Lesser Of Two Retards

Having just two candidates, just two political parties to choose from is poor in and of itself. Having to then choose for the lesser of two evils, which is almost always the case, makes the choice even poorer. However, this November Americans will have to deal with an even poorer choice; they'll have to choose the lesser of two retards or, if we want to be politically correct, between two cognitively impaired candidates...

Image by Andrea Widburg - source: Flickr

Yes, Trump is one of the dumbest presidents to ever sit in the Oval Office, but to be perfectly honest I do believe George W. Bush was equally unintelligent, or at least they both present themselves externally as being unintelligent. Trump has the added disadvantage of being extremely arrogant and narcissistic, which further clouds any semblance of intelligence he may possess. He's the laughing stock of his peers in international politics and a welcome addition to the source material of any comedian. Many Americans feel ashamed for having this clown represent their country, something I can understand. But remember this; if you didn't vote for him, there's no reason to feel that shame. There's no pride nor shame attached to things you didn't choose, do or accomplish yourself.

I'm afraid however that after the general elections in November there will be no escaping that shame; no matter who wins, America will be represented by a retard. And if mental ability is going to be a factor in choosing the "lesser evil", I think some Americans will be faced by a very difficult choice indeed. I'm no psychologist nor qualified to judge intellectual acuity in any way, shape or form, but going by what we're all able to see in the mainstream media, I do believe Joe Biden's cognitive decline is nothing short of alarming. His campaign strategy is literally to hide away from cameras and microphones as much as possible, and let Trump and the Republicans destroy their own chances. Just stop and think how evil that makes the Democrats though; they happily watch from the sidelines while the Republicans let the people rot in this pandemic. They don't lift a finger to help regular people like you and me, just so Trump can freely continue to make himself less and less popular. And the Democrats know that to the voters they're nothing more than the lesser of two extremely poor choices, as evidenced by the recently started Settle For Biden campaign. Not "choose Biden" but "settle for Biden"; this would be laughable if it wasn't so utterly sad and disappointing.

Kaitlin Bennett's Trump Boat Rally!

During the few occasions that Biden did appear in front of a camera, his performance was appalling; you can see the latest example of that in the below linked video. And while Trump may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, not by a long shot, Biden's cognitive ability has been declining at such an alarming rate that it's now legitimate to ask if he'll be able to utter a coherent sentence if and when he's elected. So here's the conundrum; if Biden is the greater retard and Trump the greater evil, where do you go? For me the choice is clear; I would choose the lesser of two evils and vote for Biden, but I can imagine that a number of Americans would struggle with that multi dimensional choice. Not the hardcore Trump supporters shown in the above linked video; their minds are made up, and they wouldn't even be able to recognize more than two dimensions anyway.

Then there's the question if there will be any elections at all, and if there are and Trump loses, if he'll even accept the outcome. Trump is a neo-fascist at the head of a neo-fascist supporter-base; I get the creeps when watching his supporters unironically wave a "Keep America Great" banner while mindlessly chanting "USA!! USA!!", being interviewed by a YouTuber (Kaitlin Bennett) who goes by the name "Gun Girl"... If Trump should lose the elections, there's no telling what these zombie-patriots would do to keep their Great Leader in office. And Trump's campaign is already spreading lies and fear regarding mail-in voting. I would not be surprised if they find some reason ti indefinitely postpone the elections, or delegitimize them if they do go ahead. And while all this is going on in this crazy year, millions of Americans are suffering under two political parties that refuse to do them right. In September we might see America's greatest homelessness crisis in history with tens of millions not able to pay rent or mortgage. Many of them will join the protests that are becoming more violent because Trump refuses to deescalate but does the exact opposite by stepping up police violence. Of course they'll also help spread the virus. And the Democrat establishment will stand by the sideline and watch Trump dig his own political grave, ignoring the very real graves that are simultaneously being dug for millions of innocent voters...

Krystal and Emily: Joe Rogan KNOCKS Biden After New Cringe Interview Disaster

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