I Randomly Bought Some Kratom, This Was My Experience!

I’ve been curious about this stuff for a while. Ever since my boss at my last job told us there was a widespread problem with people using this product while operating heavy machinery. I had never heard of it, but he said that “from what he understood,” at low doses it’s a stimulant, at higher doses it’s a pain reliever and depressant, and at higher doses still, a hallucinogen…naturally I was curious about this herbal product, but mostly just relegated it to being another salvia - which I was never too fond of personally.

I was stopping for gas and a coffee. I asked the girl smoking a cigarette behind the counter “what’s the deal with Kratom?” …she looked at me as though slightly annoyed. “What about it?” Good point, I thought, that’s not a very direct question. “What’s it do?” Now she seemed less guarded. She told me at high doses it’s a lot like heroin but didn’t seem interested in continuing the conversation, so I bought a little 3g pouch for $1.99 and headed off to work.

I searched a little on #hive to see what I could learn here. Most of the results were just one person who had a link to join something and get some free Kratom powder in his post-signature, but I did find * this*:


Then I searched online to find out what the additional words on the packaging mean, and found this:


So, it seems both that my former boss was fairly accurate in his description, but more importantly, I’m now in possession of a small bag of pimp-grade Kratom? Lol - far out, man - what do I do with it!?


There were several methods of injection listed, but this toss-and-wash method appealed to me the most, so that’s what I chose to do.

Around 0630 hrs, I took 1/3 of the package, threw it back, and washed it down with a blast of Monster - today, after all, was clearly a day for good choices.

Within 30 minutes, I didn’t feel different, like in a druggy/drinky way, but I did notice myself feeling less exhausted, and somewhat more motivated and clear-headed. This lasted until around 1230 hrs, when I gradually found myself returning to that tired feeling I’d had before starting all this. I get up for work every day at 0400 hrs, and stay up pretty late usually too, so I’m generally pretty tired.

At about 1300 hrs, I dumped the rest of the bag onto a small piece of paper, and knocked it back.

Doubling the dosage definitely was more noticeable, but it was nice. It was not a grindy/churning energy like Adderall, nor was it the euphoric and creative energy of cocaine. It was more clarity and cleaner energy than coffee, but in no other way was my perception or feeling changed. It felt very safe to use for getting things done, and if it weren’t for my refusal to become dependent on substances, I could easily see myself doing it again on a regular basis.

*Just to clarify, although I have experimented with many psychoactive chemicals and other drugs, it’s been more than ten years since I dabbled in any of that.

Anyway, that was my take. What do you think about Kratom?

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© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


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