He Really Did It!

We've known for some time now that he would, but it's still shocking to see it happen right before our eyes. It's like when you've known that a good friend or family member is mortally ill and will pass on soon, it's still a shock when that moment arrives. We haven't seen a death, but an attempted murder, the attempted murder of democracy Trump and his campaign; he declared victory last night and demanded the counting of the ballots be stopped before all the mail-in ballots were counted...

source: YouTube

As I'm writing this, the votes are still being counted from a number of states; in total millions of votes aren't counted as of yet. This will go on for some days to come I imagine, and both candidates still have a chance to win the elections. However, the expectation is that the votes that still haven't been counted yet are overwhelmingly in support of Joe Biden with a two to one ratio; Biden therefore is the most likely winner. But regardless of who will eventually be declared the winner, Trump has made true on his threats; yesterday evening he made a speech in which he essentially claimed victory and said that he'll now attempt to stop further counting of votes through the Supreme Court. This, my friends, is unprecedented. It's completely normal for the counting of votes go on well after election night, and if we want to be 100% official here, the next president is elected in January. If there was any doubt left in anyone's mind that Trump is an authoritarian at heart, that should be gone right now.

Bernie Sanders Predicted The Election Night Result Weeks Ago

While I'm writing, the Trump campaign is holding an event in Pennsylvania where they announce to file a lawsuit (don't know against whom) because they accuse the Democratic Party of election fraud... This is poison. The Trump campaign is putting the propaganda machine on so called election fraud into overdrive. It's sick to see these frauds place their bets on the gullibility of their own supporters; they count on the Trumpers to believe these wild accusations. In this event Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani complain that Trump has a 400,000 vote lead with 86 percent of the votes counted, yet the expectation is that Biden will win Pennsylvania. This order of events has been predicted by many, myself included: with the in-person votes counted, Trump will have an initial lead, simply because Trump supporters don't take the pandemic as seriously as Biden voters. Watch the above linked video to see Bernie Sanders on 23 October predict the election night events exactly as they happened. Democrats are therefore much more likely to vote by mail, and those will be counted later. That's why states where Trump initially had a lead, later flipped to Biden. And this is why the Trump campaign will do anything they can to stop or cast doubts on any of those mail-in ballots...


We'll just have to wait what happens and not forget that no one has won yet. It's looking favorable for Biden right now; it looks like he will be the winner when all ballots are counted. Chances are that Trump's attempts to halt the counting won't succeed, and will never reach the Supreme Court, just because the accusations are so outlandish. Also important to note here is that all the predictions and polls have been wildly wrong, again. If Biden wins, it won't be anything like the landslide that was predicted; he'll win by a small margin if he wins at all. And I must say that it's disturbing that even after 4 years of the Trump presidency still almost half the American people still support this fascist clown. Almost 70 million Americans voted for him, almost 70 million Americans justified the wanton authoritarianism and implicit support for neo-Nazis and white nationalists represented by Donald Trump's rule. That's shocking. Well... We'll just have to wait and see; if Trump wins, we'll at least be assured of another 4 years of justified bitching and moaning, and another 4 years full of material to work with for bloggers, journalists and comedians. So, to lighten up the mood a bit I'll leave you with the brilliant last video before election night by Cody Johnston, "Our Popcorn Movie Dystopia - SOME MORE NEWS: THE MOVIE". Watch it. Really, watch it. It's a feature movie length look-back at feature movies which reveals Trump's rule has been predicted for decades is some of our favorite titles. Really. Watch it.

Our Popcorn Movie Dystopia - SOME MORE NEWS: THE MOVIE

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