Don't Count Trump Out

Yep, that's it. That's all I have to say and I could end this post right here. But I won't, if only to be of service to you, dear reader; you deserve more, so here it comes...


source: YouTube

In 2016 Democrats started celebrating Hillary Clinton's victory in the general elections the moment these elections started; all polls were in her favor and Trump... well, he was just some TV personality who fell up the ladder. When Trump showed more and more of his unhinged bigoted personality the Democrats rubbed their hands in glee while starting their politically correct counter-strike; "did you hear what that Orange Man said? My God, doesn't he realize there are children watching?" Remember that? They dragged America's children into their scripted performances on camera. Back then I held the same view as I do now: after the 2016 elections Americans as well as the citizens of the world would be screwed yet again, as all there was, was a choice between two evils, just as it is now with Trump and Joseph Biden.

Now, like in 2016, I once more believe that Trump will lose, but the discrepancy between the polls and the eventual result in 2016, as well as Bernie Sanders' popularity that amounted to nothing in the 2020 Democratic primary elections, should make us all weary. And the Democrats' strategy of offering nothing at all to American voters, working class voters in particular, but a "return to normalcy" and them betting everything on Trump's failure to handle the current crises, should make us even more weary: constantly yelling "Orange Man Bad" is no real strategy for victory and is relying on circumstances rather than competence of your own. And we've seen how fast circumstances can change.

Over the weekend another pathetic anti-Trump conspiratorial rumor blew up on social media; he's apparently hiding that he's had a stroke or something like that. The indisputable evidence for this? He gave a speech and momentarily held a glass of water with two hands instead of just one; that's exhibit A. Also, after he finished the speech he walked down a flight of stairs slowly: that's exhibit B. Oh my God. We're not talking about 30 year clown in the prime of his life here; this is a 74 year old clown who's had one too many slapstick encounters with rotating ladders. What, is this revenge for all the talk about Biden's public dementia? This is all so sad. Criticize the man, Trump that is, on his policies; trust me, there's more than enough to work with here. He recently tried to roll back LGBTQ protections in the law. He wants to call in the military to stamp down on mostly peaceful protests. He probably caused unnecessary deaths by downplaying the corona virus up until April (if that's really a thing; I'm still not clear on that). Look at what he's accomplished with the Supreme Court Judges. There's so much to work with here, but it seems as if virtue signalling is all the Democrats know.

Look, as it stands now it really looks very hard for Trump to win come November, there's no way around that. But November is still a long way off, and it's been a long time since we've seen circumstance change so rapidly. And if we get a slight return to "normalcy", with both combatants able to go out and rally again, Biden might even hurt himself; now that he's mostly out of the public eye, people don't vote for him, but for the idea of him they've built in their heads as the vice president to the first black president of the United States. Even during the primaries, Biden's campaign relied mostly on keeping him hidden and away from microphones and cameras. So, don't count your chickens just yet. In light of recent developments I believe 4 more years of Trump may be a threat to democracy itself (not that there is a real democracy right now, mind you), so it's time for the Democrats and Biden to come up with something substantial, something for the people. If they don't, I can easily see them being passed on their fake left by Trump, just like in 2016. The man knows how to play a crowd, and his supporter base is loyal to the extreme. Do not count him out!

Krystal and Saagar: Michael Moore's dire warning for Dems, DO NOT count Trump out

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