Covid1984 Mask Mania: ‘Science’ Strikes Again (Video)


Well, the Covid1984 Clown World insanity has officially reached new levels, previously unimaginable even to the most imaginative human mind. The flip-flopping, hypocrisy, lies and all around mask insanity just continues to get crazier and crazier, with the usual suspects now jumping to convince us all that we must wear 2-3 masks for them to be effective.

My latest video documenting the madness can be viewed below (8 minutes):

Video also on BitChute to circumvent the Big Tech censorship:


First they told us not to wear masks because they didn’t work, then they told us we had to wear masks because they work so well, and now they are attempting to convince us that we need to wear 2-3 masks in order for them to be effective, a tacit admission that the single masks mandated all this time weren’t actually effective after all...


And if 3 masks are only 90% effective, and the experts still advise against using the tried and true N95 medical masks or respirators that would admittedly be the most effective, maybe if we wear the entire box of ineffective masks we’ll near 100% efficacy and finally defeat the [not so] deadly virus!


Less than a week after stating that it was “common sense” that two masks were “likely” better than one, Dr. Fauci clarified that the CDC does not recommend wearing two masks nor an N95 medical mask, explaining the reason being was that “there’s no data that indicates” that two masks are more effective than one. Various ‘experts’ and the corporate media stooges are nonetheless urging Americans to wear two to three masks for better efficacy, declaring that the ‘research’ shows doubling or tripling up on masks is far more effective than just wearing one.

A Newsweek ‘fact check’ addressed this apparent reverse in course by Anthony Fauci, documenting Fauci’s statements on the issue over the past week and then deeming the claims that this indeed constituted a reverse in course to be “half true,” mainly because he never explicitly stated that more masks were more effective, but rather only that they were “likely” more effective.


It isn’t the first time Fauci and government agencies have flip-flopped on mask guidance, initially advising against the general public wearing masks at all, before officially beginning to recommend them in April despite no new medical studies showing them to be any more effective than they had been before the ‘pandemic’. My own extensive documentation of this complete 180 in official guidance, including links to medical studies finding no evidence that masks stop viral transmission, is linked below.


To this day there are to my knowledge still no randomized control trials whatsoever finding any substantial evidence that face coverings reduce the transmission of viruses or number of confirmed cases of virus-induced illness. Every single such trial before the ‘pandemic’ concluded there was no evidence of mask efficacy, with cloth masks in particular - the ones being pushed the hardest and worn the most - actually increasing the chances of user infection. To this day the CDC and mainstream media continue to recommend wearing the least effective and most harmful masks while simultaneously recommending against wearing the most effective ones! All while mandating the admittedly ineffective single masking with these most ineffective cloth and surgical masks.

At the same time, the one major random controlled trial conducted during the ‘pandemic’ to study efficacy of face coverings in reducing ‘Covid19’ cases found no significant reduction between mask users and those opting not to wear a face covering. The study demonstrated that surgical masks made no significant difference in protecting users against coronavirus infection.


Meanwhile the documented safety issues with long-term mask use - chief among them being the creation of an “unsafe” level of oxygen deprivation and lowered blood oxygen levels - are summarily ignored by all of the ‘experts’ claiming to care so much about ‘public health and safety’. Independent journalist and researchers such as myself - as well as thousands of medical doctors who have been deemed the enemies of public health, safety and science - aren’t afraid to report the truth about negative effects of long term mask use, documenting the numerous peer-reviewed medical studies scientifically verifying these harms.


There is even substantial evidence that long-term mask use may actually cause bacterial pneumonia, as extensively documented by Ryan Cristian @tlavagabond in the following 2 hour video report:

Video also on the blockchain:
As well as on BitChute:

More documentation by Ryan of links between mask use and bacterial pneumonia, as well as extensive list of medical studies documenting scientifically verifiable mask harms and lack of evidence of efficacy can be found here on a more recent show.

It seems we are either dealing with the most ridiculously incompetent gang of global health ‘experts’ in the history of modern medicine, or we are being lied to in an orchestrated effort to push an agenda that has nothing to do with the health and safety of humanity and everything to do with ushering in a global technocracy through this, The Great Reset, being launched under the guise of the ongoing ‘War on Covid19’.

Anyone who still thinks the coercive mass masking of society has anything to do with protection against a virus, should be reminded that the controllers have made it abundantly clear that they intend for us to be wearing masks for years, long after this ‘pandemic’ has passed, even forever.


If at this point you still can’t see that this mandatory mask agenda has nothing to do with protecting your health and everything to do with controlling your body, mind and soul, then I am afraid you are blind, caught under the spell of fear that has been cast upon the earth.


And for those wondering just how far the insanity will go before the madness ends, it seems glaringly obvious at this point that the answer is never, not until We The People stand up for freedom, refuse to comply any longer with the insanity, and make it end. Until that day arrives, they will continue to push humanity as far as she will go towards the abyss of total enslavement and insanity. As evidenced by the recent announcement by China that its citizens should be prepared to bend over for an anal swab, because the mouth and throat swabs have now been deemed to produce less accurate coronavirus test results!


Bend over, or stand up and resist the madness. The choice is ours, and we each must make it or it will be made for us, as a refusal to resist the onslaught of tyranny is the choice to submit to this oppressive global medical mafia. As always, the power lies in our hands, not with their tyrannical edicts, and as soon as we cast off the media programming and free ourselves from the spell of fear humanity has been put under, this emerging Orwellian technocracy will collapse, and its fall will be even faster than its rise.

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