Tea for Two - Free Images

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Surprise...surprise...take a peek at Hive Stock Images before searching outside Hive as there's a host of stunning free images shared by our very own Hivers; all indexed painstakingly by @minismallholding and her Stock Images team.

Why not share some of your images with the greater Hive community, or search for that special image to go with your blog? No strings attached, all you need do is credit the photographer.

I've not visited the Stock Images Community for a long while, and was pleasantly surprised to see how the images library has grown.
I stumbled on their Images and Ideas Challenge where we're asked to share our own photographs, on the following topics:

1: School and education
2: Tea

I have outgrown the school and education phase, so I will share some tea images.

You will find some herbal concoctions that I shared with this community a long while back, but I have a couple of new ones up my sleeve - some conventional and others not so!

Anyone for Tea?

English Tea served with Jam and Cream Scones

Putting one's feet up with a hot cup of tea can fix many ills, especially after a heavy day at the office, or reflect on life in general.

However, for that special tete-a-tete with a friend, Jam & Cream Scones with a cuppa is a must. I enjoy a cup of black tea now and then, but mostly have it with a dash of milk, and a few grains of sugar. Dunno why I even bother with the sugar, and perhaps I'm only fooling myself, but that's how I enjoy it best - with a jam & cream scone of course.



Ginger Tea

Ginger tea made with freshly grated Ginger root steeped in boiling water and served with honey, not only is delicious, but also has many health benefits, and is especially good for sore throats, coughs, and the digestive system.
To add a twist one can grate in Lemon and/or Orange rind, and pop a stick of Cinnamon in while it is steeping.
Strain and enjoy a deliciously healthy tea.

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Ginger, Cinnamon & Cardamom Chai Tea

I have to thank the Stock Images Community for giving me the inspiration to make my own Chai tea for the very first time - I've only ever used the ready-made mixes, which are quite pricey here, yet it is so easy that I will certainly be making my own in the future.
I find Chai tea very beneficial for GERD/ Acid Reflux.
Something I always have in my spice drawer, is Cardamom.


  • Bring 2 cups of water to the boil
  • Cut open 5-6 pods of Cardamom, crush the seeds, and add to the water.
  • Add 1 piece Cinnamon bark, 3/4 cup Milk (or Coconut Milk), 1 tablespoon Honey, grated fresh Ginger root and boil for approx 2 minutes.
  • Add 1 Tablespoon loose black Tea leaves and boil a further minute, or longer if you enjoy it stronger.

Strain and enjoy with nutty Naan Khataai Biscuits for a delicious treat.

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Back to English Tea & Cake

I have a couple more images to share with you, and being an incorrigible sweet tooth, a slice of cake, a muffin, or just a biscuit, is a must with my cup of English tea.



An image depicting herbal tea ingredients
  • Jasmine Green Tea and Chamomile Tea leaves, Fresh Ginger, Dried Ginger, Honey, Turmeric (a great anti-inflammatory - especially used in Golden Milk, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon Slices, Coconut Cream


I do hope some of these images will be useful for our Hivers, and always remember the phrase below:

Life is like a cup of tea. It’s all in how you make it.

Quote unknown

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Original Content by @lizelle
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