The world inventions; The history and the case of the magnifying glass!


You know, research is about investigating both all the details, and all the big things. And we are using a magnifying glass to see something small even bigger, and we do not to see it smaller than it is, and there a magnifying glass is about making things bigger than they are in reality!

Life is about concepts, and trying to fill the concepts with data, and we can write whatever variant that is possible. And research is about making connections betweeen things, and trying to explain something, and this thing can be obvious or less obvious. So, with any research article and research report, we can guess what is coming. And we should not be surprised of anything, and the thing in life is that we sometimes can write these things even better and with more rich perspectives.

What is really magnifying glass? Well, it comes from the noun: magnifying glass. The plural noun is magnifying glasses. And any magnifying galss is a lens that produces an enlarged image, typically set in a frame with a handle and used to examine small or finely detailed things such as fingerprints and fine print.

You know, we should do what we like in life, and there are nearly an infinite number of variables, concepts, data and study programs of anything. But although there are much to be known, and we cannot reach all things in life, much is about what we are doing individually and collectively. And when doing sciences, there is either one person there, or there are several persons. And we have learned these things early in our lives. So, the best things in life, we are enjoying ourselves, and there is always a menu there with all kinds of positive and negative experiences that we can experience and wait for. And we should take all kinds of institutions away from us, and institutions and roles are written much about in the international literature, and we are facing and framing much when being the man or the woman that we really are. And we are choosing jobs in relation to our background and what we are facing of knowledges to be known many places.

So, life is many experiments with uncertain processes and effects, and sometimes we know all things in life in advance, and at other times we know nothing, and the third situation is to know nothing and something. So, what is really these magnifying glasses about? Well, a magnifying glass is a convex lens used to make an object appear much larger than it actually is. This works when the object is placed at a distance less than the focal length from the lens.

The magnifying glass was invented by the Franciscan friar and scholar Roger Bacon (UK) (c. 1214-1292) in Oxford, UK. The first mention of its use was in 1268. He adapted its use as primitive spectacles, allowing scholars with failing eyesight to continue their work, So, schools and scholars are coming from different places in the world, and they have a general and specific purpose and meaning and philosophy and origin of many times since they have been existing in the nature with the human natures there functioning just as the body is. So, it is nice to know many people and what is happening, and sometimes we are happy about it, and at other times we are gettiing in doubts. And knowing things in life, and being uncertain and filled with anxiety, that is how life is perceived by anyone.

So, what is philosophy and the magnifying glasses? Well, the philosophy is to symbolize studying, examining or searching for an explanation and answers related to a real image and a real picture. And small things are made big. And we can compare how the life is with or without studying anything. And it is studies with using the magnifying glass and not studies when not using this glass. And that is how life is perceived when living normal and when sometimes using the magnifying glasses and sometimes not. And there exists also reduction glass in the nature.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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