Angry Comedian

Every day we're overwhelmed with news about how the American government, like most other governments in the world, don't actually work for the people, but instead are at their corporate donors' beck and call.

source: YouTube

I really don't have much to report today other than that. It's really depressing to see how my brothers and sisters are being screwed over by their government representatives, something that's happening always behind a shroud of populist promises and lies, but is out in the open for everyone to see during this pandemic. Sure, America is one of the more extreme examples and here in Europe most things are organized much better, and as a result I believe we hurt less, but the general rule is the same everywhere: the economy is prioritized over people's lifes, so big business and banks are served first. It's a global economy after all and we've let it happen that economics rules politics instead of the other way around. That's a choice, not some rule of nature, and that choice has been made by those who wield economical power over our politicians.

Since this "news" isn't likely to change anytime soon, not without some massive uprising of the people, ad because this uprising will never take place if we don't get angry first, I'd like to share the below linked video with you today. In it a comedian I do not know goes on an unhinged rant against the American government and American politics in general, and I must say that this man exhibits exactly the emotion I feel every day reading the news. I'd say this man is angry enough and ready for a general strike, protests, anything that's needed to let his leaders know he's had enough and he won't take it any longer. It's refreshing, for me at least, to hear someone say in plain words what's wrong with the government's response to the pandemic and its resulting economical hardships. So, just enjoy the video and listen to some angry wisdom from this comedian and to the comments provided by Kyle Kulinski.

Comedian Eviscerates The Government's Failed Response To Covid

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