Hive community spotlight Edition 30 ✨: Interview with @sirenahippie


Welcome to the 30th edition of our Hive Community Spotlight series! This week, we’re delighted to bring you an in-depth conversation with the remarkable @sirenahippie, a cherished member of the Hive community who has made significant contributions through her various roles and initiatives. From the challenges of navigating the blockchain to founding and managing communities, @sirenahippie's journey is both inspiring and enlightening.

Who is @sirenahippie?

@Sirenahippie, hailing from Venezuela, began her Hive journey in June 2020. Her entry into the Hive ecosystem was driven by the economic challenges in her country, which motivated her to explore new avenues of income and personal expression. Over the years, she has grown to become a prominent figure on Hive, not only as a content creator but also as a community leader and moderator. Her commitment to documenting her life experiences, sharing knowledge, and promoting veganism has resonated with many in the community.

Key Highlights

Joining HiveMotivated by the economic crisis in Venezuela, @sirenahippie joined Hive in June 2020, seeking new opportunities and growth.
Early ChallengesFaced technological hurdles and needed to develop patience and discipline. Overcame these with the help of the Hive community and her determination.
Personal Growth on HiveHive became a platform for documenting her life, organizing her knowledge, and learning about the crypto world. It also provided social connection during the pandemic.
Plant Power (Vegan)Took over the community to promote veganism, healthy food alternatives, and a love for nature. It is her platform to inspire others towards a compassionate and sustainable lifestyle.
Amazing DrinksFounded the community to celebrate all kinds of beverages, creating a space where users can share their love for drinks, both vegan and non-vegan, except for coffee and beer, which have their own niches.
Moderation at FoodiesValues her role as a moderator, where she has learned about global cuisines and the art of curation. Considers Foodies Bee Hive as one of her own communities, and it has been a great source of learning and growth.
Advice for NewcomersEncourages new Hivers to create honest, high-quality content, engage with the community, and always strive for excellence. Recommends avoiding bad practices like plagiarism and emphasizes the importance of understanding community rules.
Support for CommunityActively engages with her communities through guidance, educational posts, and rewarding consistent participants. Also, she creates a warm atmosphere by celebrating birthdays and organizing special events like the upcoming third anniversary of Plant Power (Vegan).
Dream Dish to makeAspires to veganize Asado Negro, a traditional Venezuelan Christmas dish, as it holds deep cultural and personal significance for her.
Ideal Dinner GuestsWould invite @lizelle, @carolynstahl, and to a vegan dinner, as she admires their knowledge, experience, and life philosophies that resonate with her own values.
PhilosophyBelieves in the power of actions over words, embodying the principle "FACTA, NON VERBA" in her work on Hive. She views every publication as a reflection of herself and strives to leave a legacy of excellence for future generations.

Interview with @sirenahippie


Tell us a bit about yourself, What inspired you to join Hive, and how has your journey been since you started in June 2020?


In June 2020, the economic and structural crisis in my country, Venezuela, had been going on for several years. I was working for myself, as I had been doing for decades, but my business at the time, providing methodological advice on research, was in deep decline. The people who used to be my clients had already dropped out of university or simply did not have enough income to pay my fees, so I decided to diversify my productive activities.

That's how I came to Hive, and that happened because I read a publication on the web, not on Hive, by a Venezuelan blogger who was talking about the previous blockchain. He recommended sending an email to get an account there, so I did. This happened, if I remember correctly, in March 2020. Time passed and I didn't get an answer, so I wrote to this person from the publication, and then he told me about the hardfork that happened at that time, and he recommended Hive to me. So I went to open my Hive account in June 2020, which I did with high hopes, but also with many doubts and total ignorance of what a blockchain is. This is how I started my journey in Hive.


How has the Hive community influenced your work and personal growth over the years?


I am convinced that Hive is not only a freelance job that allows me to generate income, but also a wonderful way to document my time on this planet, in this existence, in this life. Everything I write on my personal Hive blog, all the work I do in my communities, documents and reflects who I am and the circumstances I experience over the days, weeks, months and years. Each publication is a little piece of me, my thoughts and beliefs, and the experiences I live every day; therefore, I always try to do good work, clear and honest, and I strive for excellence, because my publications will last forever, and in the future they will be able to be read by my descendants.

On the other hand, Hive has given me something very valuable, which is the ability to systematize, organize, analyze, and apply the knowledge I have. In this way, a lot of the things I know, I dedicate myself to reviewing them, purifying them, and then recording them in my posts so that they do not get diluted over time.

Likewise, Hive has allowed me to expand my horizons by wanting to learn more. An example of this is the knowledge I have gained about the crypto world, which before Hive was limited to managing bitcoin, bitcoincash, and other cryptos.

Another valuable influence that Hive has offered me, and for which I am very grateful, is the opportunity to meet people (good and bad) virtually, who have been a source of learning for me. On the other hand, during the time of the pandemic, it became a space to socialize with others, which was nutritious and valuable.


What challenges have you faced on Hive, and how have you overcome them?


The challenges were in two areas: The first, the technological part and the intrinsic knowledge of the functioning of the blockchain, which, although I only know part of it, allows me to make a life in Hive, both with my personal blog, as well as to maintain in operation the communities that are in my charge: Foodies Bee Hive, which I manage; and the communities I own: Plant Power (Vegan) and Amazing Drinks. How could I meet this challenge? With the help of more experienced hivers who gave me timely guidance, which I greatly appreciate, and also by observing my environment and carefully analyzing the operations and functioning of other accounts.

The second challenge is related to patience, perseverance and discipline, values that I have strengthened during my four years at Hive, because when you start from scratch, as I did, this is the only thing that guarantees that you can obtain the fruits of the work done on the blockchain.


Can you tell us more about the motivation behind starting Plant Power (Vegan) and what you hope to achieve with initiative?


Many people may not know this, but Plant Power (Vegan) was not founded by me, but was given to me after a while. I started there from the beginning as a curator and moderator because I am part of the Natural Medicine community and I was called to work in the vegan community. After certain events, Plant Power (Vegan) was given to me, making it my first and most beloved community.

At this point, I feel it is appropriate to reiterate something I have said in other posts and comments, and that is that I am not 100% vegan, and that is because I have not yet made the full transition. You could say that I am almost vegetarian, but not vegan, and my personal circumstances do not yet allow me to do so, but it is a goal that I aspire to in the future. And something has to be considered: Veganism goes beyond the gastronomic part, it is a philosophy of life and a set of values based on respect and love for all of creation, including nature, animals, plants and human beings, and this is reflected in the actions and choices we make every day.

What do I hope to achieve with the existence of the Plant Power (Vegan) Community? Well, to make others aware of the love and respect that they should have for Mother Earth, to make them understand that man is not the pinnacle of creation and the planet, but that we are just another creature in this beautiful place called Earth, that it is our only home in the immensity of the cosmos, and that this love and respect be put into practice through real actions and with changes in consumption habits, including diet and the practice of environmentally friendly habits. If you read my profile, you will see that there is a maxim in Latin that says: FACTA, NON VERBA, which means FACTS, NOT WORDS, and I think that words are not everything, facts are. A world can be created with the mouth, with words, but it remains only that, in words that are carried away by the wind. Not the facts, the facts remain and create changes.

However, I think it is necessary to point out that Plant Power (Vegan)'s niche is gastronomic, related to food. Only on specific occasions, I make an exception and call for initiatives or contests whose theme is different from gastronomic. So my idea is to motivate people to look for other healthy and varied food alternatives, so I always invite them to look for vegan recipes on other social networks and in specialized recipe books. Also, on certain occasions, I organize contests and initiatives related to ways of expressing vegan love besides food, for example, highlighting recycling, reuse, love for trees, etc. In summary, Plant Power (Vegan) wants to promote the love for nature, for the planet, but mainly focusing on food, cooking, vegan gastronomy.


What led you to found Amazing Drinks, and how does it align with your love for nature and food?


Amazing Drinks was born because I saw that many users were posting drinks and teas on Plant Power (Vegan), so I thought it was necessary to create a niche exclusively for drinks. This is how my beloved Amazing Drinks was born, which is not exclusively vegan, but all kinds of drinks can be shared: Vegan or not, medicinal or not, liqueurs, etc. (both recipes and reviews and experiences), with the exception of coffee and beer, since those two drinks have their own niches.

In terms of how it fits with my love and respect for nature and food, I think it fits perfectly, as it gives continuity to the philosophy I had already worked with at Foodies Bee Hive and Plant Power Vegan, and which I continued in Amazing Drinks. That is why I made its niche broad to include all the experiences people have with drinking. Beverages are sources of health and pleasure, and can help us tune in to nature and food, making us feel great. Furthermore, drinking and eating almost always go hand in hand; and I firmly believe that both are ways of experimenting, sharing, and giving love, because when you make a recipe, or when you eat and share a delicious dish, or when you drink a refreshing drink, you are not only satisfying a physiological need for food and hydration, but you are also connecting with your emotions and memories, and becoming an act of love toward yourself and others. It is only necessary to connect with the experience and be aware of it to experience the fulfillment of food and drink, it is something that transcends the material, it is something energetic, spiritual.


What has your experience been like as a moderator at Foodies Bee Hive, and what have you learned from this role?


I have been a moderator at Foodies Bee Hive since January 2021 and it has been a wonderful experience. It has been a source of great learning because I can see authentic recipes from many parts of the world, I have been able to learn about the gastronomy of other continents and cultures and that is something invaluable. At Foodies Bee Hive, I also learned how to curate content and how to identify the good and the bad that we can find in the Hive. I had the support of the team and it was and is a very enjoyable experience. It is currently in my hands and I consider it one of my own communities.


What advice would you give to someone just starting out on Hive


For new Hivers I would say:

  • Always create good content, be very honest and always aim to build an excellent blog, remember that every publication is a reflection of yourself, so it is also important to be clear about your personal motivations for being on Hive, to create a coherent and consistent blog.

  • Never engage in bad practices such as plagiarism (text or images), paraphrasing, recycling posts, or farming.

  • It is also essential that you read the rules of each community you post to very carefully, and if you have any questions, contact the administrators and/or moderators before posting.

  • Likewise, I invite you to create sense community, visit, comment, vote, and reblog your colleagues' posts, as this is an ideal way to get to know others and create bonds of friendship that strengthen the social fabric of Hive, make the ecosystem stronger, and generate other activities and opportunities.

  • And whenever possible, increase your voting power, as this will allow you to strengthen your account and grow in Hive.


What do you do to support active participants in your various communities? And how do you think your community members feel when you show that you notice what they do?


I always try to guide the participants with comments, whether it beon my personal account or on the community accounts, although I do not always have enough time to do so. I also make educational publications that offer useful information to people, in addition to the various initiatives and contests that I usually organize in my communities.

On the other hand, for each Plant Power (Vegan) and Amazing Drinks curation, I choose three users to receive a small portion of the reward. I believe that users perceive these actions as something positive, and it helps create an atmosphere of community and familiarity, a climate of good vibes that can motivate users to continue creating good content. I know that I am also demanding, but having high standards in each community helps each user to strive for excellence.

I also try to create a nice environment for users by celebrating vegan birthdays, which I have been doing for almost a year now. Another initiative that I have done, especially at Christmas, is to give a little vegan love to each member of the vegan family, to each of the delegators and to those who follow the @plantpoweronhive trail, through a gift, through a little veganlove. By the way, I wanted to tell you that the Plant Power (Vegan) Community will be celebrating its third anniversary in September, so I hope to do some special activities. Stay tuned.


What’s a food or dish you’ve always wanted to try making vegan but haven’t yet, and why?


The Asado Negro (black roast). This is a Christmas dish from my country that I have been making since I was a child, and it is based on a cut of beef. There are vegan versions of it, but I haven't had the chance to make them yet. I would like to veganize this dish because it is part of my culture and connects me with very fond memories and feelings.


If you could invite three people, to a vegan dinner party, who would they be and why?


This is a difficult choice, as I like many Hivers on the platform, especially many members of the vegan family; but in choosing, I would like to invite:

  • @lizelle, because I admire her experience and career in Hive, and because I know she is open to veganism, and she is a person from a different culture than mine. It would be very enriching and enjoyable to share a vegan dinner with her.

  • @carolynstahl because she is a wonderful vegan chef who has great knowledge about vegan cuisine and her life is very interesting. I think it would be very fun and a great learning experience to share a vegan dinner with her.

  • because he is a person with a very special philosophy of life based on love for others and the planet, who is also vegan. I think it would also be very interesting and enriching to share a vegan dinner with him.

Finally, I would like to express my great appreciation for being chosen by @madilyn02 to be interviewed. I feel very honored and happy about it, and I hope that my answers, my experience and my knowledge, will be useful and inspiring, especially for new people coming to Hive. And to say goodbye, I will tell you what I always say at the end of every post: Remember: Not all days are created equal, and more importantly: Everything you give, everything you do, will inexorably come back to you. Hugs!


Project/Community Highlights

1. Plant Power (Vegan)

Purpose: Plant Power (Vegan) is a community dedicated to promoting veganism and plant-based living. It aims to create awareness about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle, not only for health but also for the environment and ethical treatment of animals.

Posts Allowed: Members can share recipes, tips on transitioning to a vegan diet, content related to plant-based nutrition. The community occasionally organizes initiatives and contests focused on veganism and environmental consciousness.

Goal: The goal of Plant Power (Vegan) is to inspire and encourage others to adopt a plant-based lifestyle by showcasing diverse and delicious vegan recipes, sharing knowledge about veganism, and fostering a supportive community for those interested in this lifestyle.

Upcoming Anniversary: In September, Plant Power (Vegan) will celebrate its third anniversary. To mark this special occasion, @sirenahippie plans to organize activities and events, which I'm guessing 😀 might likely include contests, initiatives, and special posts. Stay tuned to the community for updates!

Amazing Drinks

Purpose: Amazing Drinks is a community where members can share their love for beverages of all kinds. It is a space dedicated to exploring and enjoying different drinks, whether they are vegan, non-vegan, medicinal, or simply for pleasure.

Posts Allowed: Members can post recipes, reviews, and experiences related to all kinds of beverages, including teas, juices, smoothies, alcoholic drinks, and traditional remedies. The only exceptions are coffee and beer, which have their own dedicated communities.

Goal: The goal of Amazing Drinks is to create a broad platform for beverage enthusiasts to share their favorite drinks and discover new ones. It emphasizes the connection between beverages and the emotions, memories, and love that they evoke.

3. Foodies Bee Hive

Purpose: Foodies Bee Hive is a community for food lovers to share their culinary creations and experiences. It’s a space where members can explore and celebrate the diverse world of food and gastronomy from all around the globe.

Posts Allowed: Members can post recipes, cooking tips, food reviews, and anything related to the culinary arts. The community welcomes all types of cuisines and encourages sharing the cultural significance behind various dishes.

Goal: The goal of Foodies Bee Hive is to bring together a global community of food enthusiasts, where they can learn from each other, share their passion for food, and discover new culinary delights. The community also focuses on promoting healthy eating habits and preserving culinary traditions.


Thank you so much @sirenahippie for sharing your story, wisdom, and experiences with us. Your dedication to the Hive community and your passion for promoting veganism and healthy living are truly commendable. We hope your journey continues to inspire and guide many others on Hive.


As we conclude this special 30th edition of the Hive Community Spotlight, we invite you to connect with @sirenahippie, explore her communities, and engage with her insightful content. Whether you're an old time Hiver or new to the platform, there’s much to learn from her experiences.

If you enjoyed this interview, please leave a comment, share your thoughts, and reblog to spread the word. And as always, stay tuned for more inspiring stories in our upcoming editions!


Special thanks to:


For their valuable support. See you all in the next edition 🤗

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