On agreeing on the holy baptism since Martin Luther; What Luther did, why he was controversial, and knowing anything to anybody anywhere at any time!


You know, we cannot put any human forces to the holy baptism, that is a holy issue. But there should be God there, and the baptism is something that implies that God and Jesus Christ, and all of his words anywhere in any book at any time has something to do with forming our lives. So, that was the issue of Martin Luther, and the baptism is water that is connected to the brain and the intelligence of God, and what humans are doing ever is just related to what we can, and how we are using our human forces, and we cannot make the salvation ourselves in the life, but there are forces outside us.

The baptism is something we are doing when we are little children and babies, and some are doing these things when they are adult and older people, and it is nice to see and to experience that humans can be together with God and Jesus Christ, and always loving these forces ourside ourselves, since the sciences cannot explain anything of supernatural forces, and forces without ourselves, and the sciences are engaged with making associations and explanations with scientific laws, and that is the way we are learning different things in the schools on every level, and we should go into schools at any levels where there are requirements, and where we are putting the most extreme person on us, due to our social affairs, our motivations and coaching, and our results in the schools ever.

You know, Luther has a lot of knowledges and he did many things, also producing the Bible which is written from God. And Luther hated the Jewish people and there could be several explanations for that, but they were clever and they liked to be in opposition and showing their best sides, and many of them knew that the humans are bounded rational, and that there is the core and the extension of knowledges, and that there are restrictions in the human mind and the body to the limits that can anywhere be found among students, employees, researchers and people. And you know, that is the pleasure and pain of being a human, and we should have much happiness in life. And Luther claimed that people in general should burn the churches and the schools to the Jewish people, and these things were badly.

And you know, we should follow the advice of Martin Luther and later people within the Christianity, claiming that the baptism is a gift from God, and that we all life are bounded to what God is telling us in the Bible and in the religious books, and that the whole learning issues and areas should be covered within the baptism we are having with us all the life, and it is the same which human that has ever done it, because humans are always furnished with limitations and errors. And you know, what we know in life with cognitions and metacognition and what we can know and what we cannot know, and there are traces around and inside the brains, and we are just making some mental processes and multiple tries when being here on the planet, and we should be the best version of ourselves, and we should love and respect people with any origin, and we are forced to create a better world for living, working and happiness and inclusion for every body we can find.

So, what is the problems with saying that any church is the world is welcome to the baptism? Well, there should be correct learning, and there should be the right messages and choices in what that are saying and written, and therefore the message of God and Jesus Christ is over the whole world, but what we are using of documents, and written materials, that is making differences among us, and we should believe what we want, and every church should be accepted and respected, but we determine ourselves what we are believing and what we are not believing, and we cannot ignore the laws and rules and norms, but the Bible is the leading star in life for everyone many places, and we cannot put any human forces to the baptism, but we should follow the right learning, and we should practice these things in correctly manners. And we cannot jump from system to system, but we should be where we are, and we should give our support and warmth to many people when being here.

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