Forest Roads In Winter, Part Two [Hive Stock Images]

This winter brought us loads of snow. At some places in Europe, in mountains, they have meters of snow. Literally, some villages were buried under the snow blanket.

Personally, I love white winters. With one condition. Snow should be in the mountains and not in the cities.

That said, let's move to the content of this Hive Stock Images contribution

Forest Roads In Winter

White on the road, white on the trees by the road, high white banks that connect more than divide two worlds - civilization and commutes with nature and forest. High white and grey mountains as another connection between the white ground and blue or sometimes white sky above.

It may be a strange fascination yet it is another nature's wonder to me.

These photographs were taken between December 2020 and February 2021 in Logarska dolina (Logar Valley), Slovenia, and its surroundings. Enjoy and use if you find them usable, applicable, fascinating, intriguing, ... The rules that apply are listed in the footer.

Since I collected 16 photos all together they will be published in two parts. This is part two. Part one is available here.

My contribution to the growing Hive Stock Images collection

715.02.2021Forest Roads In Winter, Part One [Hive Stock Images]
616.12.2020Winter Wonderland No. 2 [Hive Stock Images]
513.12.2020Winter Wonderland
425.11.2020I Yearn For Mountains [Hive Stock Images post]
323.11.2020Muzzled World Gallery, Part One

The rules:

  • the photos are free to use under CC0 license
  • you may credit me yet you don't need to
  • you may pay me in any way that suits you yet you don't need to

That's it :)


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