Hive community spotlight #33: Interview with @ravenmus1c


It's already the 33rd edition of the hive community spotlight and I gladly welcome you all here.
Today we have another remarkable user on the spotlight and I'm so happy to introduce her to y'all. Here we have @ravenmus1c on the spotlight!!!
Please stay tuned as there are a lot you can learn here!

Who is @ravenmus1c


@ravenmus1c is a multifaceted content creator on Hive, known for her love of music, gaming, and community engagement. She shares her musical talents, thoughts, and projects on the platform, all while maintaining a lively presence.

Her story is very is very interesting and inspiring as we'll see from this post!

Here is a little summary of the interview with @ravenmus1c.

About @ravenmus1cMusician and graphic designer from Germany; active in electronic music with multiple aliases.
Music StyleDescribes as “Raventronic”; influenced by 90s rave, black rap, and reggaeton.
Favorite Song“Dance!” - Personal significance as a coming out song; won a German music contest.
Hive CommunityValues Hive for its supportive community; engaged with various Hive projects and games.
Blogging InterestsFocuses on new music, occasional weekend activities, and Hive games.
Creative ProcessSlowed down due to burnout; now focuses on relaxation and creating without pressure.
InfluencesDiverse range including Iron Maiden, Van Halen, 90s rave music, Ludacris, and Shawnna.
Hive ProjectsInvolved with “Rising Star,” “CraftInk,” “Rise Of The Pixels,” and others; founded the Hive Music Video Foundation.
Advice for New CreatorsEmphasizes high-quality content, authenticity, and involvement in projects.
Suggestions for Future Interviews“TheKittyGirl” and “Jux.”

Interview with ravenmus1c

Read full interview section below:


Can you tell us a bit about yourself, What inspired you to join Hive and start sharing your music and other interests here?

My name is Raven and I am a musician and graphics designer from Germany. I started playing the drums at the age of 13, taking lessons and playing in many bands during the last 20 years. 10 years ago, I realized that I also wanted to make electronic music, so I studied Audio Engineering at an online school to understand mixing and mastering.


It was a long – and sometimes frustrating- journey but I am happy to finally be able to call myself a professional at music.

Right now, I am working on many projects at the same time. I have a new band where I play the drums in that is called “BANANA PANCAKES”, apart from that I produce music under several alias:

Raven – That is my heart project, it´s the music that is really ME, that I love producing. It has a very own style so it´s hard to describe. Electronic mixed with experimental and rap.

BeaTraxx– I produce music under this alias that is copyright free. Mostly I produce for a meanwhile big label that is called “Panda Beats”. We want to give streamers and video makers music that they can use without getting any copyright problems. It is very successful and I recently hit more than 35k monthly listeners on my Spotify profile! That is a huge number for me and I am very proud of it. I produce different genres like LoFi, Halloween music and Synthwave with this alias.

Binaural Concept – I produce meditation and relaxation music with this alias. I started producing it for myself to help me against my ADHD, and then I realized it was good enough to put it out there.

Music was and remains a very tough business and it was frustrating at times. It´s hard to earn a fair amount of money for all the work put in. Today everyone thinks music is available everywhere and for free. But it is important for us creatives, that people understand the work that is behind a creative product and value it. I can still not live from the income of my music, but this year, I got a big step closer to it! So I remain confident that in 1 or 2 years, I can quit my normal job (film studio).

I joined Hive around 6 years ago, looking for more ways to promote my music, and trying to find good communities of other musicians. For me, Hive remains the best “social media” platform. People are very friendly (well most) and very supportive. I got great feedback for my music, and true fans! And also found some great friends here.


You describe your music as "Female Fronted Electronic Rap." How did you come to define your style, and what influences have shaped your sound?


Like I stated above, finding the exact genre names is hard for my music, because it is somehow different, and doesn´t fit well into a single genre. If someone asks, I often describe my music as “Raventronic”, because it is somehow unique. 😄


For me it was important to have a “female fronted” music. Because women – professional women – are still underpresented in the music scene and often also undervalued. People don´t seem to put the same trust of knowledge and professionality into them as into men. It´s harder for women to be taken serious in this business, and I want to do my little part to change that in the long run.

I definitely got strongly influenced with different styles, which you can hear clearly in my music. One big influence is the 90s rave music that was very popular in Germany. Many other countries don´t even know it though. I love old, analogue sounds.

Another influence is black rap and reggaeton music. I love rap music, and also got influenced by many, such as Shawnna and Ludacris.


What is your favorite song that you've created, and why does it hold a special place for you?


My favourite song is “Dance!”. This one was very important for me personal, because it was my official coming out that I am into girls. I had problems accepting this myself for a long time, got bullied back in school for it. And it was important to make a song about it, to show the world: “Hey that’s me, if you like it or not, but I am ok the way I am!” Apart from that, I won a german Song and Production Contest with it. And this was a huge appreciation for me as a musician.


What do you find most rewarding about being part of the Hive community?


The Hive community is very engaged, friendly and highly supportive! I had a great start here, and have been treated like a star, which was very confusing for me in the beginning haha! I think I found some real fans, that support me whenever they can. And this is something that is hard to get today, as a small musician. The last years it was much harder for me to find fans and engagers in “normal” social media pages.

My music is very niche and different and I have the feeling that Hive is the right place for “different, so it´s great to see that so many people value my music here.

Also Hive holds many possibilities for musicians. For example I made music for 3 game projects on Hive already.


Besides music, what other topics or interests do you enjoy writing about on your blog?


Right now, I don´t have much time for blogging, and when I write, I mostly write about new music I made. Sometimes I used to blog about weekend activities and vacation trips I made, or about Hive games. I am a huge game fan in general, and I try to support and play Hive games as much as I can.


How do you stay creative and motivated in your work? Do you have any routines or practices that help you maintain your creative flow?


The last months I slowed down with music and work in general, because I had a burn out in April, and I suffer from a lot of chronic physical problems. I worked way too much the last years, and to be honest feeling like I had to post on Hive regularly put me under big pressure. That´s why I slowed down with posting and making music a lot. I worked way too many hours a week, and during these hours I worked way too fast to get everything done.

At some point I felt as if I couldn't breathe anymore. So right now every day I am trying to relax as much as I can besides my normal work. And I only make music or post about something if I feel like it. I had too many routines that completely put me into a cage the last years. And I freed myself from them finally. I just try to listen to my body, relax, enjoy life and do what feels right at that day. And the paradox thing is: Since I am doing this, the numbers of listeners and streams I have got much more, I am earning more money with it, and can finally slow down and think positive about it, because it starts working and the hard work of the last 9 years pays off. It´s great to see that this can happen WITHOUT me stressing so much over it like the last years. So yes, I don´t have any routines and practices for my creative flow anymore. I think real creativity only works if you have enough time and pauses in between where you DON´T have to be creative. You need to give yourself the time to recharge this battery. Then it seems to work best.


I am still working on many music projects. It´s not like I´ve given up on them. I just think: It will be done when it will be done, I don´t set deadlines anymore. I am no robot and I can´t go on like the last years, or I would work myself to death someday. If this process takes too long for people, well… They don´t have to stay with me. I just need to do what is best for me finally to be able to go on.


Who are some artists or bands that you admire and draw inspiration from?


That is always hard to answer, since there have been hundreds of bands and rappers that inspire me. I listen to all genres of music. If I like a song, I like it, no matter what genre it is or who made it.

For drumming I get inspired from many bands like Iron Maiden, Van Halen or Paramore.

For producing music it was mostly the 90s rave music in Germany and black rap like Ludacris and Shawnna. Also Robyn.


Are there any projects or communities on Hive that you’re actively involved in?


I created a lot for the Hive game “Rising Star” during the first year when it was built and finally came out. I loved a web3 game about music and wanted to support. I created sound effects, icons, stem files for instruments, and finally became a legendary card in the game itself, which players can collect.

After that I started creating music for the Hive game “CraftInk”, but sadly that is on hold right now.

In the beginning of this year, I started producing music for the Hive game “Rise Of The Pixels”.

I also started working on my own web3 game. The game idea and mechanics are all done on paper already. But I had to give up on it for now, because I have no developer that can code the game, and also due to my health situation, I just paused some projects. It´s the same here. I am sure I will build it someday, but it will come when it´s the right time. Right now, I prioritize things that feel good for my mental health and body. And that is mostly playing the drums, producing some chilled music like LoFi.

I founded the “Hive Music Video Foundation”. We interviewed a lot of musicians and wrote about music news and opportunities on Hive. I love this blog, but also had to pause this. And since we have no one else writing for us right now, sadly the project is on hold too. I really wish I have time and energy in the future to keep going with it. I think it would be a great thing for the Hive music scene.


What advice would you give to aspiring musicians and content creators who are just starting out on Hive?


Keep going is the key. If you think you just register here and get rich quick, I need to disappoint you. It was a lot of work for sure, but much easier than on other social media platforms.

Keep posting HIGH QUALITY content. This really helped me a lot. Put effort into your posts, make them look like pieces of art, put pictures into them, format them nicely. And write about interesting and quality things.

Be yourself. Don´t put a mask on, be honest and open, and show your personality. Hive loves upright people that tell about their inner feelings, background infos about the music. Hive wants to know: Who are you? What inspired you? Etc.

Just uploading your music without your story behind it won´t help much.

Get involved in projects. Make music for projects, support them, offer your help.


Who would you like to see interviewed next in our Hive Community Spotlight series?


I am not sure, who you´ve already interviewed to be honest.

But my suggestions would be “TheKittyGirl” – she is a big part of Hive for me, runs communities for women, and also communities for helping newbies on the chain.

“Jux” – the developer of the game “Rising Star”. He did a huge part for the music scene on Hive, and is always humble and modest.


Project/Community highlight

  1. Rising Star: Raven created sound effects, icons, stem files for instruments, and became a legendary card in the game.

  2. CraftInk: Raven started creating music for this Hive game, but the project is currently on hold.

  3. Rise Of The Pixels: Raven started producing music for this Hive game at the beginning of this year.

  4. Own Web3 Game: Raven has an idea and mechanics for her own web3 game, but the project is currently paused due to lack of a developer and her focus on health.

  5. Hive Music Video Foundation: Raven founded this project, which interviewed musicians and wrote about music news and opportunities on Hive. The project is currently on hold due to lack of contributors.
    Hive Music Video Foundation: @hmvf/posts

Check out @ravenmus1c's Blog below

Raven's music links:
Raven -
BeaTraxx -

Binaural Concept - Spotify


Raven has her own token on Hive. You can read everything about it here:



Thank you so much, @ravenmus1c, for sharing your incredible journey and insights with us in this 33rd edition of the Hive Community Spotlight. Your dedication to your music, your openness about your personal experiences, and your contributions to the Hive community are truly inspiring. We appreciate your willingness to offer valuable advice and share your creative process. Your passion and commitment make a significant impact, and we're grateful for the chance to highlight your work. Thank you for being a remarkable part of the Hive community!


And that wraps up our 33rd edition of the Hive Community Spotlight. We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about Raven's experiences and insights as much as I have.
Stay tuned for more amazing interviews and stories in our upcoming editions. If you have suggestions for future Spotlight guests or want to share your own story, feel free to reach out. Until next time, keep shining and supporting each other in the Hive community!


Special thanks to:


For their valuable support. See you all in the next edition 🤗

View Previous interviews here 👇


All images of Raven used in this post was shared to me by her

20% reward of this post goes to the interviewee



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