The world inventions; The history and the case of the caviar!


We should not make stupid beliefs about products and models in whatever country, unless they are sensible. Making stupid beliefs and bad behavior in scientific communities are destroying how things are perceived. To be in to perceive and to be perceived. And there is nothing wrong with the cavior, it is a good and healthy product, and it is good for your well-being, for your mood and for your body.

The first known record of caviar dates back to the Greek scholar Aristotle. In the 4th Century B.C. Aristotle described this delicacy as the eggs of the sturgeon, heralded into banquets amongst trumpets and flowers. But it was Russia and the Russian Tsars that catapulted caviar into the world of utter luxury. We cannot do things in the scientific communities that are wrong and stupid perception, and every product has a function for people using the daily groceries, and every model we are using as a representation of reality, that is any attempt of every conceivable of understanding what is happening in many places. And models are both concrete and abstract.

The etymology of the word 'caviar' comes from the Greek 'avyron' (egg) or from the Persian 'havia' which translates as 'fish roe'. We should make wars in academic institutions and in firms, if there are some stupid beliefs and bad understanding about how to perceive life, and why things are as they are. The brain and the ways of understanding life are a freedom in the ways that are happening, and we should use diversity of many things, and precision to find the meaningsful and not meaningless ways of finding solutions in life. The more problems we are creating in the world, the worser the situations in the world really are.

The love is always the greatest thing in life, and we should know what we are doing, and why, and we should ignore all attempt against ourselves that are bad, and we should be clever and intelligent to just do things in the best ways, and in the most sensible ways. And the strongest of them all is love, and life is hope, faith and to find the truth in many places.

The traditional way of making Caviar is by capturing the sturgeon even when it is alive. It gives it a blow so that it is stunned; then, the ovarian sacks are extracted. The roe is passed through a sieve to loosen the eggs and separate them from the membrane.

The best quality caviar comes from the countries around the Caspian Sea, home to the Beluga, Osetra, and Sevruga sturgeon. For centuries, Russia and Iran have dominated the caviar market, producing the highest quality, and most in-demand, caviar in the world. More recently, China has become a large exporter of caviar.

Sturgeon are native to both oceans and freshwater rivers, mostly above the equator. They are large, strong fish and some have been reported to reach more than ten feet in length. Caviar is made from the roe of these different breeds of sturgeon. And we should use the caviar to be healthy and in good mood, and we should make the results as good as possible. And the most known company for making the caviar in Norway is Mills. And this company has a good reputation, and the employees have done many lovely actions several places. And in the markets, we find Beluga caviar as the frequently considered best caviar in the world, while Ossetra is best-known and an international favorite (also known as Oscietra, Osetra, or Asetra depending on the region it hails from and various dialectical spellings). Nowadays, the three largest countries producing farmed are China (nearly 40 tons), Italy (30 tons) and France (25 tons). Then come the USA, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland and Israel which produce 5 to 20 tons of caviar per year. And we should have entities in the firms making the caviar, and we should have research and development with getting the quality and the standard of the caviar as good as possible for many people that are customers. Customers are about you and me, and something we are working with the caviar, and therefore we can be internal or external persons about what to do with the caviar, buying the caviar in the markets, and eating the caviar in the last instance.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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