Risk of Death by Covid19 Only 1 in 6 Million, Study Finds | Coronavirus Poses No Serious Threat to Public Health


The California study performed in June is controversial because it undermines the entire fear-based pandemic narrative being crammed down our throats and the global Orwellian-style Covid1984 measures still being pushed on the whole of western society in the name of ‘getting the virus under control’.

The study was carried out by Stanford University and the University of California Los Angeles, looking first at data from the final week of May, and then apparently again with the data from the second week of June, from the top 100 most populous counties in America, or those with over half a million residents.

The study by Dr. Rajiv Bhatia, clinical assistant professor of primary care and population health at Stanford, and Dr. Jeffrey Klauser, adjunct professor of epidemiology at UCL, was designed to start a discussion on actual risk of ‘Covid19’ infection, while most are focused on number of deaths and reported ‘cases’.

The results from the final week of May revealed the average risk of infection for those who have one contact is one per 3,836, and that is when a person isn’t practicing social distancing, wearing a mask or practicing good hand hygiene! For a person between the ages of 50 and 64, the chance of being hospitalized was only one in 852,000, and risk of death only one in 19.1 million.

“We were surprised how low the relative risk was,” Klausner said.

The data for the week ending June 13, 2020, according to the numbers given in the study’s published abstract, show the average risk of infection to have decreased dramatically, with the risk of hospitalization and death for those aged 50-64 to be slightly higher in this time period, but still incredibly low.

The average probability of confirmed infection during the second week of June in populous counties was only one in 40,500, while the average probability of hospitalization for a 50 to 64 year old was only one in 709,000 and chance of death one in 6.67 million.

Dr Rajiv Bhatia spoke with the DailyMail.com about the study’s findings, pointing out that there has been much attention put on number of cases and deaths, but not on the actual risk of contracting the disease (‘Covid19’) said to be caused by the so-called novel coronavirus.

“Everybody doesn't have the same risk. The risk for most people is small,” he said.

“Even at [the pandemic's] peak, except for very few places, the severe events were pretty rare events.”

“The perception given all of the data and the images and the emergencies, the war metaphors, the uncertainty, the lack of control, these were all factors that I think elevated the perception of risk.”

In other words, the public perception of the so-called pandemic has from the beginning been based on media propaganda designed to sell a pandemic narrative not based on reality. This has been done with the focus and style of media coverage, designed to instill fear, by focusing on isolated ‘scary’ numbers taken out of context of the larger reality of death and illness from all causes, by focusing on the hospital images to sell a ‘pandemic’ that never was, by focusing on the war analogies (“like a war zone,” they kept saying of the hospitals, while Trump and the US military declared “war on Covid19”); and doing all of this to the exclusion of any and all data that suggested the ‘virus’ was neither as contagious nor as deadly as all the ‘experts’ originally warned.

Even now, after CDC data reveals that the case fatality rate is only about 0.26% and a majority of the people tallied among the official ‘Covid19’ death count are in fact co-morbidities, meaning the number of people actually killed by the ‘virus’ is way lower than claimed in the numbers being flashed on the TV screens, still the media and governments and ‘experts’ pushing the totalitarian Covid1984 agenda cling to the pandemic narrative.

They focus on the ever higher number of ‘cases’, which are always rising, because they seemingly never remove those who are recovered from the total case count being used to fear-monger the masses. Besides, most of these ‘cases’ are not severely ill or dying patients, but just people who have received positive test results from highly inaccurate tests which give out high rates of false positives.

Still they claim that we need to be wearing masks for years, and that global vaccination is the only ‘solution’, and that lockdowns must continue until the virus is ‘under control’, while the technocratic agenda continues to be rolled out. Only there is no longer a problem to solve, there is no rapidly spreading deadly virus to get under control, there is no pandemic; only propaganda and fear and the illusion of an invisible threat that is long gone. They will never stop this psychopathic push for total global control of the world population because it has from the very beginning always been about an agenda, not a pandemic.


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