Two Hive Accounts???

Hey friends! I wanted to take a moment to introduce and explain my new account, @rorykl, (video listing here) particularly since I’m not sure what a second account looks like to the Hive community overall. From where I stand, it seems like a good sign for Hive, but we’ll get into that here in a sec.

So, may of you know I started my online life at Reddit and transplanted here a little over a year ago. The things I liked most were the ease of use and freedom to upload videos with threespeak, and the fact that Hive didn’t automatically tell everyone in my phone contact list where to find me. I really enjoyed this first year being just me and the friends I could make organically through engagement…and honestly I still do.

…enter the new account…

So with that said, I still enjoy my anonymity, even as I dox myself. Personally, I know I’m running the risk that my original account (@albuslucimus) will no longer enjoy the full anonymity it once had. I hope that doesn’t really happen, but we never win by avoiding risks. I don’t care if all the friends of @albuslucimus know about @rorykl… albus is my crazy, personal, totally unprofessional just for fun account - but the new account is being established as my professional front end. It bears my real name and likeness and will be used to share content with potential venues. This account (@rorykl) is not planned to share personal details or thoughts, nor private things like my dream journals and home projects - this account is just straight forward (relatively) clean music recordings…so albus will keep on playing music while driving, but rory will only play in environments which are well suited to clean and professional musical recordings. Neither account will be releasing duplicate material, and rarely will you see me link the two accounts. I don’t care if people get from albus to rory, but I’m less fond of the idea of people getting from rory to albus…this just was a risk i had to take since i want to start playing live shows again.

Anyway i hope this makes sense, and that my doing so is not viewed as some kind of nefarious plot! Once i have ten or so videos on the rorykl account, i will begin sharing the link with venues and looking for gigs…tecordings of those live shows will also probably be shared exclusively through @rorykl. albus may put up some bloopers or informal jams etc, but anything related to live local performances will go up through the new professional account.

…now, earlier I said I thought this was a good thing for Hive…what did I mean by that? Quite simply, if all I wanted to use Hive as was a secret place to quietly post my weirdness, it would be like the social media equivalent of a booty call…but now I’m marrying Hive, putting my real name in there and creating an account to use publicly and professionally. Im risking my private playground for something I think is bigger; something that could be big for me but also a valuable step for the blockchain as well, since it will mean taking the Hive account public and doing some cross-posting/promotion.

Anyway, i’m curious what others think. Since doing this recently, I’ve also been wanting to post something to explain the point/intention. I’m hoping its not social suicide, like when Garth Brooks decided to become Chris Gaines or whatever - but something within me was nagging and pulling me in this direction, so I’m fairly certain this is what I’m supposed to be doing. Feel free to follow my new account, its going to have more straight forward music videos and less wild and crazy personality, so if youre into that, you may just dig it.

Ok, that’s it mostly. I just wanted to explain myself in case you find this uncanny doppelgänger out there jammin’ on the inter-Hives and go - what the!? Although its too late to unring this bell and im stuck with the choices I’ve made at this point, i welcome any input from others in terms of etiquette for navigating this dual-profile experience.


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