One In A Quadrillion

Just a short post about a very big number being used after a short presidency in an attempt to overturn the election results. In my expert opinion that attempt had about a one in a quadrillion chance of success...

source: YouTube

I know, it's somewhat old news by now but I had to briefly mention this ludicrous exercise by the Trump administration, which is just one ludicrous exercise in a long line of ludicrous exercises. After election officials, lawyers, electoral committees, the media and even the Supreme Court haven't been able to find any large scale election fraud or voter fraud, Trump sycophants now fall back on some very creative mathematical tomfoolery to convince Trump supporters that here's no way that Biden won the elections fair and square; it wasn't me who came up with that quadrillion number...

"The chances of Biden coming from as far behind as he was at three A.M. on election night, the chances of that are one in one quadrillion. The chances of him... That's prevailing in one state, prevailing in all four of the states where he was so far behind, the chances of that are one in a quadrillion to the fourth power." These are the words spoken by Kayleigh McEnany on Fox News's Sean Hannity. You can watch this in the below linked video if you can stomach these clowns who are determined to go down with the sinking ship. The number is around 60 cases by now; 60 times the courts have now dismissed cases brought forward in Trump's name to overthrow the election results. They have no proof and have admitted that they have no proof in court. When asked, Giuliani said that they had no case for election fraud in front of a judge. So why do they keep pursuing this futile path?

Kayleigh McEnany on Sean Hannity: The Chance of Biden Winning Was 1 In A Quadrillion To The Fourth

That's easy; Trump is milking his supporters for as long as he can for as many dollars as he can. All the while that this charade is going on, he keeps asking for donations to be used to challenge the voting results. If you ask me, the Trump fundraiser to challenge voting results is the real election fraud here, and it's sad to learn that he has raised more than 200 million dollars already with his fraudulent claims over election fraud: Trump Reaps $207.5 Million After Loss as Donors Answer His Fury...

Now, you might ask yourself: "why such a ridiculously large number"? Why a quadrillion? In another media appearance McEnany explained that a quadrillion is a 1 followed by 15 zeros. I think the creative mathematics used to arrive at that unimaginable number had purpose behind it; I believe we've become immune to hearing "regular" big numbers like millions or billions (a 1 with 6 and 9 zeros respectively), and to maintain enough of a shock-value they skipped the trillion (a 1 with 12 zeros) and went straight for the quadrillion. Sounds a lot better too. But that's enough from me about ones and zeros; watch this video for an explanation by a real mathematician of where the logic behind arriving at this number breaks. Spoiler alert: it's got a lot to do with the same reason as to why there was a sudden spike in Biden votes after the mail-in votes were counted...

Why was Biden's win calculated to be ONE IN A QUADRILLION?

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