The Big Lie

Don't ever let a politician tell you that there's no money, or not enough money, to make things better. In a country as rich as America, there's simply no excuse for not having healthcare to everyone. There's no excuse for the fact that the world's richest country has lower life expectancy and higher child mortality than countries that are much poorer. This is a choice made by those who have the power to choose, plain and simple.


source: YouTube

"Pull; yourself by your own bootstraps" must be one of the most successful and most destructive memes ever. It seems that citizens in many western countries are allergic to helping each other in a systemic fashion, but nowhere more so than in the United States of America; the degree to which the individuals in that country have been atomized makes the "United" part in the country's name almost laughable. Capitalism is a system of individuals striving for themselves with total disregard for what this individualization does to a people's sense of unity, belonging and common goals. No one wants to die and no one wants to go bankrupt for wanting to stay alive. Staying alive, for our species, has never been an individual responsibility. Why then do so many still believe this is the case? What separates us from all other species on this planet, what allowed us to conquer it, is precisely our ability to work together, to communicate ideas among each other, to socialize to a degree never before seen in nature. Yet capitalism and capitalists will have you believe that everything worthwhile is the product of a handful of special individuals, and that those special individuals deserve all the wealth they extract for themselves.

This is a Big Lie. And this Big Lie has produced a world in which the country that most successfully normalized that Big lie in the minds of its citizens, is now called the "Leader of the Free World". Well, I'm sorry, but America is the Leader of the Brainwashed World. It is no coincidence that academia is overwhelmingly leftist. Right wingers, especially those on the far right, will have you believe this is because of a Marxist conspiracy; Hitler spread that lie, and the neo-Nazis of our time spread it as well under the name of Cultural Marxism. This is part of the Big Lie. The truth is that smart people and sensible people see the truth about the human condition, which is that we're social creatures who can not survive on an individual basis, that our unique capability to organize and communicate abstract ideas is what allowed us to progress to where we are now. That's scientific truth and another reason why anti-intellectualism is a typical right wing thing; contradicting science about climate change or the pandemic are all typically found on the political right, as you may know.

I agree that education is part of a large brainwashing program, only it's not a Marxist program but a capitalist program. Alternatives to capitalism are simply not taught, other than the fear-mongering about communist Russia and China, or "socialist" Venezuela. But even when taught only about capitalism, smart people are leftist. It's not definitive proof, but the polls right now support this statement: at this moment there's only one demographic that supports Trump, and that's men without a college degree. Is it surprising that those who never went to college, or at least not long or successful enough to get a degree, are the ones most likely to fall for the "education-being-taken-over-by-covert-Marxists" lie?

Biden Now Leads Trump With ALL Age Groups

Trump has elevated the Big Lie to new heights and has fact-checkers working overtime with each debate or tweet; his lies about the pandemic, climate change and his tax-returns are well known, but his biggest lie may well be that his opponent, Joe Biden, is some extreme leftist, a communist even, who will destroy America if voted into the presidency. This would be laughable if not so many of his followers believed this nonsense. Biden is infamous among leftists for being a self proclaimed "Republican Light", and he refuses to cater to the left wing of the Democratic voter base in any way shape or form; he even said he would veto healthcare for all if it would reach his desk in the Oval Office, would he become the next president. Almost nothing coming out of Donald Trump's mouth is truthful, and that's setting a new low bar, even for politicians.

I'll leave you with a short video of one of the smartest people I know. Carl Sagan isn't among us anymore, unfortunately, but he knew that not having healthcare for all, and having homeless people in your country, having poverty in a country as powerful and rich as America is a choice, not "just the way things are". It's part from a 1989 interview and even then America was expanding their military power into space; anyone remember the "Star Wars" program? Sagan's conclusion is the right one; there's more than enough money to enable every American citizen to lead a decent life, it's just that money's spent (by choice) on the wrong stuff...

Oh, one more thing: "The Big Lie" is also the title of a book by far right grifter Dinesh D'Souza. That book has the telling subtitle "Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left". I don't believe I have to tell my readers anything about the Orwellian doublespeak at play here; The Big Lie by Dinesh D'Souza is part of The Big Lie discussed in this post.

Ted Turner asks Carl Sagan if he is a socialist.

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