Dumb Trump

Right now things are looking up for Joe Biden and the Democrats for the upcoming general elections in November; Biden has a comfortable lead in all polls and on all subjects. Even when asked which of the candidates is more trusted on the economy, Trump's traditional strong point, Biden wins with a couple of percentage points. Still, I'm worried, and I'll tell you why.

source: Free SVG

First and foremost I'm worried about what will happen after Biden takes over, if he wins of course; polls said that Hillary Clinton would win in 2016, remember? And technically speaking she did win; more people voted for her than for Trump, it's just that the Republicans once again won by the grace of the undemocratic electoral system full of gerrymandering and voter suppression. But polls should, and did take that into account, and they were still wrong. But even if they're right this time, a Biden presidency would only stop the immediate threat of America descending into full fascism in the short term, but would not change anything to the extent needed to make a real difference for the better, not for poor and middle class people anyway. So if and when Biden takes over the Oval Office, the work will have just started; immediately there should be protests ans strikes to change the course of the moderate Republicans that are the Democratic Party establishment. I fear it won't come to that because of the collective sigh of relief that's to be expected if the racist clown is removed from office...

President Trump goes one-on-one with Chris Wallace | Full Interview

What worries me even more though, is that there apparently still are countless people who believe in Trump's leadership qualities; the polls don't say "0%" after Trump's name, not at all. Still some 40% of the electorate still see something in this horrible excuse for a human being that I for the life of me can't see. How can anyone with a functioning brain still support this brainless creature? If you haven't seen it yet, please watch the interview Donald Dumb recently had with Chris Wallace; it's linked above. In it the man tells lie after lie and is corrected on numerous occasions by the interviewer. Trump brags about some cognitive test that he passed with flying colors, and when the interviewer says that he had taken the test himself, and that it's a really easy test to pass, Trump literally loses it. First he immediately challenges his political opponent Biden, who we all know struggles with declining cognitive abilities which is yet another reason to not to bee too overly excited about a possible Biden White House, and he even accuses Chris Wallace of not being able to answer the final 5 questions in the test. Trump literally insults the interviewer there... There's really no end to this man's stupidity and misbehavior.

This becomes even more apparent when you know what this test is really all about; it's a test specifically made to detect early signs of cognitive decline. The questions in it are deliberately kept very easy! So easy that a child could pass this test! So when Trump claims that Wallace couldn't answer some of the questions, that's an outright insult, calling Wallace dumb, unintelligent, backwards. And for Trump to be bragging about passing it, that's a clear indication of the man's limited cognitive abilities. Really, how can this retarded clown still have so much support? Watch the below linked video for an explanation of this cognitive test and search YouTube for the many reactions to this train-wreck of an interview; really, the president of the most powerful country in the world has made a complete ass of himself in ways I didn't even thought him capable of. If you're still supporting this empty headed authoritarian racist, I'm so sorry for you, for you really must be incapable of understanding almost anything, and you are part of a problem so big and so immediate that I don't know anymore what can be said in your favor. Still around 40% support for this fascist; yes, he graduated from proto-fascist to full fascist since his escapades in Portland; look it up if you want to see the horrible truth about fascism's official arrival in "the land of the free"...

Doctor: Trump Cognitive Test SUPPOSED to Be Easy

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