Mother Earth And The Priceless Gift, Water.

When I see people recording a chaotic incident or accident rather than rescuing the situation to avoid casualty or more injuries, I ask myself what has happened to humanity. One of the things that mother earth gave to us as humanity was piety, love and good neighborliness. Today, even though there are skeletons of the show of love, piety and neighbour lines among people, the world has been ravaged by the direct opposite of what the earth has to offer.

Mohammad Samir

I watched a movie recently where a neighbour made cookies and presented some to her neighbour. One would never believe that such still exist in our world. Everyone is suspicious of his or her neighbour. In most cases, when a neighbour brings something that is edible, we collect but as soon as they turn their back, we dispose of those items. This is what our world has become. Between you and I our world can only get better when we choose to do the right things.


Mother earth was the first giver. Most of the most expensive things that humanity enjoys today are given free of charge by humanity. Can you imagine how it would cost you a cylinder of oxygen in the hospital, whereas, we get it free in the atmosphere courtesy of Mother Earth. Stretching a hand of fellowship to vulnerable people around us is what we should do with joy in our hearts.

I am fully aware of the fact that the hand of the giver is always up. But away from this philosophy of receiving, we should give out of the desire to help somebody who is in dire need of a particular thing. This makes the world go around. It will be painful to people who do not have the resources while others have in excess. When everyone has a quantum, it helps to reduce crime, frustration and other emotional problems in society.


One of the gifts that nature has given man is laughter. In my tribe, laughter is considered a gift. So, when you greet someone, add a smile or some laughter to your greeting. Your laughter is very important because it could be therapy for your soul and for the life of someone who is losing hope.

Samad Deldar


The freest gift of nature that man has received is water.

He who brings water, brings life.

In the Igbo parlance, water is life. This must have been that the Igbo people are far away from coastal life. They had to suffer trekking long distances to get water for domestic use.
The people depended solely on rain water for farming purposes. All that as in the medial period or primitive times. As a result of scarcity of water, people have ensured to use water with care.

Today, through technology, water can be dug in the hinterland. The drilling machines must dig thousands of meters to be able to reach good water. Many homes in the eastern part of Nigeria can boast of drinkable water and water for general domestic use.
However, one common thing has plagued the use of water in our society of today and that is wastage. At different levels, people have bonitoly wasted water.
I think there should be advocacy water. Peoole should b educated on the importance of quality water for all and the threat against water that has been published currently by the United Nations agencies on food and health.
When a high percentage of people are aware that good water is at a risk of going into extinction, then our minds will grow towards working out a system to secure one of the greatest gifts of nature to humanity.

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