A Case of Being Unmotivated? 📝 Just Do

The dreaded words of having a "writer's block" or not being motivated to do things that are actually enjoyable, I think everyone has to deal with at some point in their lives or careers. I've seen it being mentioned a few times here on the blockchain and it's also mentioned by some of the YouTubers I subscribe to, who are dealing with it from time to time.

Rays of Sunlight on Rainy Days.png

Today I'm experiencing something similar, but I wouldn't call it a writer's block. It's more like not having the energy or the motivation. I have a ton of topics on my list for days that I don't know what to write about, but when I opened the document I realized that most subjects are serious ones or will need more preparation time and I will probably also need some help in the visual department. I almost wanted to skip posting something today, but I know from my own experiences that once I skip on things that I actually enjoy doing, that one time will become two and three and before you know it, I don't remember how many times I've skipped.

The only way to get through it is to just do. The days when I wanted to skip my dance training, because I "didn't feel like it", but ultimately "forced" myself into going, when I left class my mood changed completely. Of course a huge factor was the being active, sweating, training the muscles and getting the blood flowing, which triggered a happy hormone. And even though writing a post is a little different from being physically active, letting myself DO it is a win in itself. That means that I can do it despite my feelings and that I can overcome the inside forces.

And now that I'm writing all of this I'm realizing that I should also try to come up with "lighter" topics, which will be a challenge, because I like to have discussions about a lot 😅. But I can do fun, even if I say so myself 😂. I should also start asking for help and also start accepting help, but that's a topic for another time 😅.

Chasse into the backstage! 💃


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