YouTube Shadow Banning Info-Packed Covid19 Comments

As we should all well know by now, the major social media platforms all engage in massive, widespread censorship of any ‘unwelcome’ content. YouTube has long been known for taking down videos and deleting channels of anyone challenging official mainstream media and government narratives, while Twitter has a long history of shadow banning content.

YouTube hasn’t been shy about its current censorship of any alternative covid19 content, openly admitting that it is indeed censoring any such content that challenges the official coronavirus narrative, even legitimate scientific research and professional medical voices that challenges the biased CDC, WHO or NIH conclusions. Now I have learned they are even shadow banning comments!

I had a very nice, thoughtful, and info-packed reply in the comments of one of my own YouTube videos covering medical professionals who are challenging the official covid19 narrative. I saw the comment in my YouTube Creator Studio, however the comment has been shadow banned and is not visible when I log into my channel on any web browser, and it wasn’t there even when I used a different account, so it is presumably completely shadow banned to all users, and entirely invisible, although I cannot confirm this.

I wanted to copy and paste the comment on here as a post, just in case the video and comment along with it gets removed, and now that I know it has been shadow banned would like to do so even more so, as it is full of links and other videos with good alternative info on the mainstream media covid19 coverup. The only problem is that I am unable to copy the comment from within my YouTube Studio app on my IPhone, and obviously can’t access it from a web browser! So I am at least posting the screenshots of the lengthy comment below for anyone interested in reading it, though the links would have to be manually typed into a browser...


The comment was posted by “multi mason” and the link to my video on YouTube for anyone who wants to see if it is visible for them is here.

If anyone does happen to be able to view this comment, please feel free to copy in its entirety and post as a comment to this post, so that it can be saved on a censorship-free platform as text with useable links.

And I imagine if this is happening to such a small channel as my own, then it is probably also happening on a much larger scale on the more popular alternative channels. All the more reason to ditch YouTube (and Facebook, etc.) and get all of our energy and research into alternative censorship-free platforms!

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