eng/срп] Патентирани човек (Aug 21st)

Turning a man into butterfly? You can, but first you have to have his DNK sample. So, PCR test, and then mRNK ‘vaccine’…

224. The Hidden Answers [eng/срп] Скривени одговори (Aug 21th)

Evidence that the CDC (US Center for Disease Control) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) conspired to fabricate a covid-19 testing protocol using human cells combined with common cold virus fragments because they had no physical samples of the SARS-CoV-2 ‘covid’ virus available!

The other important document is a Lawsuit submitted by the America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) to the Federal Court in Alabama with a request for immediate suspension of ‘vaccination’.

223. Australia is Burning [eng/срп] Аустралија гори (Aug 19th)

It looks like patience is leaving Australians after the new lockdown, the announcement of forceful vaccination of schoolchildren and insane fines for ‘measures’ violation… the people are on the verge of their nerves.

222. Panic escape from Afghanistan and the Coronavirus Hoax [eng/срп] Панично бекство из Авганистана и коронапревара (Aug 18th)

How the panic escape of the American army from Afghanistan exposed the Coronavirus Hoax…

221. ‘Pandemic’ Profiteers [eng/срп] ‘Пандемијски’ профитери (Aug 17th)

Corporations take over sovereignty from the states by making contracts which abolishes state Laws and allows worst possible global crimes. Here you can see who gets the most profits of Coronavirus Hoax… Big Pharma chiefs that went billionaires overnight, Rothschild Investment Corp. and Edmond De Rothschild Holding, BlackRock and Vanguard…

220. Pfizer Leak: Contract with the devil [eng/срп] Процурело из Фајзера: уговор са ђаволом (Aug 16th)

There’s good reason Pfizer fought to hide the details of the contracts with the states. In this text you can ALMOST see a contract of Albania with the Devil…

219. Totalitarianism [eng/срп] Тоталитаризам (Aug 13th)

Recommending the text to which I have an objection… It is the text of an award-winning playwright, novelist, and political satirist C. J. Hopkins, published on the ‘Off-Guardian’ under the title “The Road to Totalitarianism”. What I have to object? Well, that road has ended. This is Totalitarianism…

218. Coronavirus Hoax: They are coming for the Children [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Долазе по децу (Aug 11th)

The monstrous pandemic lies spread by the BBC would have been enough to revolt, but this time, the reason was quite specific: The demonstrators were angered at the planned vaccination of children without parental approval, and the broadcaster’s role, in promoting it.

In this text you will find Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer of mRNA technology, who calculated that the danger of the vaccine is greater than the disease for adolescents! You will find a contract in which the colonial administration of Serbia ordered from the Czech Republic within the project “P173892-Serbia Emergency COVID-19 Response Project”, children’s hospital beds and stretchers in total worth of 718,059 US dollars. You will find a testimony of the immunologist, Professor Dr. Željko Poljak, whose daughter contracted meningitis just one day after ‘vaccination’.

And you will find a suit to the Federal Court in Alabama submitted by the America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) with a request for immediate suspension of ‘vaccination’, because there are official reports from the American VAERS base that say that more people die in America after ‘vaccination’ than after contracting Covid!

217. A Patented Hoax and Fake-Checkers [eng/срп] Патентирана превара и лажни контролори (Aug 10th)

On October 4th 2020, Silviu “Silview” Costinescu published an excellent article entitled ATOMIC BOMBSHELL: Rothschilds patented Covid-19 biometric tests in 2015. And 2017. with a clear evidence that Richard A. Rothschild has prioritised a patent to method which will today result in an electronic and biometric Covid ID technology. And guess what ‘fake-checkers’ from Reuters tried to do?

Source / Извор:

216. Resist! (Aug 9th)

People finally begin to understand who the real danger to their health are… angry mob tried to storm BBC Television Center in London.

215. Nuremberg Code [eng/срп] Нирнбершки кодекс (Aug 8th)

The Nuremberg Code aimed to protect human subjects from enduring the kind of cruelty and exploitation the prisoners endured at concentration camps. Today, the Nuremberg Code is considered the highest standard of human morality… and was completely suspended after the declaration of Coronavirus Hoax.

214. Judas’ silver coins [eng/срп] Јудини сребрњаци (Aug 5th)

Who the ‘fact-checkers’ really are?

213. Nazis Behind the Vax Pass [eng/срп] Нацисти иза вакциналног пасоша (Aug 3rd)

“Imagine if the nazis have had the technology we have today. Well, guess what? They do!”
— Polly St George

‘Entrust’ and its owners – the Nazi Quandt family. In this half-hour video, you will find out who Gunther and Herbert Quandt were, and which companies are owned today by the Quandt family, whose descendants Stefan and Susanna are officially the richest Germans today.

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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Ствари које треба видети на српском (Serbian)

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Self-defense mode [eng/срп] Модус самоодбране

Cover Up [eng/срп] Заташкавање

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BREAKING: Austria imposes compulsory vaccination from February 1st [eng/срп] УДАРНА ВЕСТ: Аустрија уводи обавезну вакцинацију од 1. фебруара

A Modern Holocaust [eng/срп] Савремени холокауст

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Evolution [eng/срп] Еволуција

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Logic and Science Against the ‘Vaccines’ [eng/срп] Логика и наука против ‘вакцина’

Second Procession of the National Assembly in Smederevo [eng/срп] Друга литија свенародног сабрања у Смедереву

Позив на литију свенародног сабрања у Смедереву (Serbian)

Сумњиво саопштење за штампу о Фајзер/Бионтек појачивачу (Serbian)

“Let’s go Brandon!” goes Global

Ivermectin – True Story [eng/срп] Ивермектин – истинита прича

Serbia: Discriminated citizens [eng/срп] Србија: Грађани другог реда

Call to Protest Against Covid Passes in Smederevo [eng/срп] Позив на потест против ковид пропусница у Смедереву

First Incidents – Protests Against Covid Passes in Serbia [eng/срп] Први инциденти – Протести против ковид пропусница у Србији

Protests Against Covid Passes in Serbia [eng/срп] Протести против Ковид пропусница у Србији

BREAKING NEWS: Covid Passes in Serbia! [eng/срп] УДАРНА ВЕСТ: Ковид пропуснице у Србији!

Too Honest to run the Corporate Media? [eng/срп] Превише поштен да би водио корпоративни медиј?

Hinky Philanthropist [eng/срп] Нервозни филантроп

A Pinnacle of Absurdity [eng/срп] Врхунац апсурда

Vaccine Report [eng/срп] Извештај о вакцинама

Fetal Cells in Pfizer’s ‘vaccine’ [eng/срп] Фетусне ћелије у Фајзеровој ‘вакцини’

German ‘vaccine’ investigation [eng/срп] Немачка истрага ‘вакцина’

Canadian Conspiracy [eng/срп] Канадска завера

Covid Tyranny in Australia [eng/срп] Ковид тиранија у Аустралији

Physicians’ Declaration – Rome 2021 [eng/срп] Лекарска декларација – Рим 2021.

Trouble in vaxxers paradise [eng/срп] Невоља у вакцинашком рају

Procession of the National Assembly in Smederevo [eng/срп] Крсни ход свенародног сабрања у Смедереву

Fake Covid Passes: Cowardice and its consequences [eng/срп] Лажне ковид пропуснице: Кукавичлук и последице

Internet of Bodies – Total Control [eng/срп] Интернет тела – потпуна контрола

Have we lost moral compass? [eng/срп] Јесмо ли изгубили морални компас?

Текстови о коронапревари на српском које треба прочитати (Serbian)

Serbian HM issues evidence of Coronavirus Hoax [eng/срп] Српско МЗ издаје доказ о коронапревари

Awakening in Serbia [eng/срп] Буђење у Србији

Coronavirus Hoax: The Thinking Stuff Part X – Brainwashing Edition [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Ствари за размишљање, део X – Издање из перионице мозгова

Dissapointed Dr. Death [eng/срп] Др Смрт је разочаран

Patients Without Rights [eng/срп] Пацијенти без права

Organization and Radicalization [eng/срп] Организација и радикализација

Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2021 (200–212)

Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2021 (188–199)

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2021 (184–187)

Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2021 (177–183)

Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2021 (165–176)

Archived Coronavirus Files – February 2021 (162–164)

Archived Coronavirus Files – January 2021 (147–161)

Archived Coronavirus Files – December 2020 (131–146)

Archived Coronavirus Files – November 2020 (115–130)

Archived Coronavirus Files – October 2020 (101–114)

Archived Coronavirus Files – September 2020 (92–100)

Archived Coronavirus Files – August 2020 (77–91)

Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2020 (61–76)

Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2020 (52–60)

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2020 (35–51)

Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2020 (17–34)

Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2020 (1–16)

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