Take The Leap

Hi Ladies of Hive today I want to share my experiment with you about teen years ago I got divorced after 5 years of marriage I married when I was sixteen years old.

the first year we were extremely happy after one year I got pregnant that is made us happier we started to plan our lives for the baby everything was perfect.

suddenly when I had just finished six months of my pregnancy I went into labor so I got a Premature birth it was a boy.

At first, I was afraid cause he was too small he weights one and a half kilogram it was very difficult for me to take care of him.

then I used to his routine after four months when he got his third inoculation he got sick we took him to many doctors they told us that he got a spoiled vaccine and he had a hydrocephalus
and we must do surgery to liquid withdrawal around his brain.

It was not easy and took almost four hours after the surgery succeeded and he restored his health he died after eighteen days.

he was just seven months old so he couldn't stand the Operation complications.


Anyway, we couldn't resume our lives together so we decided to get a divorce.

After my divorce I stayed home for two years I couldn't absorb what happened the death, the divorcement, and how I got back to my parent's house it took me a while to continue my life.

After two years I decided to resume my study I graduated from high school when I was twenty-three years old (It is better to come late than never to come).

Someday When I was watching a series (how I met your mother) the last episode from season four when ted wasn't Satisfied with his life, his friend Lily told him that "Take the Leap".



It hit me that I should take the leap so I submitted my papers to college I wanted to start living the life I passed with my early marriage.


They accepted me after three weeks so I started to go to college and met new friends I was a persevering student who never missed an exam or lecture it helped me to keep my mind busy so I get rid of the overthinking.

At the third stage of college, at the finals my big sister passed away it was a big shock for me and my family I found myself getting back feelings of giving up everything but at this time I was stronger so I just postponed the rest of my exams to decide what to do I used to study all the day long so I leaped again I could give up to grief but I turned it all to power.

A power that helps me to continue.

So I kept studying for three months instead of crying, I passed the tests and took first place on my colleagues.

I learned how to turn any feelings into a good product.

After four years of studying, I finished college First in my batch, it was an amazing feeling.

We can all live our feelings and take the time to heal but the important thing is we should never give up even when we are alone cause in must situation no one else can help if you do not decide to resume your life never be easy to surrender and we all should have positive energy however the hardness we get through.

Being a woman is being a mix of kindness and hardness we just have control over the appropriate behavior with any action.

Thank you all I hope you enjoy reading this post and get positive energy from it.

You should take the leap.

PS: the first and third photos were taken by me I published my first pic on my personal blog on FB.

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