Hive Community Spotlight #6: Interview with @enginewitty


20% of this post reward goes to the interviewee!

Hello friends, and welcome to the 6th edition of the community spotlight! we are back with another special spotlight. In this edition we are very much honored to have @enginewitty interviewed!
He's one of the amazing folks here on Hive who's been making a big difference. Enginewitty is a seasoned community and an active contributor to the hive blockchain. He's a big deal around here!

In the interview with him, we will learn about his motivation for creating the PIMP district and TheAlliance as well the valuable insight he shares about community/project building and some great tips he has for newbies. Sit still and learn what they are from the interview: 🤗

IQ 1: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey on the Hive platform? How did you first get involved with Hive?

Enginewitty: "My journey to Hive is a little different than others. I was suggested it by the guy that created it (Stan Larimer) while working on some BTC wallets and screwing around with BitShares. I declined at the time and a year later picked it up. It has since evolved quite a bit from the time when I found it."

IQ 2: What motivated you to create The PIMP District and The Alliance, and what are the goals and missions of these communities?

Enginewitty: "The Alliance. The original Hive fam and likely one of the first 5 actual communities on Hive. I actually started this on Facebook (before I got kicked off for being a crypto buff) and is where I met several people that are still there to this day like @tattoodjay and @thedamus. The goal was to create a team to grow together and provide a support system of real people. The PIMP District kind of evolved on its own. While the community aspect is adored in places like The Alliance, the PIMPs are all about money and how to get more of it. Money is a major aspect of being in crypto. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar. It started in the Alliance castle, but had to have its own space due to people confusing how they operated individually."

IQ 3: How do you envision the future of The PIMP District and The Alliance evolving, and what initiatives or projects do you have planned to further enhance their impact?

Enginewitty: "The Alliance will just continue to be what it is and what it will represent. Support and love. We have a strong sense of paying it forward and will carry that indefinitely. We often do contests, like our most recent one - Have a Heart - where we hid several Valentine's Day hearts out there on Hive that if found, garnered the person prizes. The District will continue to add value to its token and keep gathering assets. Currently, we have 55 oz of pure silver in our physical vault - the only token backed by precious metals - and over $30k worth of various things on chain. We aim to double this by the end of the year."

IQ 4: What challenges have you faced in managing and leading these communities, and how have you overcome them?

Enginewitty: "Challenges huh? Just maintaining them is a challenge. If I don't show up, who else will? By continuing to support people in the fam (The Alliance) and line people's wallets in The District, they grow organically by themselves. I have to give a huge shout out to @thekittygirl here, because she has really stepped up and helped out both communities a lot with her Discord presence. Thank you Kitty, I Love You!"

IQ 5: In addition to your community roles, you're also an active content creator and curator on Hive. Can you tell us about your experience with content creation and curation, and how it complements your community-building efforts?

Enginewitty: "The content creation and curation is amplified and coupled with both the communities I lead and many others I am a part of in some form. I try to make posts and include them in all the ones I'm in, but it is difficult. Tagging is a huge factor as everything I post now, has both #thealliance and #pimp on there. It gets them seen a little more and helps out all the others involved that also carry the tags."

IQ 6: What advice would you give to aspiring community leaders or those looking to start their own initiatives on Hive?

Enginewitty: "If I were to give any advice to an aspiring leader or project head, it would be to stay consistent. The more people see you believe in something, the more they will believe in you and when it comes right down to it, that's all it really is."

IQ 7: What advice would you give to newbies joining Hive?

Enginewitty: "I wish I could give noobz some advice, but I really can't. Everyone's experience will be different. Some will find help in places like The Terminal or even The Alliance. I suppose the best advice I can give someone is to seek out like-minded individuals. If you're a gamer, join some gaming discord servers or follow some people on X. If you are an artist, plug into some community that suits you. Birds of a feather and all that, and believe you me, there are a lot of feathers on Hive."

Thank you so much @enginewitty for the honor of this interview. its clear that consistency, support, and finding like-minded individuals are key to success on Hive, We appreciate your sharing your story with us, And as you always say: "Always be you!" 🤗

So thank you dear friends for staying to this point, I hope you've learnt something from here. Don't forget to get involved in The PIMP District and The Alliance, and explore the endless possibilities for growth and connection on Hive! Leave your thoughts and questions in the comments below!

Also comment if you have anyone else in mind you want to interview. Thank you @thekittygirl for this suggestion and for your support always!

See you in the next edition!!! 🤗

Previous Editions

Community spotlight introduced

Hive community spotlight #1. Premiere with @thekittygirl 🌟

Community spotlight #2 Featuring @shadowspub

Community Spotlight #3: Interview with Dreemsteem

Community Spotlight #4: Interview with Juliakponsford-aka-alien-honey

Hive Community Spotlight #5: Interview with @bluefinstudios



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