THE WAR: NATO – Replacing Clowns

Source / Извор: Chay Bowes at X

Аутоматски превод на српски језик

NATO has just got a new Secretary General. What can we expect now?

It’s a rethorical question, of course. Replacing one clown with another, even bigger, who has actually reiterated that Ukraine has a right to strike deep into Russian territory as a means to defend itself but claimed it was still up to member states to decide whether to approve such action, means that reasonable policy won’t be allowed in that structure any time soon.

Irish journalist Chay Bowes perfectly described this news in two short Xwitter posts:

NATO, the “Defensive Alliance” responsible for the “Defensive” killing of hundreds of thousands of civilians in numerous illegal Wars of aggression, has managed the impossible: Replacing the most useless unelected half wit in Europe with an even more useless unelected half wit.

Never forget what the “Defensive Alliance” NATO did to Serbia.
It was a completely illegal, brutal assault on a soveriegn nation at the heart of Europe.

But we are not here just to convey the news from other sources. We are here to translate hidden meanings and connect the dots between the news you may, or may not have seen. You may have heard Vladimir Putin says that the aims of the Special Military Operation are: Denazification, demilitarization and denatoization of Ukraine. Well, center of Nazism is not in Ukraine. See the NATO building in Brussels!

NATO headquartersth.jpg
New NATO HQ / Нови НАТО штаб. Source / Извор:

Ergo, denazification and denatoization of Ukraine will not be possible while NATO exists. As a corollary we can bring you the real news:

This war will not end as long as NATO exists!

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Коронапревара и биолабораторије у Србији (Serbian)

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THE WAR: Russian Response [eng/срп] РАТ: Руски одговор

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Archive of texts:

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2021)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2020)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2019)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2018)

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