Biden's Latest Grave Mistake

People who voted for Joe Biden in the Democratic primary elections for the presidency are likely to be suffering from a severe case of buyer's remorse; you got gross incompetence when it said "electability" on the gift-wrapped package.

source: Wikimedia Commons

He fails at every public appearance and doesn't know, or cares to know, how to reach out to younger voters, independents or liberals. Even the Democratic party elite, who at the last minute pushed him forward as their preferred nominee, are worried; they already started to blame Bernie Sanders and his supporters for Biden's defeat against Trump come November.

The sheer incompetence of Biden and his campaign has now reached a new low point. They announced an online fireside chat on Thursday, April 16; that's good, it actually signals that maybe Biden is finally waking up to the present day instead of being stuck in the 1990s. Maybe he's beginning to understand the power of the internet, the ability to reach thousands, even millions of people; something that's not possible with traditional rallies, which are impossible now anyway on account of the pandemic. As a candidate in these elections, reaching as much potential voters as possible is you primary objective, and the internet is the perfect tool. Bernie Sanders already uses it to great success, and so does Donald Trump, as did Obama in 2008 and 2012; Biden may be late to this party, but at least he showed up. Or did he?

You've already guessed the answer; of course he didn't. There's not a Democrat left it seems, who's even remotely in touch with their voter-base, not one who knows how to speak to the experiences and problems of regular people, of the workers and poor they're supposed to represent. Pelosi thinks that even more tax-cuts for the rich is the way to go, Hillary Clinton thinks that the Affordable Care Act is enough to take away people's worries about going bankrupt due to huge medical bills, and Biden thinks that asking a minimum price of $2,800.00 to attend his virtual fireside chat on April 16 is an effective way to use the internet... Yes that's right; attendees must pay $2,800.00 to gain access on their own computer to the elitist Joe Biden. You can also pay $25,000.00 to get the VIP treatment, whatever that may entail. If you have $2,800.00 laying around somewhere, and if you have an appetite for listening to bold-faced lies coming from a senile old man, here's the link to join the Virtual Fireside Chat with Vice President Joe Biden...

Biden is just like Trump in the sense that they're both not the problem, but symptoms of a system that's about to break down, of an empire that's about to end. Maybe, just maybe, it's time to end this system before it ends us.

Joe Biden Charging $2,800 to Attend ELITIST Virtual Fireside Chat

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