Almost Everything Planted

Hello everyone! 馃槑

That's the third post about my fieldwork this season. It's meant for me for the archives and for everyone else who follows my farming.

In the first post two months ago I briefly described how I started to clean the field, in the second two weeks ago how we plowed the field and started planting, and now here is the third post where the field is almost all planted.

Tomatoes first! I dug holes for the seedlings and installed support poles, wooden, 1.5 m high. Last year I had some smaller ones, but in the autumn everything broke, so this year I decided to put in bigger and stronger ones.
My wife and I planted three varieties of tomatoes, seedlings, including one type of cherry tomato. Atos is in control. :) 馃榿

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Then four types of regular, non-spicy peppers, I chose them because they are different colors.
Last year they were small, probably because we watered them too little (almost nothing).

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Next up were Hokkaido pumpkins, which are very tasty roasted, and we also use them to make soups. They are very hardy and last the whole winter in the cellar.

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After two weeks, the potatoes are out. Thought it would take longer because we planted our last year's potatoes and not this year's seed, but it didn't.

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I almost forgot to mention that I also planted four chili seedlings. I did this last year and made more than two liters of very strong homemade chilli sauce from about one and a half kilograms of chilies. It's so strong that there are a few bottles left :)
I bought various seedlings and planted them next to tomatoes, apparently, they shouldn't be next to regular peppers because then everything gets hot...

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The field is slowly taking shape. For now, it's good because the weeds are not growing so fast and there are no snails to be seen.

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It would be good if it started to rain so that I don't have to water. Otherwise, I have a river next to me from which I can fill my water tank, so that won't be a problem either.

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And finally, dinner for today. I expected no more asparagus, but I still picked up about half a kilo. They will be great with eggs in a fritaja. This recipe is for wild asparagus but the cultivated ones will be just as tasty.

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Thank you for your attention and continue following in my farming!

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Stay Healthy!

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