Peer to peer transfers and encrypted communication

Peer-to-peer market place

I've seen a few attempts to create gig market places similar to the well known Fiverr on HIVE. There's, which is still operational and has a classifieds section, and the latest one I've seen is called Open Genie, a platform that aims to connect folks who need work done with other folks willing to perform the work in exchange for payment in $HIVE or $HBD. The categories range from programming to design and copywriting.

This to me is one of the best and most compelling use cases for a blockchain ecosystem like HIVE. Users can not only interact, but actually do business with each other free from government surveillance or banks that charge high fees.

Why are we not using and promoting these platforms more?

These could even evolve into micro tasks in which large tasks, like translating a book, could be broken up into pages and performed by multiple workers simultaneously.

There's a bitcoin-based website called Stakwork that advertised this, but I haven't heard much about them lately, I'm not sure if they're still operating.

Encrypted Communication

Many of us have only read about it on our favorite social media outlet, but in case you haven't, Maduro's Venezuelan government foot soldiers are actually coming to people's houses and arresting Venezuelan citizens for talking about the bogus results of the most recent presidential election.

That doesn't need to happen. Today, users can create a free, anonymous Hive account that they can use to send encrypted messages to others. We can talk about Maduro all day long and even send each other memes about it without anybody being able to trace it back to us.

I sent this 0.01 HIVE transaction using Hive Keychain on my mobile phone.

As you can see, the message is encrypted and can only be decrypted by the recipient by using their memo key.

Useful? I think so.

A lot of us have not been in a situation where police come to your house for expressing your opinion on social media (yet). A lot of us live in countries with relatively stable currencies and access to bank cards and delivery services. But why wait until the world turns into George Orwell's Airstrip One (from 1984) to start looking for peer-to-peer interaction and encrypted communication?

I say we use them now

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