Covid 9/11: Dark Winter Rising - Part 2 | The ‘Second Wave’ & the Coming Chaos


Almost two decades ago, just months prior to 9/11, military war games simulating the US response to to a viral smallpox pandemic caused by a bio terrorist attack were held. This exercise was code-named “Dark Winter”.

Now, 19 years later and amidst what is being called the worst viral pandemic of the century, various coronavirus ‘experts’ have been warning us of a coming ‘dark winter’. A ‘second wave’ or resurgence of the so-called coronavirus pandemic combined with the common influenza season, they say, will bring about this forecasted dark winter, although there is likely more to this prediction than first meets the eye.

In Part 1 of this investigation, we delved into the many similarities and connections between the 9/11 false flag operation and the ‘Covid19’ pandemic (Covid1984), and the similarities and links between the 2001 Dark Winter exercise and Covid1984. This included a web of connectivity between hosts and participants of the Dark Winter war games, the benefactors of the anthrax attacks it foreshadowed, the participants of the Crimson Contagion and Event 201 simulations which foreshadowed the covid pandemic, and benefactors of the global Covid1984 response.

A great summary of many of these connections was put together by the Corbett Report, and can be seen below:


Here in Part 2, we will look at some of the many predictions of a coming ‘second wave’ and associated ‘dark winter’ made over the course of the year, the official arrival of this ‘second wave’, election war games carried out over the past year which simulated the 2020 elections ending in total chaos, numerous warnings of a coming cyberattack potentially targeting the elections, and how a number of well-positioned Zionist entities throughout America could be preparing to launch a false flag attack or series of attacks to usher in the foreshadowed election chaos and a very dark winter indeed.

Dark Winter Rising

In May 2020, Dr. Bright was reportedly ousted from the Trump Administration because of his disagreement over what he called an incompetent response to the ‘pandemic’, criticizing Trump’s funding of “drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit.” (On this point I must agree with him, for Trump’s plan to spend billions to fund a global vaccination program is an insane waste of taxpayer dollars that could have instead been used to save small businesses that government-imposed lockdowns had put out of business, and save countless lives in the developing world who are to this day starving to death in increasing numbers due to the same government policies.)

He then ‘blew the whistle’ on what he saw as the Administration’s recipe for disaster, and in testimony before Congress, he made the ominous prediction that “2020 will be the darkest winter in modern history.”

“He said there is an ‘undeniable fact’ that Covid-19 will resurge in the fall, CNBC reported.

"Without clear planning and implementation of the steps that I and other experts have outlined, 2020 will be darkest winter in modern history," Bright plans to tell members of Congress, according to his prepared remarks obtained by CNBC. "If we fail to develop a national coordinated response, based in science, I fear the pandemic will get far worse and be prolonged, causing unprecedented illness and fatalities."

How he could be so certain that a resurgence of the virus would be an “undeniable fact” so many months in advance is beyond comprehension, but this idea became planted in a steady stream of predictive programming, promising a coming ‘second wave’ this fall which would usher in a ‘dark winter.’ Even at the time, Dr. Bright wasn’t alone in his covid prophecy, which echoed a similar warning given by the CDC director just weeks before in April, before the initial pandemic pandemonium had even subsided.

“A second wave of the coronavirus is expected to hit the United States next winter and could strike much harder than the first because it would likely arrive at the start of influenza season,” Reuters reported on April 21.

“There’s a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through,” CDC Director Robert Redfield told the Washington Post in an interview.

Although echoing the sentiment of the earlier CDC warning, it is worth noting the strange ‘coincidence’ that a Dr. Bright would be the first to specifically use the ‘dark winter’ phraseology, an irony that is hard to miss.

This prediction has since been repeatedly echoed in the weeks and months that followed, including by Bill Gates, who, during an interview on The Economist in August, in response to the question of whether he thought the worst of the pandemic was over yet or still to come, said that “the worst is still ahead.”


Now, as if right on cue, the beginning of the fall season has ushered in the official arrival of this long-predicted ‘second wave’, along with renewed concern over the potential ‘dark winter’ looming ahead.

On September 22, a Politico headline reads: “U.S. coronavirus death toll tops 200K as officials fear fall surge”

“U.S. coronavirus deaths surpassed 200,000 on Tuesday, hitting a dismal milestone in the country’s troubled pandemic response as health officials worry the fall and winter could bring more devastation,” Politico reported.

On September 24, a Click Orlando headline reads: “Europe is battling a second wave of COVID-19. Could the US be next? U.S. second wave could coincide with flu season”

A CNN headline likewise informs us on September 24 that: “A second wave of coronavirus is already underway in most of Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says”.

That both of these pronouncements were made on the same day is quite telling, especially considering the official arrival of ‘second wave’ was accompanied with, taking Canada for example, a mere six deaths per day!


On September 25, a NewsChannel 9 headline declares that: “After ‘Dark Days,’ leaders plan for possible COVID spike and flu ‘twindemic’”

Now they’re even beginning to name the coming ‘second wave’, so the initial ‘pandemic’ looks to soon morph into the coming ‘twindemic’.

“In his new interview for NewsChannel 9’s “Dark Days” documentary, Dr. Stephen Thomas, the infectious disease chief at Upstate Medical University, says “it’s not over.”

He asks, “Are we going to have this ‘twindemic,’ where we have flu and COVID? We worry about it overwhelming the system again.”


All the ‘experts’ agree, or at least the ones featured by the mainstream media: a ‘second wave’ is coming, already arriving in fact, and things will only get worse from here, because this whole ‘pandemic’ thing is definitely “not over.” This narrative is simply a fulfillment of the past six months of predictive programming, and was inevitable. It looks like Operation Dark Winter has commenced.

In June, Eyewitness News reported that South Africa’s “top scientist and leading virologist in a trial vaccine...professor Shabir Madhi is warning” that: “It’s going to be a dark winter, similar to Spain and Italy.”

On August 27, The NY Times published an article entitled “Coronavirus Winter Is Coming”.

In the months since Dr. Bright’s testimony, his prediction [of the “darkest winter in modern history”] has come into sharper focus: By Dec. 1, the number of Americans killed by Covid-19, now at about 181,000, may reach nearly 317,000, according to a projection from University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Further darkening the picture, 32 of 56 economists who spoke to Reuters last month said there was a high or very high risk that the halting job recovery will reverse itself by the end of this year.

Another NY Times opinion piece published the same week described how, following a partial return to normal in New York City over the summer, “throughout the city...lurked a deep and intense anxiety over what might lie ahead, as summer gave way to autumn and a new rash of frightening unknowns.”

On September 18, Chronicle Journal News quoted Canadian MP Charlie Angus as stating that, “the possibility that this will be a very dark winter for many Canadians is clear.” The MP cited “isolation and social uncertainty brought on by COVID-19” as factors which will contribute to the coming ‘dark winter.’

Of course we know it wasn’t any virus or illness, but rather the media reaction combined with government lockdowns which were truly responsible for the isolation and social uncertainty felt by millions of people around the world. And indeed, if the coming ‘second wave’ is anything like the initial pandemic, even if it does turn into something as deadly as the first wave, it won’t be this ‘second wave’ that causes a real ‘dark winter’, but rather media-induced fear and government restrictions, such as a new round of lockdowns or more economic warfare against the Middle Class.

In July a US ‘expert’ warned of a “big wave in the fall,” following what he described as a “significant resurgence of cases in the summer.” ”And they’ll get bigger. And it’ll keep going until we lock things down again,” he said, clueing us in to the likely push for a new set of lockdowns coinciding with the arrival of the coming ‘second wave’. Such rhetoric wasn’t isolated, with an August 13 Bloomberg headline warning us that: “Forced Isolation May Be the Only Way to Stop Resurgence of Virus”.

So we can expect one aspect of the coming ‘dark winter’ to entail new and likely stricter lockdowns, or at the least a renewed vigorous push for such measures. After all, this is seemingly the only way Bill Gates’ prediction that “the worst is still ahead,” could come to pass, considering the havoc wreaked on society by the first rounds of lockdowns and economic shutdown was detrimental in comparison while to the damage caused by the pandemic itself. Nowhere is this connection more clearly seen than with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s recent tightening of coronavirus restrictions in response to the official arrival of the ‘second wave’ in Europe.


A September 23 headline reads: “Britain braced for dark winter as new measures deployed to stem coronavirus surge”

A September 24 headline from the UK Telegraph questions if the country is headed into a second nationwide lockdown - “Is the UK heading for a second national lockdown?”

Israel already previously instituted a statewide lockdown in recent weeks, which it initially struggled to implement due to widespread protest and resistance. It has since passed a new lockdown law essentially banning protests, however, intent on using the lockdown as a means to further stifle political dissent.

It does seem clear that engineering acceptance of such lockdowns and the perpetuation of other tyrannical ‘new normal’ measures currently already in place for the duration of the winter would likely take more than just a resurgence of the virus. It would likely take even more than the arrival of a new wave of a deadlier strain of the virus, although such a scenario would certainly help to bring about a new wave of fear and panic.

The original Dark Winter exercise did, after all, simulate the intentional release of a bioweapon, and was mirrored by the events and narrative of the ‘Covid19’ pandemic so well, which is now predicted to come back with a vengeance to create a dark winter. This does seem to suggest that the coming ‘second wave’ predicted to cause our dark winter of 2020 may be associated with a bioweapon as opposed to a mere resurgence of the natural coronavirus of last winter. This, combined with the shared concern among many prominent pandemic players prior to this event of an intentionally released pathogen should at least raise some red flags.

Regardless of whether the first wave was caused by such an intentional release or not (and there is plenty of evidence, which, although non-conclusive, does suggest it may have originated from Fort Detrick, possibly via the Wuhan virology lab in China), the initial narrative was of a natural pandemic, and it is the narrative responsible for driving any psychological operation. The narrative can just as easily be changed to reflect a new cause for the second wave of coronavirus, and the intentional release of an even deadlier pathogen in order to re-instill fear into the minds of the masses is not entirely out of the question either. All through the pandemic, various authority figures have already repeatedly insinuated that China was to blame for the spread of the virus, even if not by intentionally releasing it, although this was one such theory which has been used to reinforce the China-responsible-for-the-virus narrative, still perpetuated to this day.

Incidentally, it is now being reported that: “New coronavirus mutation could be evolving to get around mask-wearing and hand-washing”.

The largest genetic study into the virus carried out in the US has suggested that “Covid-19 may have become more contagious as it has mutated,” we are told. And while I suppose this is certainly possible, it is also possible this is simply the latest mainstream narrative invention being used to explain why masks are ineffective, so they don’t have to admit their initial claims that the evidence proved masks worked were not in fact entirely false scientific fabrications. Or, it could also be that instead of a mutation of the original virus, what scientists have actually discovered is an intentionally released new weaponized strain of the virus - deadlier and more contagious - which will be the cause of a truly dangerous second wave of pandemic.

Such a scenario is certainly a very real possibility; it wouldn’t be much of a jump for the ‘experts’ to go from identifying a mutation in the virus to identifying a completely new and weaponized strain. If the official narrative were to eventually reflect such a storyline (whether real or not), it would be a simple matter to blame China, who is already viewed as the cause of the initial pandemic in the minds of many, or another foreign enemy they have repeatedly claimed is planning to attack the US, such as Iran.

They have given us plenty of hints as to what this coming dark winter will entail, and the picture painted by the totality of predictive programming is a bleak picture of a very dark winter indeed, consisting of far more than just a simple resurgence of the virus now known to pose no more of a threat to society than the common flu, and probably more than even just the release of a deadlier virus strain.

Pandemic Hunger Games

While the media continues its desperate bid to continue perpetuating the pandemic narrative, millions are still reeling from the shockwaves of the initial government lockdowns and economic shutdowns. It is unknown how many lives were ruined by these insane measures, the number of deaths caused by the global pandemic response is at least in the tens of thousands and continues to grow every day. Many more lost their businesses, their jobs, even their homes, with both homelessness and hunger now on the rise across the western world. Anxiety, depression, mental illness and suicide is all on the increase, as social isolation and continued dehumanization of society combined with the physical ramifications of the spring lockdowns and ‘new normal’ measures still in effect all around the world.

The developing world was hit even harder, particularly with a sharp rise in hunger and starvation. All across Africa there are more and more children starving to death every single day, as many residents are now reporting, and this impact was directly caused by the global economic response to the pandemic. Even during the lockdowns, the UN warned of this outcome, but these warnings fell on deaf ears.

In April, the UN warned the global pandemic response would cause global famines of ‘biblical proportions.’

The U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator was later quoted by NPR in early May as stating that: "we expect, unfortunately, that there could be a doubling this year in the number of people who are literally starving to death and won't survive unless they get help." Even before the pandemic, around 9 million people were already starving to death each year, with hunger affecting 14 million globally, and killing one child every ten seconds.


Hunger was already the leading global epidemic before ‘Covid19’, and now due to the global ‘Covid19’ response, it has been greatly intensified, with the richest nations of the earth spending trillions in response to a pandemic no deadlier than the common flu while ignoring the far bigger epidemic that has a simple cure.

With just $90 billion estimated to be able to protect the 700 million most vulnerable people from the exploding hunger epidemic right now, an amount representing just “1.8% of the economic stimulus packages put in place by the world's richest countries to cushion the economic impact of the coronavirus,” the world ignored the far bigger global threat to humanity.

The US for example still opted to dump $6.2 trillion in funding into new experimental vaccines, corporate bailouts, and other pandemic programs which did little to benefit its own citizens suffering from the very economic fallout of its own mandated lockdown, while at the same time ignoring the larger global fallout impacting millions of the world’s poorest populations. And they even did this despite the knowledge that this poverty and insecurity would spread, and likely reach their own homelands.

“If instability and conflict grows, as it tends to when economic stress is acute in those kinds of countries, it won't just stay in those countries, it will spread," the top UN official said. "So this is a matter of national interest and self-interest, not just of human generosity."

One has to wonder if this was in fact part of the plan, as it now looks like the long-term economic impacts will be hitting the US the hardest as winter arrives, which would greatly contribute to any type of ‘dark winter’ scenario that may lie ahead. All of this was known to the leaders who nevertheless chose to lock down entire societies and shut down entire economies. Even Trump himself publicly admitted that the shutdowns would lead to increased poverty, drug abuse and suicides, and yet he chose to implement the policy anyway, and then later extended it to increase its ramifications.

The Nation described this coming crisis as “Covid-19’s Third Shock Wave: The Global Food Crisis,” noting that: “Many people are already going hungry in the United States; many more will face hunger or starvation in other parts of the world.”

Was this ‘third shock wave’ intended to coincide with the coming ‘second wave’, as part of the plan to create a ‘dark winter’. Since then, there have been a few suggestions of coming food shortages over the winter, scattered throughout media reports A second round of lockdowns could ensure that such a a scenario plays out. The Nation seems to have left the world with an ominous warning, which, if it were to come to pass in the coming months, would create a very dark winter indeed.

Major world disasters produce multiple ripple effects. Like a powerful tsunami, they trigger one shock wave after another, each producing injury and mayhem. In the case of Covid-19, the first wave was the global health crisis, still spreading around the world. Next came the stay-at-home requirements and the resulting shutdown of the world economy, resulting in massive job layoffs everywhere. These, in turn, are producing a third wave, possibly even more catastrophic in its outcome: the collapse of global food-supply systems and widespread human starvation.

All Roads Lead to the 2020 Elections

As we have seen (in Part 1), the original Dark Winter exercise received its name based on a scenario of limited vaccines for a rapidly spreading virus, a bio-terrorist released strain of smallpox. This is particularly interesting considering Trump’s push to get a ‘Covid19’ vaccine out just in time for the winter. This may seem entirely irrelevant, especially considering that the currently unfolding scenario looks to be creating a situation which is the complete opposite of that depicted in Dark Winter...unless Trump doesn’t get the vaccine out in time, before the next wave hits.

What really stands out to me about the current vaccine rush, however, is that Trump is specifically pushing to get a vaccine out by Election Day, which is particularly interesting considering the significance of Election Day in war games held earlier this summer in sparking a train of events that could best be described as the perfect recipe for a whole different kind of dark winter.

As a USA Today headline from August 6 reads: “Experts held 'war games' on the Trump vs. Biden election. Their finding? Brace for a mess”

After gaming out various scenarios, the group said its conclusions were "alarming:" In an election taking place amid a pandemic, a recession and rising political polarization, the group found a substantial risk of legal battles, a contested outcome, violent street clashes and even a constitutional impasse.

"We assess with a high degree of likelihood that November's elections will be marked by a chaotic legal and political landscape," the Transition Integrity Project, which organized the "war games," said in a report this week.

Participants consisted of “67 former government officials and academic students of government,” including “Michael Steele, a former chair of the Republican National Committee; John Podesta, the former White House chief of staff who chaired Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign; former Republican members of Congress; and a host of former elected officials, government staffers, consultants, and even journalists.”

The war games simulated the 2020 elections, testing the four most likely potential election outcomes, with the goal of simulating how those four scenarios would play out between Election Day and Inauguration Day three months later.

As USA Today reported, ”Each scenario except for a Biden landslide win ended in violent protests and a constitutional crisis.” Furthermore: “In the six weeks since the tabletop exercises, the group's organizers said their fears of a messy outcome have only grown.”

Although the organizers of such war game exercises always stress the simulations aren’t about predicting the future, the reality is that they quite often do exactly that, in part because their aim is to accurately simulate likely future scenarios. And that should be concerning, especially considering many of these war game scenarios have already begun to play out - even before the arrival of Election Day - including left wing protests and violent riots (BLM protests over the summer), as well as the National Guard being mobilized by Trump to squash left-wing demonstrations (which took place in Seattle).


Even the beginning of actual election-related chaos now seems to have arrived, with police in the swing state of Wisconsin finding three trays of mail full of absentee ballots discarded in a ditch, a situation the FBI is now investigating.

Interestingly, another election war game simulation carried out last November, named “Operation Blackout” and hosted by a “shadowy tech firm with ties to Israeli intelligence” (Cybereason) also similarly ended in chaos.

Election Day 2020: 32 Americans dead, over 200 injured, martial law declared and the election itself is canceled. While this horrific scenario seems more like the plot of a Hollywood film, such was the end result of a recent simulation examining the preparedness of U.S. officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Secret Service against “bad actors” seeking to undermine the upcoming presidential election.

Yet, this simulation was not a government-organized exercise but was instead orchestrated by a private company with deep ties to foreign and domestic intelligence services, a company that is also funded by investors with clear connections to individuals who would stand to benefit if such a catastrophic election outcome were to become reality.

The havoc was wreaked by a hacker team which “completely devastated the U.S. law enforcement team in Operation Blackout by not only causing chaos but murdering numerous civilians,” Whitney Webb explains.

Hackers took control of city buses, ramming them into civilians waiting in line at polling stations, killing 32 and injuring over 200. They also took control of city traffic lights in order to cause traffic accidents, used so-called “deepfakes” to conduct psychological operations on the populace and created fake bomb threats posing as the terror group ISIS, which incidentally has its own ties to Israeli intelligence. Telecom networks and news outlets within the fictitious states were also hacked and flooded with deepfakes aimed at spreading disinformation and panic among U.S. citizens.

When multiple such election forecasts (made by the very entities that would stand to benefit by such forecasts playing out, no less) are combined with the prediction of a dark winter ahead, a presidential-led race to get a vaccine out by Election Day (or at least by the end of the year), and the official arrival of a ‘second wave’ accompanied by a renewed push for increased lockdowns and other tyrannical measures currently in the works, the picture that clearly seems to emerge is a recipe for disaster, and a truly dark winter indeed. But that isn’t all.

Red Flags Suggest Likely Zionist False Flag Targeting Election

There have also been plenty of warnings of foreign election interference both from US officials and the emerging technocracy; and such a narrative, whether accurately reflecting reality or not, would form yet another key facet of the predicted election chaos. The parties pinpointed in these warnings are Russia, China, and Iran, whose interference could even include “cyber attacks.”

A series of ominous predictions seem to indicate that a false flag event or series of false flags blamed on Iran is a likely scenario, with one of the most likely possibilities being election interference of some kind.

The NY Times, reporting on the foreign election security threats posed by Iran, declared that: “The threat of Iran to the election is harder to judge.” This vague statement was followed up by the curious statement that: “Some believe Iran would stage attacks on oil shipping this fall, to try to cause economic calamity.

There have actually been a number of warnings from sources with close ties to Israel and the intelligence community that Iran is planning to stage cyberattacks on the US as some point in the future.

Zionists in the US have already been strategically placed in high positions of power where they could easily help to orchestrate such false flag attacks. One particularly noteworthy example is Richard Grendel, who was appointed to the post of Director of National Intelligence in February, reported by Whitney Webb in her piece published by Mint Press News: “With Grendel Appointment, the Israel Lobby’s Foothold on US Intelligence Grows Even Stronger | With Richard Grendel now overseeing all 17 intelligence agencies, Israel’s influence over the U.S intelligence community has reached new and troubling heights”.

Anne Neuberger, an orthodox Jewish woman with Zionist ties was picked to be the head of NSA’s new cyber security division, effective October 1. It is worth noting she is a member of the same Zionist Jewish religious faction as Jared Kushner, who is himself in all reality a highly placed Israeli operative within the Trump administration working for Israeli PM Netanyahu.

Last year, former NSA-director and head of US Cyber Command Admiral Michael Rogers joined the advisory board of an Israeli venture capital firm and cyber security think tank, Team8, which is closely linked to the Israeli intelligence agency Unit 8200. Team8 was “Founded by former members of the elite Israeli army intelligence group known as Unit 8200,” and is currently run by the former chief of the Israeli intelligence agency, Nadav Zafrir. Former NSA officials have strongly criticized the move, including Jake Williams, long-time member of NSA’s hacking unit.

“Rogers is not being brought into this role because of this technical experience,” Williams asserted in an email to CyberScoop. “It’s purely because of his knowledge of classified operations and his ability to influence many in the U.S. government and private sector companies.”

A number of Israeli tech companies are involved in the current technocratic revolution taking place around the world, and stand to profit immensely from the new technocratic biosecurity state paradigm being implemented through the Covid1984 agenda.

Israeli-linked cybersecurity groups have also gained access to critical private and public networks in America, in the US healthcare and Pharmaceutical sectors.

Also, “A shadowy tech firm with deep ties to Israeli intelligence and newly linked contracts to protect Pentagon computers is partnering with Lockheed Martin to gain unprecedented access to the heart of America’s democracy.”

Furthermore, the Israeli tech company behind Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense command and control system, mPrest, “has significantly expanded its presence in the North American utility market, where its technology is revolutionizing the way electric utilities incorporate grid analytics and distributed energy resources,” the company’s PR Newswire reported back in 2017. This would surely be an incredible resource for Israel if Zionists in the ranks of its leadership ever wished to stage a false flag attack targeting the US the power grid, especially considering that the Israeli-government controlled Rafael Advanced Defense Systems now owns 50% of MPrest. As the company’s founder explained, the merger with Rafael was chosen “because they could accelerate our penetration in the defense industry.”

Meanwhile the biggest US tech firms - Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook - are not only heavily involved in the rise of the new technocracy, but are also working increasingly closely with the US military, national security, and intelligence communities, all of which, as we know, are often used to serve Israeli interests. Particularly troubling is Silicon’s Valley partnership with “US government agencies tasked with protecting the integrity of the election,” ostensibly aimed at fighting disinformation campaigns and “seeking to meddling and foreign interference.”

It is especially noteworthy - considering the incredible power, influence and capabilities that well-positioned Zionists have in relation to US politics, media, intelligence, national/cyber-security and infrastructure - that a number of such officials and sources have been repeatedly warning of Iranian cyberattacks in recent times.

As a Washington Post headline reads: [“Iran’s the scariest cyber adversary, former NSA Chief says”.

“U.S. government officials are hyper-focused on the hacking threats from Russia and China right now,” the Post reports, “but it’s the threat from Iran that keeps former NSA director Keith Alexander up at night.” As opposed to series of hacks as in times past, “This time, Iran could respond to sanctions with far more destructive acts, said Alexander, who now leads the firm Iron Net Cybersecurity.”

Of particular interest is the fact that Alexander has been hosted by the above-mentioned IDF-founded Team8 at its annual Rethink Cyber Tel Aviv Event, and his role heading up up IronNet, described elsewhere as a “startup that helps nations defend against advanced digital threats,” and is linked to other warnings of an impending Iranian attack.

Vice President at IronNet and former Bush Administration White House official, Jamil Jaffer, was quoted - in a February article entitled, “Officials worry Iran will target defense contractors with cyberattacks” - as saying that, “in the cyber realm, Iran is more likely to act now,” following the US assassination of Qassem Soleimani; which was itself an Israeli-backed operation designed to provoke a more open war with Iran, a long-time Zionist goal. Elsewhere Jaffer also warned that this unprovoked US attack on Iran would “generate some significant response from the Iranians and that response could very well come in the form of a major cyberattack.”

Following the Soleimani assassination, as the Washington Post reported (in “The Cybersecurity 202: Threats of Iran cyberattack remains high even as Trump backs away from potential war”),

the FBI and Department of Homeland Security sent a memo to law enforcement obtained by CNN warning of digital and physical attacks that could “sabotage...public or private infrastructure, including US military bases, oil and gas facilities, and public landmarks.”

Cybersecurity companies and security insiders continued to sound alarms about far more serious hacks that might still be coming.

“Iranian hackers may use their access to destroy databases, or they may choose to try to gain access to the electricity grid that powers Silicon Valley,” said Suzanne Spaulding, a former under secretary for cybersecurity and critical infrastructure at the Department of Homeland Security, the Washington Post reported.

More recently, in July, an NBC headline informs us that: “Iran has laid groundwork for extensive cyberattacks on U.S., say officials | Iran has positioned cyber weapons to hit private firms and infrastructure, but there is no suggestion an attack is imminent, say U.S. officials.”

And, even as far back as the days immediately following the Soleimani assassination, on January 9, “election security officials are warning of possible retaliation from Iran in the form of election meddling,” ABC News reported.

These warnings - particularly combined with the strategic placement of so many Zionist entities which has given them the necessary access enabling them to launch the exact types of attacks they warn Iran is planning - are alarming, especially considering that Israeli officials have stated that, as a Business Insider headline puts it, “Israel keeps blowing up military targets in Iran, hoping to force a confrontation before Trump can be voted out in November”.

Israeli intelligence is responsible for some of the attacks and fires at Iranian military and energy facilities which have plagued the country over the summer, according to current and former Israeli officials. An EU intelligence official fears “the Israeli plan here is to provoke an Iranian response that can turn into a military escalation while Trump remains in office." It is no secret that Israel has been increasingly pushing to provoke a more open war with Iran. Israel’s goal is to provoke a war against Iran in which the US takes the leading role, a Zionist strategy which proved successful in the case of Iraq, and currently continues to play out in Syria to a lesser degree (with Israel taking a far more active role in Syria).

The reality of the situation is that it is Israel, not Iran, which has been responsible for repeatedly carrying out attacks within foreign nations to provoke war with Iran, and Israel which has far more security access to be able to do the same within the US.

Given the Israeli push to provoke such a confrontation before Trump could lose his office in January, the US and Zionist propensity to stage false flags to start wars, and the numerous warnings of a dark winter combined with the predictions of and potential for post-election chaos, it would seem the likelihood for an Israeli-backed false flag attack or series of attacks between now and January are likely. A cyberattack scenario targeting the election seems most likely, potentially combined with attacks targeting infrastructure. This, combined with any other election-related chaos which might present itself, alongside a ‘second wave’ of the virus sweeping the country and the associated push for increased government restrictions, coinciding with the launching of the largest vaccination campaign in human history alongside increased poverty and hunger, would indeed make for a very interesting Dark Winter indeed.

A new war effort abroad combined with an emergency lockdown and/or other chaos and instability at home would certainly create an ideal scenario for those looking to ‘create order out of chaos’, and usher in the technocratic new age. To create fear and panic necessitating the ‘need’ for a savior in the form of the technocratic biosecurity state, and to create a state of absolute confusion among the people, I cannot think of a much better scenario.

A Great Reset is coming, the button has already been pushed, and those behind the totalitarian madness of the past months will do whatever is necessary to usher in the biosecurity state and the new age of totalitarian technocracy. The coming Dark Winter, whatever it turns out to be, is clearly a part of that plan and has been since at least April or May. The ‘second wave’ has just arrived. So, what comes next? That, we will just have to wait and see. But, as they have assured us, it is going to be a dark winter.

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