Mexico Virus?

No, of course not, stupid! Everyone knows it's the China Virus! Or, as the police chief, who all but defended the Atlanta spa shooter, said on the shirts he promoted on his Facebook-page: "COVID-19: Imported Virus from Chy-na"...


Image by Kollsd - source: Pixabay

If you've lived under a rock this past week and haven't heard yet, on March 16 there was another horrible mass-shooting in the United States, this time in Atlanta, Georgia, at three massage parlors. Eight people were killed, six of whom were Asian women. The suspect, who already admitted to be guilty of this heinous crime, is a young white man. Now, I'm not going to spend too much words on this as I think all that has to be said is present in the short video I've linked below. I do want to expand on it briefly...

There's still discussions going on as to determine if this was a hate-crime or not. I find that unbelievable, and it says something about the normalization of fascist terrorism. Yeah, that's another thing: when a white dude does something like this, it's called a hate-crime (if that, like I said, the discussion is ongoing, with the police chief saying the shooter "had a very bad day" and that he's a sex-addict...), but if something like this is done by, let's say someone associated with Antifa, it's called left-extremist terrorism. Well, this was terrorism, misogynist terrorism at best, but probably just fascist terrorism. You see, American fascists believe in, have internalized, a hierarchy of personhood; at the top sit the "pure blood" white men, who are worth more than white women, then come the men of mixed blood, followed by their women, and at the bottom they place all others, men first. And the scary thing is, this ranking of personhood is a reflection of American society, in fact a reflection of most majority white western societies with America being the worst. You can see this in things like gender pay gaps, participation in politics and job opportunities, all of which rank in the same order; it's statistics, not opinion.

Why We Should’ve Seen the Atlanta Shootings Coming | The Daily Social Distancing Show

We've seen this coming though; after a full year of increasing hate-crimes against Asian people with Donald Trump cheer-leading the fascist bunch, it was only a matter of time something like this happened. The bird flu originated, as far as we know, in China, but I don't remember us calling that a "China Virus" or the "Kung Flu". Asian, or Asian looking people have endured a lot of insults and hostile looks since March last year, and they've been asking for attention to this problem for almost as long, but nothing was done about it...

Now to Mexico; Republicans have written a letter to the Biden Administration, demanding to see the numbers of immigrants released at the southern border and how many of them have been vaccinated against covid-19. This letter was signed by all prominent Republican Senators and is a follow-up on a letter sent by Congressman Patrick McHenry from North Carolina on March 11. That letter was a response to media reports saying that asylum-seekers released in Brownsville, Texas, were released and put on charter buses with North Carolina, Maryland and New Jersey as their destinations. You can read that original letter addressed to the Department of Homeland Security right here; the letter is written in language that reveals great concern for Congressman Patrick McHenry's constituents, and I don't doubt that the follow-up letter that was sent to the Biden administration had a similar tone. But I invite you to watch the below linked video; in it Beau of the Fifth Column predicts how the GOP will use the information demanded in that letter. If most of the immigrants are vaccinated, their narrative will be that those vaccinations should have gone to American citizens, and if most aren't vaccinated their story will be that the immigrants pose a great danger to the well being of American citizens; one way or the other they'll find a way to demonize these immigrants, just like they did the Asians.

Let's talk about how Republicans manipulate the emotional....

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