Trump Is Life!

Okay, you all know that's not what I believe. But I stumbled upon this video today that I want to share with all of you, and the creator of that video literally says at one point that for him, Trump is life. It's already gotten more than 100,000 views, and it's from a economically struggling black man who wants to show his gratitude towards Tim Pool and Donald Trump.


source: YouTube

So, this kind of video makes me so sad; this man sincerely believes that Tim Pool, one of the dumbest grifters I've ever seen, maybe topped only by Dave Rubin, and Donald Trump gave him the second chance in life he's so grateful for. He speaks, like many of Trump's supporters, of a "silent majority" of people who don't want to admit it openly, but will be voting for Trump come November. That in itself should be a red flag for all those who think they belong to that silent majority (let's hope it's not an actual majority); if you admit in advance that voting for Trump is something you're so ashamed of you won't even own up to that decision... Well, what can I say? Nothing, that's what. Nothing will convince these people otherwise.

The man in the video, Gary Lamb going by his YouTube name, says that he doesn't have time to worry about politics; the example he gives is that he doesn't have the luxury to worry about things like Roe vs. Wade, all he has time for is trying to survive and making enough money to feed his family. And he's convinced that Trump gave him the chance to manage that. He rightfully complains about the Democrats though; everyone should believe him immediately when he says they never did anything for him. But to then go on and claim that Trump or the Republicans DID...? That's tragic. Watch the video please, and see a man who slaves two jobs and is so beaten down by life that he's actually grateful to have the privilege to have to slave those two jobs. That's tragic. So is Tim Pool's response to this thank-you-video: Bro, appreciate it man. I just do my thing, I tell my story, I express my feelings. Its a crazy world but you're proving the dream is real Dream? I think you mean nightmare...

I can't blame Gary Lamb and the millions of Americans who think the same; if you're struggling like he has to, to just stay honest and work so hard every day to just stay out of debt, of course you're not politically literate. We, you and I, dear reader, we have the LUXURY to have time left for all that Roe vs. Wade nonsense. But the thing is, it SHOULDN'T be a luxury; there can't be a functional democracy if people don't have time to take their power seriously. To help along democracy we could for example start by making "voting day" a holiday; do you know how many people can't even vote because they have to work, especially in times of economic hardship, when voting is maybe more important than at any other time?

I'm so glad that Gary Lamb is doing relatively well, and that he didn't take his own life when he was down and almost out. But please, don't thank Tim Pool and Trump. Thank yourself and be proud of what you've managed to accomplish despite the dire circumstances under which you've accomplished it. And thank the people who gave you the chance to do so and who supported you when you almost gave up on life. And don't say things like "there are black men who don't steal and don't deal", because the implication is that most black men are criminals and don't want to make something out of themselves. Making that sort of language your own you CAN thank Trump and Tim Pool for, but that's nothing to be proud of. I have upvoted the video though, and if you can, do the same, dear readers; Gary's just trying to survive here, and who knows, maybe this can be the start of a beautiful YouTube career for him...

Message to Tim Pool

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