Local Mask-Wearing Requirement/Propaganda Unmasked | Big Sky, MT


I stopped at a small local grocery/deli while I was in town today, in the small town of Big Sky, and was a little surprised to find a face-mask requirement to enter! Now I have absolutely nothing against private businesses enforcing their own requirements on customers, I will simply not do business there. If the sign prohibited black people, that would be considered racist, although I still believe as a private business they should have the right to discriminate, however I’m sure they do not see such a requirement banning those not wearing a mask as a form of discrimination. It is, however, discriminating against those not falling in line with the recommendations of the corporate media. But that’s fine, like I said, I support their right to allow or disallow any potential customers they like, it is their right.

What I don’t approve of, however, is their use of deceptive propaganda as a means of enforcing their policy. This is clearly not a single business making a choice solely out of what they believe to be the higher good of their employees and customers, but part of a bigger and more coordinated agenda, thanks to those behind the ‘Big Sky Pledge.’

Ok, so let’s break the propaganda down. “Big Sky [loves] you,” the sign reads. ‘Therefore, we are requiring you to wear a mask to shop in our store,’ the implication being enforcing a mask-wearing mandate is an act of love for you, the potential customer. “Please show your commitment to love Big Sky as much as we love you,” the smaller print declares. The implication now being not only that requiring you to wear a mask is an act of love, but wearing a mask is also an act of love that must be reciprocated.

So I will ask this question: Is mandating people to do something against their will, forcing them to bend to your personal non-professional medical advice a loving thing to do? Of course the claim is that wearing a mask makes us all safer, and this is how doing so is loving, but there is in fact no evidence to support this theory from the tests that have been done, as I discussed in my last post on the mask-wearing agenda insanity. So there goes that idea.

Then of course those interested in the true nature of love should be well aware that “love casts out fear,” as Martin Luther King Jr. well knew and taught, and as it is written in the Bible: “Perfect love casts out all fear.” This is a well established truth about love. Pure love is an energy that is entirely absent of fear; and likewise fear is an energy that is absent of love. The two cannot coexist.

So the next question that arises is whether the requirement to wear a mask a fear-based requirement? Of course we should all know the answer is obviously yes, masks are being required based upon a fear of a so-called virus and ‘pandemic’, in response to the propaganda being peddled by the corporate fakestream media. Thus this requirement has nothing to do with love, and rather everything to do with fear, making it purely propaganda.

The other implications derived from this propaganda poster is that not wearing masks will lead to closing businesses once again, another fear of course. And since there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that wearing masks protects anyone against infectious contamination, and there is on the other hand ample evidence that doing so puts one into an “unsafe” oxygen-deprived working environment as defined by OSHA’s own guidelines, then to use the hashtag #BeSafe on a poster demanding you wear a mask is entirely deceptive. In fact, one could make the argument that it is in fact safer not to wear a mask, especially considering many higher risk individuals with weaker immune systems may feel a false sense of safety in such environments where they may otherwise stay home or avoid the crowds.

Visiting the website behind the ‘Big Sky Pledge’ which is behind this propaganda, reveals these propagandists (whether knowingly or as blind followers) have been “extremely diligent” in enforcing the tyrannical and non-scientific-based measures pushed by the CDC and originally enforced by an unconstitutional executive order.


It reads:

Your commitment to take the Big Sky Pledge demonstrates that you love Big Sky as much as it loves you.

  • I understand that I need to be a responsible visitor. I will wash my hands frequently, wear a mask, practice social distancing, and follow other CDC guidelines and all local guidance regarding outdoor recreation, including that from Gallatin City-County Board of Health, the state of Montana and federal organizations to do my part to keep the community safe.

In other words, they want you to do three things the CDC recommends, the first two measures which a CDC study in May actually found no evidence of effectiveness at stopping the spread of infectious disease. The third, social distancing, has absolutely no scientific basis whatsoever, has demonstrably throughout the entire so-called pandemic done nothing to stop the spread of the so-called virus, and interestingly originated from some kid’s science project!

But if you blindly follow the guidelines that all the evidence shows do nothing to keep anyone safe, you love Big Sky! And we love you for forcing our medical practices upon you! What a crock of nonsensical propaganda.

Look, people have the right to do what they want, and businesses have the right to force costumers to wear masks, but to claim this fear-based requirement is an act of love and attempt to guilt trip dissenters into complying by insinuating they hate the community simply for not buying into the non-science-based hype is both highly manipulative and rather intellectually insulting. It is most definitely a clear form of propaganda, and most likely a result of media-induced groupthink.

As George Orwell said, “The people will believe whatever the media tells them they believe.” And they will do so no matter how absurd and lacking in evidence the media claims truly are, even when they include outright lies. I don’t know if this media control of the masses has ever been quite as clear as it has become during this non-pandemic, but it sure has become clear.

The people, at least those calling the shots in the middle to upper echelons of society and the corporate world, certainly do believe exactly whatever the media tells them they believe. Welcome to the ‘brave new world’ of Covid1984.

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