Is Novel Coronavirus Even Real? Prominent UK Doctor Says No, Research Shows ‘Covid19’ A Hoax


With the recent reported comeback of ‘Covid19’ and a renewed push to implement a variety of ‘pandemic’ measures following a supposed spike in cases across the country, it is important to remember what exactly we truly know about this virus. And when we get past all of the numerous studies and news and propaganda coming out, back to the most fundamental knowledge of the nature of ‘Covid19’, we discover the reality that we still to this day do not even know if it is actually even a virus at all.

This is important to keep in mind as the media renews their intense pandemic propaganda efforts designed to keep you locked in a constant state of fear.

Dr. Mohammed Iqbal Adil is a prominent Pakistanis doctor who has been practicing medicine in the UK for the past thirty years, the Consultant General in a UK teaching hospital, chairman of two international medical organizations, “having taught thousands of members of it,” and is a practicing surgeon with multiple medical credentials. He also believes ‘Covid19’ is a complete hoax.

Despite his credentials and prominent medical status, sharing his dissenting views with the world cost Dr. Adil his medical license, which was suspended by the UK General Medical Council for twelve months as apparent punishment for expressing his unwelcome views. For those who may doubt the doctor’s credibility, Dr. Adil has a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, he is a Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Chairman of All Pakistan Medical Association, and the Chief Organiser & Founder of the Global Nishtarians Organisation.

Nonetheless his license was suspended by GMC simply for espousing his professional opinion regarding ‘Covid19’, without even giving him a chance to respond to his views shared on social media. Dr. Muhammad Safdar FRCS, Msc Urology and President of the Global Nishtarian Organisation launched a petition demanding the GMC revoke their suspension of his license, which has thus far garnered 807 signatures, in which it is declared that:

We the doctors community within U.K. and across the world feel that it’s injustice to suspend Mr Adil on his personal point of view on the Covid-19 without giving him chance to reflect upon his video before enforcing suspension .


The facts Dr. Adil laid out for the world to hear in mid-May and his evidence-based conclusion which temporarily cost him his practice is just as relevant now as it was then, if not more so with the return of the pandemic narrative and renewed push for increased medical tyranny worldwide. Right or wrong, he is far more qualified to speak on the issue than the likes of Bill Gates paraded in front of the world by the fakestream media, and America would be wise to listen to what he has to say.

Not surprisingly, shortly after beginning to post videos to YouTube in May, the doctor was banned from the platform as happened with a number of medical professionals speaking out against the general medical and media consensus. The particular video I am referencing, along with a full transcription of his statements in the comment section, can be seen on BitChute by following the link below:

Speaking in mid-May towards the end of the federal emergency lockdown order, Dr. Adil said one must ask if the coronavirus used as the pretext for all of the nationwide lockdowns even existed.

“For the last two months the entire world has been locked down, they are in home arrest, they have been isolated, threatened by the coronavirus pandemic.”

Now the question comes, is there coronavirus existing? The answer is no. After all the research made in the last three months we have come to this conclusion, that the coronavirus is actually a hoax created by the hunger games society,” - the current system of global control which he described quite accurately as “a pyramid where the [top] 1-2% people are controlling the 98-99% of the public all over the world, and in the middle of the pyramid is a vicious and merciless police, military and bureaucracy.”

He went on to explain exactly how this ‘Covid19’ “hoax” was perpetrated on the public, describing how its supposed identification in Wuhan, China in January quickly led to a global ‘pandemic’, all without a single verification that ‘Covid19’ was even a virus, let alone a novel coronavirus as we’ve all been told!

“The Chinese noticed that there were 100, 250 people who were dying, who were actually having the flu like symptoms, and like a chest infection, upper and lower respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, fever. And they tested the bronchial secretion from their lungs and larynx. And they found no virus in their secretions, but they found a genetic material from the secretions taken from their lungs, and they named that secretion as ‘Covid19’.”

“So far, not a single researcher has been able to identify the coronavirus itself,” he went on to say, as indeed not a single entity has, throughout the entirety of this so-called ‘pandemic’, actually isolated the original genetic material taken in January from patients in Wuhan and labeled ‘Covid19’, in order to verify that what they are testing for is in fact even a coronavirus at all. This process of isolating a potentially new virus and then triple-testing it to verify its identity has been the gold standard of virus testing for over a century. US government documents describe this virus isolation process as: “Definitive (gold standard) test proving both presence and viability of a virus.”


PCR tests, which are being used exclusively to test for ‘Covid19’, provides results that are “highly specific,” however they are only useful in identifying a target genome (typically a virus), not definitively establishing the identity of the genome.

For some strange reason, however, throughout the six full months since its initial identification in China, ‘Covid19’ has yet to be subjected to this scientific scrutiny in order to actually verify its identity as a virus; and instead the ‘Covid19’ PCR tests have simply been designed to look for DNA/RNA in patients that matches the genetic material originally taken from patients in Wuhan, and they look only for a partial genome match at that.

Six months after the beginning of this global ‘pandemic’; six months of the authorities and corporate media pushing their Big-Pharma tests, nonsensical social distancing, unsafe mask-wearing guidelines, and mandatory vaccines on society - all based upon a large number of people testing positive; and still they do not even know what they are actually testing for! Nobody actually knows if ‘Covid19’ is actually a novel coronavirus or not, and nobody has the ability to say with certainty that it is even a virus at all until it has been isolated, tested and proven to be such.

Dr. Adil, however, is quite confident that it is not a virus at all: “This is actually a exosome of the damaged and destroyed cells as a result of stress as the entire world is going through, as a result of chest infection, as a result of flu. Even lung cancer, they find the same sort of material from the lung secretions which is labeled as ‘Covid19 positive.”

This is exactly what Dr. Kaufman has been saying, and Dr. Adil appears to have come to much the same conclusion that Dr. Kaufman and other medical experts arrived at in April after closely studying that which had been labeled as ‘Covid19’. For a summary of Dr. Kaufman’s views and a much more detailed breakdown of this theory and description of exosomes, why the research points to the so-called ‘Covid19’ being an exosome rather than a virus, and much more, see my in-depth post on all the evidence of a hoax from April.

“Even in heart attack,” he added, “when they check the secretions they named it as ‘positive test for Covid19’, which is very unfair.” According to Dr. Adil, all patients being admitted to covid wards are declared to be ‘Covid19’ patients, whether they have the flu or pneumonia or any respiratory problem; even those coming in with heart problems and cancer are being labelled as ‘Covid19’ patients.

This is not as far fetched a claim as it may initially seem to be, as the official CDC guidelines instruct hospitals to list ‘Covid19’ as cause of death anywhere it is merely assumed to be the cause of death as well as for all those who died after testing positive, even when it is apparent that the patient died “with Covid19” and “not from it.” This tactic has been openly admitted by the head of the Illinois Covid19 Task Force, while Dr. Scott Jenson (a Minnesota state Senator) also blew the whistle on this scam and was featured on several local mainstream television channels, one such interview seen below.

Considering the hospitals are all too willing to stoop to this level of deception to artificially inflate the death count; and especially considering that the tests themselves are admittedly highly inaccurate, rendering a high number of false positives, including among those who are either infected with non-‘Covid19’ coronaviruses or have antibodies from a previous non-‘Covid19’ coronavirus infection; it seems quite likely that hospitals would also officially diagnose all patients coming in with the described ‘symptoms’ of this so-called coronavirus as ‘Covid19’, even when this clearly isn’t the case. After all, they also have a very obvious monetary incentive to do so, receiving some $14,000 in federal aid from every single patient diagnosed with ‘Covid19’.

As reported by Fox News on May 4th:

If a Medicare patient is diagnosed with – or even presumed to have contracted — coronavirus, hospitals across the United States are given more money from the federal government to treat that patient, economic assessments show. That amount can as much as triple if the patient requires a ventilator, making some wonder whether there is a financial impetus to overstate coronavirus numbers, with others calling such potential abuse “unlikely.”

Additionally, KFF reported on these federal reimbursements to hospitals treating ‘Covid19 patients:

The three COVID-19 stimulus bills that Congress has passed provide additional funding for hospitals and for free coronavirus testing for the uninsured through Medicaid. While Congress did not allocate any money specifically for COVID-19 treatment or coverage for the uninsured, President Trump has stated his intention to reimburse hospitals for treating the uninsured by tapping a new $100 billion in funding for hospitals and other health care entities included in the third stimulus, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

This could be the “economic assessment” referenced by Fox News, which estimated federal payments to hospitals between $13,000 to $40,000 per ‘Covid19’ patient.

Dr. Jenson is now being investigated by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practices in response to complaints of his ‘inappropriate’ comments made during local TV interviews, and his career is potentially now in jeopardy for blowing the whistle on the ‘Covid19’ cause of death scam responsible for largely over-inflating the official death count, as he may well face disciplinary action. To this day he continues to speak out against government measures in response to ‘Covid19’, exposing the lie that there was ever truly a pandemic, and standing up for the rights of medical professionals and lawmakers to speak candidly to the public without risking their careers.

As we have also already seen, Dr. Adil actually did have his medical license suspended for daring to share his unorthodox views and dissenting opinion of the ‘Covid19’ scamdemic with the public. The message is clear. Dissent within the medical community is to be viewed as neither tolerated nor permitted. Any doctors who voice professional opinions, blow the whistle on internal practices or share medical research which threatens the official Covid19 narrative, are putting their careers on the line to do so.

Despite this pressure, there is a growing consensus among the medical community, at least among a large number of doctors who have been willing to speak out, that the official pandemic narrative is one great big lie. Scientific studies also continue to demonstrate this truth.

The CDC’s own studies have now found that death rates are no higher than the common flu, demolishing the official pandemic narrative which for months relied on the highly overinflated ‘official’ infection mortality rate of 5-10% pushed by the CDC, which was actually well below 1% all along.


For the first time, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has given a realistic estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, which in its most likely scenario is 0.26 %. They estimate a 0.4 % fatality rate among the symptomatic cases. If you consider their projection that 35% of all infected cases remain asymptomatic, the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) drops to just 0.26 %. This is almost exactly what the Stanford researchers had projected in April 2020.

John P.A. Ioannidis, a professor in medicine, epidemiology and population health, biomedical data science, and statistics at Stanford University had earlier calculated the reasonable estimates for the case fatality ratio in the general U.S. population to be in the range of 0.05% to 1%.

A growing body of evidence coming from a number of different European countries also reveals that ‘Covid19’ was circulating in Europe for months before its official beginnings in China, even present in the water supply as far back as March of last year, conclusively proving that it did not originate in China, if it does actually even exist at all.



Most recently, the head of Yale’s department of medicine, Dr. John Ioannidis sharply criticized new state measures being implemented, stating among other things that the research from over 50 studies reveals the infection mortality rate among people aged under 45 to be “almost zero percent.”


“For people younger than 45, the infection fatality rate is almost 0%.”

This doesn’t sound like a major cause for alarm, nor a valid reason to mandate entire state populations to wear masks or face outrageous fines, and yet that is exactly where we are at today as the ‘Covid19’ propaganda machine turns the propaganda back up to ten.

There’s even the bizarre case of the ‘pandemic’ in Brazil, where just last month upon investigating a local hospital that had been claiming 5,000 ‘Covid19’ patients and 200 deaths, five members of parliament not only found no patients, but were shocked to also discover that the stacks of caskets which had supposedly been housing all the ‘Covid19’ victims waiting for burial were all empty! In this particular instance there were apparently neither any cases at all nor deaths, and yet this fraud was being touted as a prime example of the so-called raging ‘pandemic’ in Brazil.

Some doctors, including Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Avil, go so far as to conclude that not only was there never truly a pandemic, but there was never even a coronavirus outbreak to begin with, and the entire thing is a massive hoax. The above news story (that of course never made the mainstream news) and others like it that have surfaced in the past only serve to strengthen this theory.

Until the so-called ‘Covid19’ is properly isolated, tested and verified to actually exist as a virus, we have every reason to doubt its existence as such and no reason to accept the baseless conclusion that it does. No matter how many new studies come out and what they conclude, unless and until that which has been labelled ‘Covid19’ is properly isolated and tested, there remains a complete and total lack of any valid evidence whatsoever to discount the claims by doctors like these who say that what we are dealing with here is an all-out hoax.

The powers that be will undoubtedly continue their futile attempts to discredit those few rare medical professionals espousing the hoax theory as radical tin-foil hat nutcases. On the contrary, however, I would argue it is becoming increasingly clear that the true nutcases are those who are still desperately clinging to and virulently pushing the great scamdemic long after the science has proven there was never a true ‘pandemic’ to begin with. Whether or not there was ever actually a virus, time might just tell; but a scam this most certainly is.


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