Electronic Voting Fraud 2020: Dominion, Hammer & Scorecard Rigging Election (Allegations & Evidence)

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My most recent video here documents the claims and evidence of widespread electronic voting fraud that appears to be a major component of what clearly looks like a rigged election, the establishment's way of selecting the next presidential candidate of the USA.

Video also on BitChute:

The evidence of fraud continues to mount, and electronic rigging seems to be playing a major key part in the steal for Biden, with the Dominion Voting software at the center of the scandal. In Michigan, as I've already covered, the Anterim County Clerk announced that a Dominion software "glitch" was responsible for giving around 6,000 Trump votes to Biden who was initially deemed the winner of the county, a Republican stronghold, before the 'error' was discovered and a hand count determined Trump the actual winner. A similar "glitch" in a separate Michigan county caused another upset, with just enough republican votes flipped to the democratic opponent's count in the Oakland County Commissioner race, before a hand count determined the republican to be the true winner, causing the democrat's surprise victory to be nullified.


This election software is also used in at least 47 additional Michigan counties, and 30 states, including every single swing state.

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Just the name alone rings alarm bells, and furthermore, the software is hooked up to the internet, even allowing hackers easy access!

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And as I have previously pointed out, any software programmer can easily rig any election where electronic voting machines are used, with a simple 100-line program that would automatically flip the vote 51-49 to the candidate of choice and would be virtually undetectable, as whistle blower Clint Curtiss was hired to do for the 2000 elections for Congressman Tom Feeney, as he testified in a Congressional hearing. It is noteworthy that all of the so-called Dominion "glitches" which have been reported are flipping republican votes to the democratic opponent in Michigan, a key swing state.

Furthermore, and this is one of the few things in the post not included in the video, an odd voting machine glitch which temporarily shut down voting in two Georgia counties occurred after a program was mysteriously uploaded the night before Election Day. "The counties use voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems and electronic poll books — used to sign in voters — made by KnowInk," Politico reported.

The companies “uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a glitch,” said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election. That glitch prevented pollworkers from using the pollbooks to program smart cards that the voters insert into the voting machines.

Ridley said that a representative from the two companies called her after poll workers began having problems with the equipment Tuesday morning and said the problem was due to an upload to the machines by one of their technicians overnight.

“That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,” Ridley said. Ridley said she did not know what the upload contained.

It is quite possible that such an upload containing code programming the machines to flip the votes in favor of democrats was responsible for Biden's super late comeback 'win', as a similar glitch took place in Gwinnet County which "initially prevented officials from processing tens of thousands of mail-in ballots" on Tuesday night, but after the issue was resolved and the majority of votes had been counted, "it was clear Wednesday night that the Democratic party has flipped the once-Republican stronghold blue," WSBTV-2 reported. Dominion voting machines are used in every single county in Georgia.

Trump team lawyer Sidney Powell went public on Sunday in an interview on Fox News stating that Dominion Voting Systems was responsible not only for the isolated Michigan "glitches" responsible for flipping republican votes to democrats which have been publicized, but that this vote flipping is intentional and part of a widespread coordinated rigging of the election. And she is absolutely right that machines don't just randomly "glitch" like that to flip a vote, especially not twice in one state with the same results of republican votes being given to republicans. The extent of this fraud cannot be known until every single county using Dominion voting machines hand counts every single vote.

Another anomaly clearly pointing to fraud, which may also be a result of electronic rigging with Dominion systems, as Powell went on to point out, are the cases of massive 100,000+ Biden 'vote dumps', where late in the race a huge chunk of votes coming in goes exclusively to Biden, another statistical anomaly the fraud-deniers simply cannot explain away, and so continue to ignore. This took place in Michigan with 138,000 votes that came in during a period late in the race going exclusively to Biden, and also in Wisconsin and Georgia with similar sized jumps.

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Trump held a strong lead in all three states, only to be overtaken by Biden late in the race after these vote dumps, which may well have been caused by the voting machines counting all the votes for Biden, as opposed to the potential of fraudulent ballots being dropped off. Investigations must be conducted to discover the true extent and nature of this apparent widespread fraud.

Another statistical anomaly that could potentially be a result of electronic voter fraud is the report of a greater number of people voting than there are registered voter, quite the impossible feat!

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Another case of documented vote flipping fraud took place in a Kentucky Governors race, when a vote count update literally took 560 votes from the republican candidate and gave it to the democrat opponent, with no new votes actually coming in. And in case it wasn't obvious, the only way a candidate can lose votes is through fraud. If those lost votes are immediately transferred to the opponent, this is practically proof of electronic rigging through vote flipping, as verifiably took place in Michigan. The new automatic update can be seen in the center of the screen in the gold; with the CNN banner at the bottom of the screen showing the previous numbers, not yet reflecting the updated numbers that just came in seconds ago:

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Kentucky is one of the few states that doesn't use Dominion voting machines, but there is clearly still electronic vote flipping taking place there. According to several sources, including Sidney Powell herself live on mainstream television in an interview with Lou Dobbs, those behind the well planned steal and coordinated (s)election of Biden are using the CIA counter-surveillance program The Hammer, which is used to spy on activities on protected networks (like voting machines) without detection, alongside the Scorecard vote-manipulation application which is being used to flip the votes in favor of Biden. She called on an investigation, "probably by the President's most trusted military intelligence officials who can get into the system and see what was done," and also went on to say they already had some evidence of these applications being used to rig the election, but didn't elaborate on what evidence that was or how much they had. The Kentucky anomaly certainly appears to be a prime example of The Hammer and Scorecard at work. The Trump team isn't alone in making these accusations.

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, in an interview on Two Mikes the day before the election, warned that the establishment was planning to use Hammer and Scorecard to steal the election for the democrats. As summarized by No Q Reports:

A CIA program known as “Scorecard” allows its users to change voting outcomes by hacking into the transfer between local reporting stations and state or national data centers. According to McInerney, it’s a small amount, under 3%, to keep it from triggering any alarms. He would know. He served in top military positions under the Secretary of Defense and the Vice President of the United States.

Following the election, former NSA analyst Kirk Wiebe also repeats the same allegations and summarizes how these two counter-intelligence programs would work to steal an election, in a video published on November 7.

The Hammer software was built by CIA/NSA contractor Dennis Montgomery, and was originally designed as a "foreign surveillance tool," however Montgomery claims that in 2009, under President Barack Obama, it was “commandeered and repurposed” by John Brenan and James Clapper into a “private and parallel domestic surveillance system,” as New Right Network explains.

While Hammer is the software that enables access to voting machines without being detected, the more important part of this equation is the software that works with Hammer to change vote tallies during the data transfer part of reporting the tabulation totals. Scorecard is designed to change only a 3% total of votes in order to go undetected during the transfer of totals.

Kirk Wiebe, a former senior analyst at the NSA from 1975-2001, explains that Scorecard is designed to change votes “on the fly.” He says that data is grabbed in real-time and changed in microseconds. It happens so quickly that no one notices the delay.

Then there are Dominion's shady ties with the Clinton Foundation via The DELIAN Project, and a number of other noteworthy links to establishment democrats that are obvious conflicts of interest and should raise red flags.

Not to mention the company's history. Many people are familiar with Diebold's corruption and history of electronic voting machine fraud, but I would venture to guess only a few are aware that Dominion Voting Systems is in reality Diebold with a new name. You see, in 2010, Dominion acquired all voting systems, software and programs from Election Systems and Software (ES&S).

Diebold, which would in 2013 be indicted by a federal judge for a “worldwide pattern of criminal conduct,” sold its electronic voting division to ES&S in 2009. So Dominion Voting Systems simply acquired Diebold's notoriously susceptible-to-fraud electronic voting machine empire. The same voting machines caught counting thousands of negative votes for Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election, and for which Clint Curtis designed the software to "flip the vote 51-49" to the candidate of choice to rig an election in the same election year, the same voting machines which in the elections that followed were caught doing just that in a number of races all across the country.

So it is really no surprise that such vote flipping has verifiable occurred in the 2020 (s)election among Dominion's electronic voting machines. The obvious coordination of the establishment, seen particularly in the orchestrated media censorship and propaganda campaign to convince the public Joe Biden won a fair election and suppress all evidence of fraud, supports the claims of an orchestrated elections steal being alleged by Trump and those members of his legal team and cabinet who haven't yet jumped ship. Indeed, the entire establishment including a large number of republicans have now turned on Trump and are pressuring him to concede, which would halt all legal actions and ongoing investigations that could expose the true extent of the fraud and its nature. If the military intelligence software of operations Hammer and Scorecard is indeed also being used to rig the election, then it is likely this is to some degree a military intelligence operation. The security state apparatus including the intelligence community is at the heart of the establishment, with deep ties to the media, now including the very social media actively taking part in, almost to the point of seemingly engineering, the ongoing election censorship campaign.

If Trump is aware of this and intent on fighting this battle and refusing to concede until all legal options including re-counts and investigations are exhausted, then it might explain his recent firing of Secretary of State Mark Esper on Monday, and insiders expecting CIA Director Gina Haspel to be next. CNN cites "a senior administration official and three former administration officials with knowledge of the situation telling CNN they expect the President to remove Haspel from her post, as he did Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday."

The crooked CIA Director should be fired, but if Trump actually wanted to start using what may be his last few days to begin truly 'draining the swamp' as he promised his supporters he would do four years ago, a far better move would be to just disband the CIA entirely, although the criminal agency would probably still just continue operating as a private entity.

Maybe Trump is simply using his final days in office to settle scores with those who didn't always get along with him. But maybe he is preparing to take on the establishment with all he's got in this battle to uncover and expose the true extent of all this election fraud. All I know is when the entire might of the establishment targets someone the way they have converged on Trump from every possible angle including a number of republicans turning on him, to pressure him to concede and suppress all credible evidence of fraud, then he must be doing something right. Clearly the establishment is desperate to keep the true extent of the election fraud coming to light or they wouldn't be going to such extreme lengths to suppress evidence and discredit anyone who is simply pointing to that evidence and demanding independent investigations into all of these allegations and anomalies.

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