Umbrella Photoshoot for Stock Images

My daughter, @izzydawn, likes her photography, so when we were struggling to find quite the right image to represent the letter "U" I asked if she would like to help me out with an umbrella photo shoot.

We brainstormed a few ideas and started out with some images at night under the streetlight. Unfortunately, they came out grainy. We could have done with doing long exposure, but it was cold and fairly windy, so the patience wasn't there to stand around for that length of time and try to get enough stillness between the gusts.

Other ideas were ones taken against the sky, but we weren't liking them.

Izzy wanted to use me as a model, not just take photos of the umbrella and had ideas to have me walking through a nearby tunnel. I thought she meant in front of the entrance, but she just forgot that it was too low to walk through standing upright, never mind with an umbrella. However, the location around was pretty, so we got some shots in there.

We've dropped the ones with lens flare and some of the ones she wanted of her old mum for her own memories, so I hope you like what's left. You can credit either @izzydawn or @minismallholding, if you want to use the images on Hive.






For those interested these images were taken on a Nikon D3400 and some editing was done in Lightroom. I'd tell you about the lenses used, but I think I'm already annoying my daughter with these questions, when she'd rather not be distracted from eating and gaming...

...also if you're wondering why she's not a beneficiary on this post, she prefers her payment in snacks.

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